US Mexico Border
Recent papers in US Mexico Border
Recent research has shown the relevance of the gun trafficking phenomenon from the U.S. to understand the spike of violence experienced in Mexico during the last decade. Not all American sub-national states, however, contribute in the... more
Martín cruzó la línea que divide Estados Unidos y México solo una vez y para siempre. Jesús, en cambio, lo hizo en innumerables ocasiones, pues conoció el camino a la perfección. Ambos, Martín y Jesús, fueron mexicanos ilegales en Estados... more
This article looks at Mexican photographer Graciela Iturbide’s Cholos/as series taken on both sides of the border: in Los Angeles in 1986 and in Tijuana in 1989. The cholos/as, or gang members, have a complex relationship to Mexico; this... more
Con el objetivo de entender las dinámicas transnacionales del crimen organizado y la manera cómo los cambios en las tendencias regionales impactan en las situaciones nacionales y locales—y viceversa—el Woodrow Wilson Center convocó a un... more
Between 200 and 500 people have died every year along the United States-Mexico border since the late-1990s. The void of responsibility for migrant deaths is exemplified by the lack of care for and visibility of these bodies during the... more
The authors of this brief assert that amid mounting allegations of abuse of power at the U.S.-Mexico border, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) needs to incorporate measures to improve transparency and accountability, particularly in the... more
Cómo prepararse (aquí y allá) ante la amenaza anti-inmigrante
What is the significance of the things that migrants leave behind in contemporary border struggles? In what ways do places like the desert play a role in such struggles? And what is the status of people in this context? The author... more
La politique de militarisation de la frontière telle qu'on la connaît aujourd'hui a été initiée au début de
The Mexico-US border region is home to a particular hydraulic tradition with important social, cultural and environmental dimensions. This article discusses the ways that European, indigenous and mestizo colonists from central Mexico... more
This article considers how migrant deaths -particularly in the borderlands of Europe and the United States -relate to the speed at which migrants travel. It argues that the most dangerous boundaries for migrants, and the most difficult... more
Las páginas que siguen son un intento de delinear el estado del conocimiento sobre el papel de México como Estado de contención (buffer state) entre ee.uu. y Centroamérica, con base en los archivos gubernamentales y académicos así como... more
A lo largo de poco más de un siglo, la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos ha sido escenario de tres aproximaciones fílmicas que constantemente se han entrecruzado: la del cine de Hollywood, la del cine mexicano y la del cine... more
Fusion Centers are being developed all throughout the United States as an effort against crime, terrorism, and natural disasters with the intent of prevention and preparedness on a national level beginning at the local level. The need... more
Students enrolled in Andrea Lepage’s Spring Term course, Chicanx and U.S. Latinx Art and Muralism: From the Street to Staniar Gallery, interviewed artist Adriana Corral, whose exhibition “Unearthed: Desenterrado” was on display in Staniar... more
It has been decades since legislative issues have thought about social, defense, and compassionate issues of migration which has become a touchstone in U.S strategy discussion. Mexican migration to the U.S started in 1848. It has... more
This article places the transport companies at the heart of global mobility, where they naturally belong. It calls for interposing these third parties into the often-narrow view treating migration legislation and enforcement as a dual... more
Mexican migration to the United States has been a perpetual area of contention and controversy for U.S.-Mexico bilateral relations since the early twentieth century. In fact it has been such that throughout the decades following the 1920s... more
Because studies of migrants’ ‘medical returns’ have been largely confined to the field of public health, such forms of return migration are rarely contextualized within the rich social scientific literature on transnational migration.... more
The article is devoted to the study of gender differences in the speech of Russian Germans living in the territory of the Kirov region. The relevance of this study is due to the sociolinguistic significance of island dialectology... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
In March 2020, the United States government began a series of measures designed to dramatically restrict immigration as part of its response to the global health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This included Title 42, which... more
Why do Mexicans migrate to the US? In On the Move: Changing Mechanisms of Mexico-US Migration, Filiz Garip seeks to challenge overarching assumptions regarding the ‘typical’ Mexican migrant by instead showing the diverse experiences and... more
The approach in which the UMSCA is analyzed will influence the perspective on the development of the agreement. On this note, it can be said, the ratification of the UMSCA between the United States, Mexico and Canada; strengthens the... more
Objectives Thousands of migrants have died along the United States/Mexico border and many remain unidentified. The purpose of this research is to test whether estimations of population affinity, derived from craniometric data, can... more
El giro nativista en Estados Unidos, las promesas humanitarias de López Obrador y el colapso político en Centroamérica han provocado un cambio en la migración. Nuestro país tiene la experiencia diplomática e institucional para rechazar la... more
Why do Mexicans migrate to the US? In "On the Move: Changing Mechanisms of Mexico-US Migration", Professor Filiz Garip seeks to challenge overarching assumptions regarding the ‘typical’ Mexican migrant by instead showing the diverse... more