Tropical stream
Recent papers in Tropical stream
Freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium are free-living decapod crustaceans that are commonly encountered in tropical streams and lakes. We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the diverse Southeast and East Asian fauna based... more
Diatoms are good indicators of water quality in lotic systems. Unlike in the temperate region, the effect of substrate on diatom-based water quality assessment in tropical streams is not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to... more
Landscape-scale patterns of freshwater fish diversity and assemblage structure remain poorly documented in many areas of Central America, while aquatic ecosystems throughout the region have been impacted by habitat degradation and... more
Diatoms are frequently used as indicators of eutrophication in temperate systems, but little is known about their application to impacted African tropical systems. Five streams located within Gombe Stream National Park and five streams... more
Managers, researchers and technicians involved in the conservation and management of water resources in the Central Amazonia need a robust tool to assess biological quality in aquatic ecosystems. To provide such a tool, we developed a... more
A comparative investigation on aquatic insect diversity was conducted in a tropical stream in Southeast Asia (the Dak Pri stream in southern Vietnam; stream orders II-V, two sites per stream order) with a reference temperate stream in... more
This study investigated the fish fauna of a stream in southeastern Brazil that runs through sugar cane-growing and urban areas that are subject to sewage discharge. It aimed to determine the importance of spatial and environmental factors... more
Water samples were collected from three sites located in the middle reach of the Njoro River, Kenya, and analysed for total phosphorus (TP), orthophosphate, ammonianitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen to evaluate stressor sources (e.g.... more
The diet and trophic groups of an assemblage of aquatic insects were studied in a tropical stream. Genera of the orders Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemiptera showed feeding specialization. Others, such as... more
This study analyzes the relationship between physical and chemical factors and the algal communities in tropical streams in micro-watersheds where [70% of their area has different land uses, specifically, cloud mountain forest, coffee... more
BouflOn et at. differenc~s in biodiversity are not consisten.t across broad taxonomic groups and have multiple explanations (e.g. Rohde, 1992; RosenzweIg, 1997). When present, these patterns of biodiver_ sity may generate significant... more
A study was conducted to determine the possible influence of recreation on microbiological water quality of a tropical stream. Microbiological water quality was measured at several recreational sites along the stream and a separate... more
Telmatogeton torrenticola Terry is a large endemic chironomid (last instar >20 mm) commonly found in high gradient Hawaiian streams on smooth rock surfaces with torrential, shallow flow and in the splash zones of waterfalls. We have... more
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and other salmonids have been widely stocked into upland streams throughout the world to provide a basis for sport fisheries, but the effects of such introductions on indigenous and endemic aquatic... more
1. Few studies have assessed the effects of macroconsumers, such as fishes and shrimps, on detritus and detritivores. 2. We used an underwater electric field to prevent macroconsumers from feeding in and on leaf packs in a lowland stream... more
Landscape-scale variation in streamwater phosphorus (P) concentration can affect aquatic food webs. Such variation occurs naturally in streams at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica due to spatially variable inputs of geothermally... more
Temperature and daily emergence of seven genera of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in a cloud forest stream of tropical Andes. Daily emergence of mayflies in Neotropical rivers and their causes have been poorly studied. In temperate zones, this... more
We studied the effects of nutrient availability and grazers on periphyton in the littoral zone of Lake Tanganyika. Using a combination of dissolved nutrient ratios, nutrient diffusing substrates, and benthic productivity responses to... more
We investigated the breakdown of 2 leaf species, Croton gossypifolius (Euphorbiaceae) and Clidemia sp. (Melastomataceae), in a 4th-order neotropical stream (Andean Mountains, southwestern Colombia) using leaf bags over a 6-wk period. We... more
Coarse particulate organic matter is often broken down by specialist shredder invertebrates in temperate streams. In some tropical streams, larger, non-specialist, omnivorous fauna, (macroconsumers), particularly decapod shrimps and... more
Stream shredders play an important role in the breakdown of allochthonous leaf litter-a well-known, key process in temperate headwater streams. In contrast, it has been suggested that litter breakdown in tropical streams is driven by... more
In a tropical stream (at the Soberanía National Park, Panama), different environmental factors were quantified in riffle habitats (water characteristics: velocity, depth, turbulence, and direction; stone characteristics: surface area,... more
In many countries of the Global South, aquatic ecosystems such as streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands are severely impacted by several simultaneous environmental stressors, associated with accelerated urban development, and extreme... more
Stream shredders have been reported as scarce in several tropical areas. This pattern is in contrast to observations in temperate streams, which support an abundant and diverse shredder fauna. Two possible explanations for this pattern... more
The hypothesis of convergence takes the deterministic view that community (or assemblage) structure can be predicted from the environment, and that the environment is expected to drive evolution in a predictable direction. Here we present... more
Two collections of submerged wood were made from the Mushroom Research Centre in northern Thailand. One collection comprising 100 samples was made from an artificial lake, which had been made by damming a stream running through a... more
This study analyzes the relationship between physical and chemical factors and the algal communities in tropical streams in micro-watersheds where [70% of their area has different land uses, specifically, cloud mountain forest, coffee... more
The downstream transport of fish larvae is well known from temperate running waters, but there exists remarkably little information for tropical streams. We sampled drift in two Andean Piedmont streams during the dry seasons of 1986-1988.... more
Stream shredders have been reported as scarce in several tropical areas. This pattern is in contrast to observations in temperate streams, which support an abundant and diverse shredder fauna. Two possible explanations for this pattern... more
Freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium are free-living decapod crustaceans that are commonly encountered in tropical streams and lakes. We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the diverse Southeast and East Asian fauna based... more
The distribution of the benthic community may be explained as an adjustment between hydrological conditions and life history of the populations (Statzner et al. 1997). The distribution of organisms changes in relation to hydrological and... more
Freshwater snails usually possess thin unadorned shells lacking structural components such as spines. Exceptions can be found on the high, well-watered islands of the South Pacific. Streams on these islands support a rich freshwater... more
Surveys of wood along 30 forested headwater stream reaches in La Selva Biological Station in north-eastern Costa Rica represent the first systematic data reported on wood loads in neotropical streams. For streams with drainage areas of... more
1.Principles and practices of conservation from temperate, developed-world regions can generally be applied to tropical, developing regions, but the specific solutions are likely to be determined by regional ecological and socio-economic... more
A v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / w a t r e s w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 3 2 7 9 e3 2 9 0 0043-1354/$ e see front... more