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The authors examined how the structural attributes of tonality and meter influence musical pitch-time relations. Listeners heard a musical context followed by probe events that varied in pitch class and temporal position. Tonal and metric... more
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      Psychology of MusicAuditory PerceptionMusic CognitionMusic Perception
In contrast to Western art music, the dissonance-like sonorities in Schwebungsdiaphonie-cultures are at the core of the tonal structures. These cultures, although not abundant, are found in different locations all over the world (Cazden,... more
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      Traditional MusicDissonanceTonal HierarchyMusical Scales
Background in ethnomusicology. The term Schwebungsdiaphonie ('beat diaphony') refers to two-part musical (usually vocal) styles with a lot of dissonant (beating) intervals such as seconds. In contrast to Western tonal music, the dissonant... more
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      DissonanceTonal HierarchyMusical ScalesSutartinės
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      DissonanceTonal HierarchyMusical ScalesSutartinės
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      Psychology of MusicAuditory PerceptionMusic PsychologyTonal theory