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We analyze the decision of individuals with time-inconsistent preferences to invest in projects yielding either current costs and future benefits or current benefits and future costs. We show that competition between agents for the same... more
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      Applied EconomicsHyperbolic DiscountingTime InconsistencyFinance and Investment Banking
When there are widespread bank failures, deposit insurance agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) …nd it di¢ cult to sell failed banks at attractive prices. Thus, the deposit insurance fund su¤ers higher... more
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      Economic policyRate of returnNewspaperFederal Reserve
The prevalence of obesity among Black women has reached epidemic proportions. Some researchers have suggested that the body images of Black females may contribute to their high risk for obesity by inhibiting motivation for weight control.... more
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      EducationObesityBody ImageRisk factors
This paper is dedicated at reconsidering objectives and instruments of monetary policy and also at redefining a policy mix in an economy which is systematically confronted to imbalances due to changes in technology, in the composition of... more
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      Monetary PolicyProduction ProcessTime Inconsistency
We develop a graphical 3-equation New Keynesian model for macroeconomic analysis to replace the traditional IS-LM-AS model. The new graphical IS-PC-MR model is a simple version of the one commonly used by central banks and captures the... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsPolicy AnalysisPhillips curve
The paper provides a critical analysis of the literature on monetary policy institutions. It presents a critique of the dominant notion of central bank independence, based on the literature on time-inconsistency of monetary policy. An... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceEconomic TheoryApplied Economics
In this paper, we formulate a general time-inconsistent stochastic linear-quadratic (LQ) control problem. The time-inconsistency arises from the presence of a quadratic term of the expected state as well as a state-dependent term in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsStochastic ProcessPortfolio Management
ABSTRACT Although Kautilya does not provide any formal analysis, his approach contains almost all the ingredients of a game theory. He was certainly not aware of the numerous new jargons, such as sequential rationality, Bayes-Nash... more
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      EconometricsGame TheoryIndian Economic problemsApplied Economics
In some countries -the Netherlands, UK and USA -the expected economic implications of election platforms of political parties are evaluated by independent economic institutions prior to the election. This paper analyzes the merits and... more
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      Public FinanceTime Inconsistency
The last few years have witnessed important advances in our understanding of time preference and social discounting. In particular, several rationales for the use of time-varying social discount rates have emerged. These rationales range... more
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      Resource EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsGlobal Warming
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      Political ScienceEconomic TheoryMonetary PolicyIncomplete Information
This paper attempts to bring some central insights from behavioural economics into the economics of climate change. In particular, it discusses (i) implications of prospect theory, the equity premium puzzle and time inconsistent... more
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      EconomicsSocial SciencesClimate ChangeApplied Economics
This paper reviews some recent research in "behavioural economics" with an application to environmental issues. Empirical results from behavioural economics provide a reminder that human behaviour is context-dependent, implying that... more
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      Resource EconomicsClimate ChangeEnvironmental policyApplied Economics
Most recent work deriving optimal monetary policy utilising New Neo-Classical Synthesis (NNCS) models abstract from the impact of monetary policy on the government's finances, by assuming that any change in the government's budget can be... more
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      Economic TheoryFiscal policyApplied EconomicsMonetary Policy
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Political SciencePublic ChoiceApplied EconomicsTime Inconsistency
This paper attempts to bring some central insights from behavioural economics into the economics of climate change. In particular, it discusses (i) implications of prospect theory, the equity premium puzzle and time inconsistent... more
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      EconomicsSocial SciencesClimate ChangeApplied Economics
This paper attempts to bring some central insights from behavioural economics into the economics of climate change. In particular, it discusses (i) implications of prospect theory, the equity premium puzzle and time inconsistent... more
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      EconomicsSocial SciencesClimate ChangeApplied Economics
Preference between two future outcomes may change over time-a phenomenon labeled as timeinconsistency. The term "time-inconsistency" is usually used to refer to cases in which a larger-later outcome is preferred over a smaller-sooner one... more
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    • Time Inconsistency
The paper reviews some recent theoretical contributions on the modelization of time-inconsistent preferences, as well as implications for individual behavior. The focus is on the interpretation of the concepts and the link with concepts... more
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      EconomicsEuropean Economic IntegrationTime Inconsistency
We study collective decisions by time-discounting individuals choosing a common consumption stream. We show that with any heterogeneity in time preferences, util- itarian aggregation necessitates a present bias. In lab experiments three... more
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      EconomicsLatin American Economic HistoryTransitivityTime Inconsistency
The quasi-geometric (hyperbolic) literature typically assumes that agents are short-run impatient. In this paper, we deviate from this assumption by considering an economy in which a fraction of the population is short-run patient and the... more
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    • Time Inconsistency
We develop a theory for stochastic control problems which, in various ways, are time inconsistent in the sense that they do not admit a Bellman optimality principle. We attach these problems by viewing them within a game theoretic... more
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      Optimal ControlHyperbolic DiscountingStochastic ControlTheoretical Framework
Domestic action on climate change is increasingly important in the light of the difficulties with international agreements and requires a combination of solutions, in terms of institutions and policy instruments. One way of achieving... more
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      Climate ChangeEnergy PolicyPolicy AnalysisMonetary Policy
A new solution for large-scale scheduling in the steelmaking industry, called Finishing Line Scheduling (FLS), is described. FLS in a major steel mill is a task to create production campaigns (specific production runs) for steel coils on... more
