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This study examines the geological features of the Southern Nopah Range at Emigrant Pass, California, with a focus on stratigraphy, lithology, and structural geology. Field methods included lithological mapping, measurement of bedding... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyDesert Ecology
Glacial erratics belonging to the Rickard Hill facies (RHf) of the Saugerties Member of the Schoharie Formation (upper Emsian: Lower Devonian) occur scattered throughout the Piedmont of northern New Jersey and Lower Hudson Valley of New... more
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Through his numerous papers, articles, some books and lectures, a prolific palaeontologist Rudolf J. Prokop (Department of Palaeontology, National Museum, Praha) has become known in our country and abroad as one of the best European... more
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    • Paleontology
This is a repository copy of Trilobite extinctions, facies changes and the ROECE carbon isotope excursion at the Cambrian Series 2-3 boundary, Great Basin, western USA.
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologySedimentology
Formal subdivision of the Cambrian System into four series and ten stages is in progress. The base of Cambrian Stage 3 (provisional), which is conterminous with the base of Cambrian Series 2 (provisional), is expected to be placed at a... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyTrilobites
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      GeographyGeoparkOrdovicianEarth Science
Formal subdivision of the Cambrian System into four series and ten stages is in progress. The base of Cambrian Stage 3 (provisional), which is conterminous with the base of Cambrian Series 2 (provisional), is expected to be placed at a... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyTrilobites
With 9 figures K u r z f a s s u n g: Im vorliegenden Artikel wird der derzeitige Kenntnisstand fiber die unterkambri-schen Trilobitenfaunen der Gegend um G6rlitz (Sachsen) mitgeteilt. Zus~itzlich zu den seit langem bekannten Arten werden... more
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Formal subdivision of the Cambrian System into four series and ten stages is in progress. The base of Cambrian Stage 3 (provisional), which is conterminous with the base of Cambrian Series 2 (provisional), is expected to be placed at a... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyTrilobites
Se presenta la información más general sobre los trilobites.
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      TrilobitaTrilobitesFossil Arthropods
Diversos sills subvolcanicos. aflorantes en el área de Arándiga-(Zaragoza) se emplazan en sedimentos pertenecientes al transito del Keuper al Rhetiense-Hettangiense. Corresponden a basaltos alcalinos cuyos minerales primarios (olivino,... more
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espanolEl analisis de polen, diatomeas y foraminiferos de un sedimento litoral en la Ria de Ares (A Coruna, Espana) ha permitido interpretaciones paleoambientales comparables. Se trata de un sedimento turboso con macrorrestos vegetales.... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesSea LevelDiatoms
discovered just such a polymorphism on chromosome 4, which is linked to Huntington's disease, after screening with only three probes. That this led to the identification of the genetic disease locus made linkage analysis seem relatively... more
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Se presenta el estudio lito y bioestratigráfico de la Formación Pizarras del Sueve en su area tipo de la Zona Cantábrica oriental, a partir de! análisis de nueve perfiles estratigráficos fosilíferos, enclavaclos en sus afloramientos más... more
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    • Humanities
The first Furongian trilobites are described herein from the Cambrian of the Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain. They were collected during the construction of the "Túnel Ordovícico del Fabar" from the shales of "El Fabar Beds" in the La Matosa... more
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Los graptolitos silúricos de la Zona Centroibérica suelen conservarse aplastados en pizarras negras, pero en algunos yacimientos los rabdosomas pueden retener parte de su relieve original o conservarse incluso en tres dimensiones. La... more
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      SpainPortugalSilurianBlack shales
Modularity of the cranidium of Crassifimbra? metalaspis, a Cambrian ptychoparioid trilobite, is investigated using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods to gain insight into the integration among morphogenetic processes... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyScienceBiology
Modularity of the cranidium of Crassifimbra? metalaspis, a Cambrian ptychoparioid trilobite, is investigated using landmark-based geometric morphometric methods to gain insight into the integration among morphogenetic processes... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyScienceBiology
The area included in the Amberloup-La Roche-en-Ardenne-Houffalize sector is located in the province of Luxembourg and belongs geographically to the Central Ardenne. The rocks are of Lower Devonian age. On the regional level, the region... more
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A construção do verdadeiro parece então como um proieto h¡storico abeño; é uma construção humana, tendo aliás um caráter estético, na medida em que o espírito humano nela se encontra. (.../ Esse caráter h¡storico não implica gue se possa... more
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      GeologyESTRATIGRAFIANot AvailableBacia do Paraná
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      GeographyThe University of Edinburgh
A low‐diversity graptolite fauna from the upper part of the Eusebio Ayala Formation exposed in the intracratonic Paraná Basin of eastern Paraguay is reported herein. The sections studied are composed dominantly of red micaceous mudstones... more
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This dissertation contains 19 research papers published since 1967, relating primarily to the functional organisation of trilobites, and to the taxonomy of some Ordovician and Silurian trilobite faunas. These papers are preceded by a.,... more
