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The attached copy shows a sample Sales and Marketing plan that author has developed for hotels.
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      Hospitality StudiesAdvertisingPublic RelationsSales & Operations Planning
The development of computer reservation systems has been one of the most dramatic events in the US a1rline industry over the last ten years. Spurred by deregulation, which outlawed fare fixing and standard agency ticket distribution... more
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      Airline EconomicsTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementTourism and Airline Economics
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      Romanian HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyChurch ArchaeologyTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Fényképezte MUDRÁK ATTILA KOLLÁR TIBOR, MOLNÁR ISTVÁN, SZARVAS PÉTER A Teleki László Alapítvány és a szerzõk archívuma A kötetet tervezte LENGYEL JÁNOS Tördelés ANTAL BÉLA Képfeldolgozás ÁMENT GELLÉRT Borító: A küküllõvári templom nyugati... more
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      Cultural HeritageTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationHistory of Transylvania
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
Archaeological heritage in Romania and the Hungarian school of archaeology in Transylvania - introduction of my book entitled "Erdélyi Régészet (Transylvanian Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Management
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      Vampire StudiesTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationVampires in folkloreDracula
Airline computerized reservation systems (CRS) are the primary form of travel agency computerization in the world. These systems manage the millions of reservation requests and cancellations, fare, and reservation pricing requests that... more
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      Airline EconomicsTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementTravel distribution
The hotel industry is currently the most under-automated sector of the international travel industry. In comparison to the airlines, its reservation systems are often archaic and a high proportion of bookings are still received at... more
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementTourism and Hotel Management
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
Quality service is very important in generating a unique offer, gaining good reputation and stable customers. Quality service means satisfying the customer needs and expectation. The paper examines the importance of restaurant service in... more
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementEmpowerment of Hospitality and Tourism Employees for Quality Service DeliverySERVICE QUALITY IN RESTAURANTS
The cruise ship industry in Greece is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion at a time when the Greek isles are included among the top most popular destinations worldwide. This paper presents an overview of the trends in the... more
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      Industrial OrganizationTourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Management
Ghimes (Gyimes in Hungarian, Ghimeş in Romanian) is one of the few micro regions of the Carpathian Basin that has a truly unique character. Here, traditional homestead farming, animal husbandry and a distinctively rural lifestyle have... more
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      Romanian HistoryDeathDark TourismCultural Tourism
Management de destinaţie turistică; cerere turistică; ofertă turistică; piaţă turistică; turism; turist; centru de informare turistică; profilul turistului; Transilvania; România; staţiune turistică; obiectiv turistic; atracţie turistică... more
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      Destination ManagementTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationDestination Marketing
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      Case Study ResearchTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
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      Vampire LiteratureTransylvaniaVampiresTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
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      Indian studiesEconomics of InnovationTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
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      Tourism StudiesTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationTour guideTourist Guide Books
Overview on innovations taking place in the Indian hospitality industry.
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      Innovation statisticsIndian studiesEconomics of InnovationTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Materialul prezintă succint toate bisericile de lemn din județul Alba existente sau despre care au fost găsite informații documentare.
