Tsallis Entropy
Recent papers in Tsallis Entropy
The availability of historical textual corpora has led to the study of words’ volume (i.e. frequency) along the historical time line, as representing the public’s focus of attention over time. However, study of the dynamics of words’... more
In addition to the well-known Shannon entropy, generalized entropies, such as the Renyi and Tsallis entropies, are increasingly used in many applications. Entropies are computed by means of nonparametric kernel methods that are commonly... more
Knowledge of the electronic structures of atomic and molecular systems deepens our understanding of the desired system. In particular, several information-theoretic quantities, such as Shannon entropy, have been applied to quantify the... more
In this work, we analyze two important stochastic processes, the fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise, within the framework of the Tsallis permutation entropy. This entropic measure, evaluated after using the Bandt &... more
In this article, we present a new algorithm to deal with foregroundbackground separation in very degraded documents. In particular, our work is applied to patrimonial document images which suffer from several types of degradation as aging... more
Maximum entropy principle does not seem to distinguish between the use of Tsallis and Renyi entropies as either of them may be used to derive similar power-law distributions. In this paper, we address the question whether the Renyi... more
In this paper we apply shape-from-shading to face images to extract fields of surface normals and make estimates of surface curvature attributes. The attributes studied include minimum and maximum curvature, mean and Gaussian curvature,... more
This paper describes a comparative study of the use of Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis entropies for designing Decision Tree, with goal to find more efficient alternatives applied to Intrusion Tolerant Systems. Decision Tree has been used in... more
In this paper we present a study of anomalous diffusion using a Fokker-Planck description with fractional velocity derivatives. The distribution functions are found using numerical means for varying degree of fractionality of the stable... more
This paper presents a fuzzy partition and Tsallis entropy based thresholding approach for multi-level image segmentation. Image segmentation is considered as one of the most critical tasks in image processing and pattern recognition area.... more
The thresholding process based on the optimization of one criterion only does not work well for a lot of images. In many cases, even when equipped with the optimal value of the threshold of its single criterion, the thresholding program... more
Intrusion Detection Systems of computer network perform their detection capabilit ies by monitoring a set of attributes from network traffic. Since some attributes may be irrelevant, redundant or even noisy, their usage can decrease the... more
The stationary states of the half-line Coulomb potential are described by quantum-mechanical wavefunctions which are controlled by the Laguerre polynomials $L_n^{(1)}(x$). Here we first calculate the $q$th-order frequency or entropic... more
One of the major issues studied in finance that has always intrigued, both scholars and practitioners, and to which no unified theory has yet been discovered, is the reason why prices move over time. Since there are several well-known... more
We consider the Shannon-Khinchin axiomatic systems for the characterization of generalized entropies such as Sharma-Mital and Frank-Daffertshofer entropy. We provide the generalization of Shannon-Khinchin axioms and give the corresponding... more
We review from the point of view of nonextensive statistics the ubiquitous presence in elementary and heavy-ion collisions of power-law distributions. Special emphasis is placed on the conjecture that this is just a reflection of some... more
Examples of joint probability distributions are studied in terms of Tsallis' nonextensive statistics both for correlated and uncorrelated variables, in particular it is explicitely shown how correlations in the system can make Tsallis... more
The definitions of the temperature in the nonextensive statistical thermodynamics based on Tsallis entropy are analyzed. A definition of pressure is proposed for nonadditive systems by using a nonadditive effective volume. The... more
We further study the connection between Algorithmic Entropy and Shannon and Rényi Entropies. It is given an example for which the difference between the expected value of algorithmic entropy and Shannon Entropy meets the known upperbound... more
An essential component of many medical image analysis protocols is the establishment and manipulation of feature correspondences. These image features can assume such forms spanning the range of functions of individual or regional pixel... more
Our recent analysis on nonlinear nonextensive dust-acoustic waves (DA) [Amour and Tribeche in Phys. Plasmas 17:063702, 2010] is extended to include self-consistent nonadiabatic grain charge fluctuation. The appropriate nonextensive... more
We axiomatically characterize the Tsallis entropy of a finite quantum system. In addition, we derive a continuity property of Tsallis entropy. This gives a generalization of the Fannes inequality.