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      GeographyThe University of Edinburgh
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeographyGeologyPaleontology
To a large extent, a chitinous external cuticle is the distinguishing feature of arthropods (Barnes, 1980). Many of the other features considered characteristic of arthropods, such as growth by molting or the jointed appendages, are... more
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Givetian limestones near Čelechovice contain rather abundant trilobites be longing to several species (for summary see Chlupáč 1992), whereas the Frasnian limestones of the Moravian Karst development are generally poor in trilobites and... more
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The Windermere Supergroup in southern British Columbia and its correlatives (such as the Pocatello Formation and lower Brigham Group in southeastern Idaho) along the western North American Cordilleran margin are an archetype of... more
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We define the Sun Valley Group of south-central Idaho to include the Desmoinesian to Leonardian Wood River, Dollarhide, and Grand Prize Formations, which consist of 2000 to 3400 m of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic strata deposited in the... more
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      GeographyParanáTafonomiaNot Available
Recent fieldwork in the state of Mato Grosso made it possible to find new specimens of trilobites, among them: Metacryphaeus australis, Metacryphaeus sp., and a homalonotide. Taphonomically, it was possible to observe that there are two... more
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Upper Ordovician-Lower Devonian rocks of the Cabrières klippes (southern Montagne Noire) and the Mouthoumet massif in southern France rest paraconformably or with angular discordance on Cambrian-Lower Ordovician strata. Neither... more
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Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from five localities within the Sông Mã, Hàm Rồng and Đông Sơn formations of the Thanh Hóa province of Việt Nam, constrain the age and faunal... more
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Imperfectly preserved specimen of a supposed hydrozoan Medusites cf. radiatus Linnars., originally described by Pompeckj (1896) from the "Pod trn ım" locality near T y rovice (Slapnice Member of the Buchava Formation, Skryje-T y rovice... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyCzechBiological Sciences
Reçu le 26 mars 2003 ; révisé et accepté le 1 septembre 2003 Rédigé à l'invitation du Comité éditorial Résumé Les hétérochronies du développement sont définies comme des changements du « temps relatif d'apparition » et du « taux de... more
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Modularity and integration are variational properties expressed at various levels of the biological hierarchy. Mismatches among these levels, for example developmental modules that are integrated in a functional unit, could be informative... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyBiology
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology
Later Cambrian and earliest Ordovician trilobites and brachiopods spanning eight horizons from five localities within the Sông Mã, Hàm Rồng and Đông Sơn formations of the Thanh Hóa province of Việt Nam, constrain the age and faunal... more
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Individual articles may be copied or downloaded for private, scholarly and not-for-profit use. Quotations may be extracted... more
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Trilobites from several horizons in the Florentine Valley Formation of the Tim Shea area *esi of Maydena, southwestern Tasmania are described and assigned late rremadoc to possibly early Arenig ages. I hen ayes approximate the... more
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      GeologyBiological Sciences
One junior homonym was detected within fossil Branchiopoda and the following name is therefore proposed to replace it: Jurapingquania Ceccolini and Cianferoni nom. nov. = Pingquania Wang in Wang and Li, 2008 nec Guo and Duan, 1978.
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      BranchiopodaNomenclatureNomen Novum
Рассмотрены и проанализированы современные схемы стратиграфии Ордовика Великобритании, Северной Америки, Балто-Скандинавии, Австралии, Китая, Сибири, Средиземноморья и Северной Гондваны с точки зрения решений второй (Болонья, 1881),... more
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Almost fifteen years have passed since the printing of the first volume in the Italian language published by the Back to the Past Museum. Encouraged by its success in Italy and abroad, we decided to publish the translated version in... more
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The aim of this study is to bridge a gap in the existence of Trilobites in the marine Permian successions of Iran by exploring a stratigraphic section of the Permian in Jamal Formation (Dizlu section).  Based on comprehensive field... more
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In order to maximize the utility of future studies of trilobite ontogeny, we propose a set of standard practices that relate to the collection, nomenclature, description, depiction, and interpretation of ontogenetic series inferred from... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyBiology
A Sequência Mesodevoniana-Eocarbonífera da Bacia do Parnaíba foi reinterpretada neste trabalho aplicando-se o modelo básico da estratigrafia de sequências. Foram analisados dados de poços e linhas sísmicas, elaborando-se a partir daí... more
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AllsTRACT-The genus Otarion Zenker, 1833, first appears in the Wenlock simultaneously with Cyphaspis Burmeister, 1843, as the oldest known species of each occur together in the southern Mackenzie Mountains of the Canadian Northwest... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology
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