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      Art HistoryChurch HistoryTransylvanian RomaniansTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
If in the past Guşteriţa was a small village, today it is a neighborhood of Sibiu. It still retains its medieval charm with unpaved streets, welcoming people and a quiet specify such settlements. In the early 13th the Saxons century... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryTransylvaniaMedieval Art
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      Art HistoryRomanian HistoryChurch HistoryTransylvania
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Transylvania as a Tourist Destination
This essay deals with the use of signs and their significance in the carving on the portals of the wooden churches in Transylvania. The essay brings a challenging perspective into this subject by proposing a new understanding of old... more
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      Art HistoryRomanian HistoryUkrainian StudiesVernacular Architecture
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyHistory of Hungary
The tourism sector is growing rapidly worldwide from the last two decades while globalization has brought a rapid increase in this area. Being an intensive work-market based on services, the continuous need for increasing the level of... more
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      Future StudiesTourism ManagementGraduate EducationTourism and Hospitality Education
Quality service is very important in generating a unique offer, gaining good reputation and stable customers. Quality service means satisfying the customer needs and expectation. The paper examines the importance of restaurant service in... more
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementEmpowerment of Hospitality and Tourism Employees for Quality Service DeliverySERVICE QUALITY IN RESTAURANTS
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      Medieval HistoryTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationFrescoMedieval Wall Paintings
The Rotonda is a small circular chapel in Geoagiu (central Romania) which appears to be the oldest of its kind in the country (11th-12th centuries AD). Some say it was built by the Templars, others that it was erected by a local nobleman... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural LightingMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeoastronomy
A komlódi Wesselényi-Teleki-kastély A komlódi Wesselényi-Teleki-kastély, a település központjától nyugatra, az Oroszfáját Komlóddal öszszekötő országúttal párhuzamosan, hosszan elnyúló lankás telek egyetlen fennmaradt régi épülete. A még... more
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      Art HistoryTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationMonumentsHistory of Transylvania
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Inhabitants of our planet have been traveling as never before and discovering the farthest removed of cultures, establishing a universal language of understanding and thus preserving material and non-material heritage. Without a doubt,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementCultural Heritage
Women empowerment is one major issue of todays. Various International organisations, and governments, are engaged for empowering women, economically, socially, and politically. United Nation World Travel Organisation implemented an... more
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      EconomicsTourism ManagementTourism economicsHuman Resource Management
The metropolitan area of Cluj-Napoca is the focal point of tourism in North Transylvania. This exploratory study examines the profile, motivation, visiting behaviours, and perceptions of tourists visiting the most important metropolitan... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourist Behavior
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Transylvania, in late XVIII century, Ignatius Bátthyany, had great plans for the local cultural life, in Alba Iulia (Carlsburg, Alba Carolina). He transformed a former Trinitarian church into a multifunctional... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of AstronomyTransylvaniaCultural Astronomy
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      TerrorismFear of CrimeTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
O incursiune in lumea comorilor dacice, a incredibilelor descendente nobiliare hategane si a magiei populare. O carte ce prezintă atat legendele, cat si secretele din spatele lor si care propune o viziune diferita asupra lucrurilor si... more
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      Medieval HistoryFolk legendsDacian civilizationTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Könyvszemle/Book Review Balassa M. Iván: "Az egy igaz Istennek és szent fiának Jézus Krisztusnak tiszteletére építtetett." Festett famennyezetek és berendezések az unitárius templomokban. (Kovács András). .. .. . .301 Gy. Dávid Gyula:... more
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      HeraldryBaroque Art and LiteratureBaroque art and architectureTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Context În contextul prezent turismul, ca parte esenţială a multor economii naţionale şi regionale, poate fi un important factor de dezvoltare, atunci când este desfăşurat corespunzător. Turismul devine un element-cheie al economiei... more
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      Destination ManagementTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationDestination Marketing
The problems of tourism sector development in different countries during the coronavirus pandemic are considered in this article. The purpose of this study is to examine government support measures in this sector in the context of... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementHeritage TourismTourism Geography
This study presents the Reformed Church from Sfăraş, considered to be a typical example of the rural churches from the Călata area in terms of its painted furniture, which represents the creation of the Umlings, a family of... more
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      Medieval ArtTransylvania as a Tourist Destination
Explores the multi-ethnic society of 19th century Transylvania through the mirror of British and other European visitors' observations of travel, food and hospitality
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      Balkan StudiesStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/GypsiesTravel LiteratureTransylvanian Romanians
One of the aims of this article is to signal out the manner in which history, archaeology and the heritage of the medieval monuments from Transylvania, with a special emphasis on the Transylvanian fortified churches, are perceived in the... more
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      Romanian HistoryCultural HeritageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)History of Central and Southeastern Europe
The heritage of protestant church "St. Maria" from Cisnădioara.
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationMedieval and Early Modern History of the German Minority in Transylvania/HungaryHistory of Transylvania
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      Tourism StudiesOttoman HistoryTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
Dergisi yılda altı defa yayın yapan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Academic Social Science Studies Dergisi'nde yayınlanan tüm yazıların, dil, bilim ve hukûki açıdan bütün sorumluluğu yazarlarına, yayın hakları'a... more
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      Ottoman HistoryTwentieth Century GermanyTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral Management
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Experts routinely describe new travel agent technology in the context of electronic travel commerce. There are few other technology topics with similar market potential or emotional appeal—to the extent that new business start-ups,... more
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      Transport EconomicsTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationGeneral ManagementTravel Technology
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      FeminismTransylvaniaTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationHistory of Transylvania
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      Transylvania as a Tourist DestinationMedieval and Early Modern History of the German Minority in Transylvania/HungaryHistory of Transylvania