We introduce a labeled point set registration algorithm based on a family of novel information-theoretic measures derived as a generalization of the well-known Shannon entropy. This generalization, known as the Havrda-Charvat-Tsallis... more
1] The complex system of the Earth's magnetosphere corresponds to an open spatially extended nonequilibrium (input-output) dynamical system. The nonextensive Tsallis entropy has been recently introduced as an appropriate information... more
Entanglement is the fundamental quantum property behind the now popular field of quantum transport of information. This quantum property is incompatible with the separation of a single system into two uncorrelated subsystems.... more
Non-extensive statistical mechanics appears as a powerful way to describe complex systems. Tsallis entropy, the main core of this theory has been remained as an unproven assumption. Many people have tried to derive the Tsallis entropy... more
For a dynamical system far from equilibrium, one has to deal with empirical probabilities defined through time-averages, and the main problem is then how to formulate an appropriate statistical thermodynamics. The common answer is that... more
We consider several low-dimensional chaotic maps started in far-from-equilibrium initial conditions and we study the process of relaxation to equilibrium. In the case of conservative maps the Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy S(t) increases... more
The q-Gaussians are discussed from the point of view of variance mixtures of normals and exchangeability. For each q< 3, there is a q-Gaussian distribution that maximizes the Tsallis entropy under suitable constraints. This paper shows... more
Based on the Tsallis entropy, the nonextensive thermodynamic properties are studied as a qdeformation of classical statistical results using only probabilistic methods and straightforward calculations. It is shown that the constant in the... more
We investigate a two-parameter entropy introduced by Schwämmle and Tsallis and obtain its probability distribution in the canonical ensemble. The probability distribution is given in terms of the Lambert W-function which has been used in... more
Monte Carlo based methods such as path tracing are the only to do the physically correct simulations of global illumination. Due to its high capability to exploit acceleration structures and SIMD parallelism of modern processors, path... more
In this paper, we introduce Nonadditive Information Theory through the axiomatic formulation of Tsallis entropy. We show that systems with transitions from high dimensionality to few degrees of freedom are better described by nonadditive... more
Although several in silico promoter prediction methods have been developed to date, they are still limited in predictive performance. The limitations are due to the challenge of selecting appropriate features of promoters that distinguish... more
We review some approaches to the understanding of fluctuations in some models used to describe socio and economic systems. Our approach builds on the development of a simple Langevin equation that characterises stochastic processes. This... more
The Renyi, Shannon and Fisher spreading lengths of the classical or hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials, which are quantifiers of their distribution all over the orthogonality interval, are defined and investigated. These... more
Fault population statistics play a key role in the understanding of any statistical seismicity approach. In the present work a non-extensive statistical physics approach is formulated and tested for the local fault length distribution.... more
The main objective of analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data sets is to screen the physiologically induced signals from noise or artifacts resulting either from involuntary patient motion or MRI detection techniques.... more
The superposition of medical images, technically known as co-registration, can take a major role in determining the topographic and morphological changes in functional diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This paper describes a study... more
We provide a unifying axiomatics for Rà enyi's entropy and non-extensive entropy of Tsallis. It is shown that the resulting entropy coincides with Csiszà ar's measure of directed divergence known from communication theory.
Maximum entropy principle does not seem to distinguish between the use of Tsallis and Renyi entropies as either of them may be used to derive similar kind of q-exponential distributions. In this paper, we address the question whether the... more
Image analysis usually refers to processing of images with the goal of finding objects presented in the image. Image segmentation is one of the most critical tasks in automatic image analysis. The nonextensive entropy is a recent... more
We present the results for the study and classification of urine sediments and coproparasitoscopic specimens using neural networks. This method has the additional advantage of taking into account the internal geometry of certain... more
In this article, Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis entropies are considered for a system of events characterized by an arbitrary probability distribution P that can be incomplete, complete or overcomplete. After a suitable transformation that... more
We have conducted experiments on an asymmetrically forced quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flow in a rapidly rotating annulus. Assuming conservation of potential enstrophy and energy, we maximize a nonextensive entropy function to obtain... more