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A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
This dissertation deals with a class of nonlinear adjustment problems that has a direct least squares solutionfor certain weighting cases. In the literature of mathematical statistics these problems are expressed in anonlinear model... more
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      Data FittingSVDTotal Least Squares (TLS)Weighted total least squares (WTLS)
A method to resolve cyclic ambiguities and increase the accuracy and the resolution in the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using the Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT)algorithm is proposed.... more
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      Total Least Squares (TLS)Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation
In this contribution the fitting of a straight line to 3D point data is considered, with Cartesian coordinates xi, yi, zi as observations subject to random errors. A direct solution for the case of equally weighted and uncorrelated... more
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      MathematicsTotal Least Squares (TLS)Least Square Fitting (LSF)Adjustment Computations
Many problems, not only in signal processing, image processing , digital imaging, computer vision and visualization, lead to the Least Square Error (LSE) problem or Total (Orthogonal) Least Square Error (TLSE) problem computation. Usually... more
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      Approximation AlgorithmsTotal Least Squares (TLS)
In the problem of least squares min || Ax-b || with A ∈ Rm × n, m ≥ n and b ∈ Rm, It is often assumed that the matrix is accurate and the vector b is tainted by errors. It is hypothesis is not always realistic because existen problems... more
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      Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyInverse ProblemsTotal Least Squares (TLS)
Recently it was shown how necessary and sufficient information for solving an orthogonally invariant linear approximation problem $AX\approx B$ with multiple right-hand sides can be revealed through the so-called core problem reduction;... more
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      Total least squaresTotal Least Squares (TLS)
In this contribution the fitting of a straight line to 3D point data is considered, with Cartesian coordinates xi, yi, zi as observations subject to random errors. A direct solution for the case of equally weighted and uncorrelated... more
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      MathematicsTotal least squaresMathematikTotal Least Squares (TLS)
The total least squares (TLS) represents a popular data fitting approach for solving linear approximation problems $Ax\approx b$ (i.e., with a vector right-hand side) and $AX\approx B$ (i.e., with a matrix right-hand side) contaminated by... more
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      Total least squaresTensor DecompositionTensorsTotal Least Squares (TLS)