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      Information SystemsComputer SoftwareHigh performanceSteel Industry
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      EconomicsSelf ControlBehavioral EconomicsGoal Setting
This paper uses a dynamic model to study the development of judge-made law. Judges learn about the proper scope of the legal rule from the facts in the litigated cases. They design opinions to "…sh" or search for information in future... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyProblem SolvingEmpirical evidence
We introduce a new hybrid approach to joint estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) for high quantiles of return distributions. We investigate the relative performance of VaR and ES models using daily returns for... more
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      Time InconsistencyTime Consistency
This paper explores the relationship between time preferences, economic incentives, and body mass index (BMI). Using data from the 2006 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we first show that greater impatience increases BMI and the... more
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      EconomicsSelf ControlHuman CapitalHyperbolic Discounting
When making intertemporal decisions, i.e., decisions between outcomes occurring at different instants in time, humans and animals prefer rewards with short-term availability over rewards that become available in the long run. Discounted... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDecision MakingComputational BiologySelf Control
We study the optimal control of a stochastic differential equation (SDE) of mean-field type, where the coefficients are allowed to depend on some functional of the law as well as the state of the process. Moreover the cost functional is... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimal ControlStochastic ControlStochastic differential equation
Many violent relationships are characterized by a high degree of cyclicality: women who are the victims of domestic violence often leave and return multiple times. To explain this we develop a model of time inconsistent preferences in the... more
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      BioinformaticsPublic EconomicsDomestic ViolenceLife Sciences
This paper critically assesses the rise of central bank independence (CBI) as an apparent success story in modern monetary economics. As to the observed rise in CBI since the late 1980s, we single out the role of peculiar German... more
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      Monetary PolicyEmpirical evidenceTime Inconsistency
This Article maps financial crisis containment - extraordinary measures to stop the spread of financial distress - as a category of legal and policy choice. I make three claims. First, containment is distinct from financial regulation,... more
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      Great DepressionFinancial DistressFinancial CrisisFinancial Regulation
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      PsychologyEconomicsSelf ControlBehavioral Economics
Traditional aid conditionality has been attacked as ineffective in part because aid agenciesnotably the World Bankoften fail to enforce conditions. This pattern undermines the credibility of conditionality, weakening incentives to... more
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      Development EconomicsPolitical EconomyApplied EconomicsPanel Data
We consider perfectly anticipated periodic tax amnesties characterized by a tax rate lower than the ordinary one and used by a monopolistic government to maximize net fiscal revenue. We model tax amnesties as a form of intertemporal price... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsConditional DiscriminationPrice Discrimination
A class of state-redundant differential games games is detected, where players can be partitioned into two groups, so that the state dynamics and the payoff functions of all players are additively separable w.r.t. controls and states of... more
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      Applied MathematicsGame TheoryPartitionFeedback
When there are widespread bank failures, deposit insurance agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) …nd it di¢ cult to sell failed banks at attractive prices. Thus, the deposit insurance fund su¤ers higher... more
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      Economic policyRate of returnNewspaperFederal Reserve
Welfarism" is the principle that social policy should be based solely on individual well-being, with no reference to 'fairness" or "rights." The propriety of this approach has recently been the subject of extensive debate within legal... more
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      LawSocial PolicyLaw and EconomicsEquity
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      Case lawRigidityTime InconsistencyGains From Trade
This paper provides an introduction, with critical interpretations, to the use of hyperbolic discounting as a model of behavior for the consumption of addictive goods. The exponential and hyperbolic discounting models are carefully... more
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      The economics of crimeHyperbolic DiscountingMarket FailureTime Inconsistency
This study investigates whether drinker-drivers attributes are associated with imperfect rationality or irrationality. Using data from eight U.S. cities, we determine whether drinker-drivers differ from other drinkers in cognitive... more
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      Criminal LawHealth EconomicsDecision MakingCognition
We investigate long-run effects of state-owned public firms' leadership. We compare the case where the public firm produces before private firms (Stackelberg leader) to the case where all firms produce simultaneously (Cournot). We... more
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    • Time Inconsistency
Recent models of procrastination due to self-control problems assume that a procrastinator considers just one option and is unaware of her self-control problems. We develop a model where a person chooses from a menu of options and is... more
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      EconomicsSelf ControlTime Inconsistency
We extend expected utility theory to situations in which agents experience feelings of anticipation prior to the resolution of uncertainty. We show how these anticipatory feelings may result in time inconsistency. We provide an example... more
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      EconomicsWorking PapersEquity Premium PuzzleExpected Utility
This Article maps financial crisis containment-extraordinary measures to stop the spread of financial distress-as a category of legal and policy choice. I make three claims. First, containment is distinct from financial regulation, crisis... more
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      Great DepressionFinancial DistressFinancial CrisisFinancial Regulation
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      Tax PolicyPublic CapitalWorking PapersBoolean Satisfiability
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      Economic GrowthTax PolicyApplied EconomicsPublic Capital
This paper makes three contributions toward our understanding of the Central Banker's game. The first involves providing a more plausible representation of the motivations of the two main players, e.g. by explicitly taking account of the... more
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      Monetary PolicyPrivate SectorTime Inconsistency