Phillips curve
Recent papers in Phillips curve
This study examined the causal and quantitative relationships between the unemployment rate and the the inflation rate in Bulgaria. А statistical analysis has been performed in order to characterize the relationship between the two... more
We turn our attention to the role of money for determining nominal magnitudes. Using US data, we find that the aggregate “nominal output plus and stock market capitalisation” is closely related to the money stock, lending support to one... more
The unemployment rate in Zambia faces the insufferable irony of being a macroeconomic metric of the highest priority but the least effort in measurement for policy, analysis or implementation.Most reports on unemployment in Zambia have... more
Policy-makers have recently noted an apparent flattening of the Phillips curve. The implications of such a change include that a positive output gap would be less inflationary, but the cost of reducing inflation, once established, would... more
Lotta all'inflazione e autonomia della banca centrale, massima concorrenza e minimo intervento dello Stato nell'economia sono i principi chiave dei trattati europei. Questo saggio dimostra che essi esprimono una idea di società in... more
John Maynard Keynes once said that according to Lenin there is no surer way of overturning a society than to degrade its currency. Inflationary processes, it is clear, can be very disruptive in the short run, even if they do not cause... more
Much teaching of intermediate macroeconomics uses the IS-LM-AS or AD-AS approach. This is far removed both from the practice of interest rate setting, inflation-targeting central banks and from the models that are taught in graduate... more
The conventional wisdom that inflation and unemployment are unrelated in the long-run implies the compartmentalisation of macroeconomics. While one branch of the literature models inflation dynamics and estimates the unemployment rate... more
We develop a graphical 3-equation New Keynesian model for macroeconomic analysis to replace the traditional IS-LM-AS model. The new graphical IS-PC-MR model is a simple version of the one commonly used by central banks and captures the... more
Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis eksistensi fenomena kurva Phillips di perekonomian Indonesia, 2000Q1-2010Q3. Hasil penaksiran yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode OLS menunjukkan bahwa model expectationss augmented Phillips... more
Both common macroeconomic shocks and country-specific developments have subjected the flexibility of wage setting mechanisms in the euro area to a stress test in recent years. Against this background, this paper takes a fresh look at wage... more
Equilibrium growth rate stated by us is based on equilibrium evolution of economy IS-LM-SRAS, where the equations IS and LM are liniar specificated in real GDP, nominal interest rate and real wealth, and the SRAS curve is also linear,... more
RESUMEN El presente trabajo estima la curva de Phillips para México mediante el uso de variables que son determinantes para la inflación. Se realiza un análisis de series de tiempo, utilizando el método de regresión simple mediante... more
In this investigative article is a study or more accurately an application of the classical theory of the relation between inflation and unemployment rate for Colombia being the second dependent variable from the first called Phillips... more
The paper examines two different aspects of macroeconomic behavior in the United States during the period between 1929 and 1941 --both the proximate determinants of the severity and duration of the slump in nominal income, and the factors... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between inflation and unemployment rate, in the case of Poland over the period 1992-2017, within the Phillips curve context. For the long-term equilibrium relationship and the... more
This paper pursues a computationally intensive approach to generate future inflation, followed by an exploration of the determinants of inflation expectations by estimating a new Keynesian type Phillips curve that takes into account... more
This paper presents a theoretical explanation for the enigmatic discontinuity of the relationship between inflation and unemployment that has registered the U.S. economy since the early 1950s onwards. I argue that by distinguishing... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between inflation and unemployment rate, in the case of Poland over the period 1992-2017, within the Phillips curve context. Several econometric techniques are applied,... more
We evaluate the role of oil prices shocks in explaining inflation dynamics in the post war US period. In doing so, we use the second order solution of a benchmark New Keynesian framework when the economy is hit by an oil price shock. The... more
The first step in any kind of research is to select the most adequate research methodology. There are a lot of research methodologies to chose from when one wants to engage in research regarding the development of financial performance... more
High economic growth, price stability and low unemployment are the most enviable macroeconomic goals. The success of government policies is reflected in low inflation and low unemployment. The nature and costs of inflation and... more
We evaluate the role of oil prices shocks in explaining inflation dynamics in the post war US period. In doing so, we use the second order solution of a benchmark New Keynesian framework when the economy is hit by an oil price shock. The... more
This paper describes a Rational Expectations Model of the Spanish economy, REMS, which is in the tradition of small open economy dynamic general equilibrium models, with a strongly microfounded system of equations. The model is built on... more
Nowadays, the relationship between inflation and unemployment is known as the Phillips curve. Since this curve is an important indicator of the economic relationship between the unemployment and inflation, much attention has been paid to... more
Este trabajo de investigación expone un acercamiento teórico y empírico sobre el ciclo económico mexicano en base a la Curva de Phillips, mediante un marco teórico que justifica el planteamiento de la NAIRU y dos modelos econométricos que... more
The low unemployment/low inflation environment of the 1990s has spawned a resurgence of interest in the economy's natural rate of unemployment. This paper develops time-varying natural rate estimates by using the Okun's Law relationship... more
The canonical new Keynesian Phillips Curve has become a standard component of models designed for monetary policy analysis. However, in the basic new Keynesian model, there is no unemployment, all variation in labor input occurs along the... more
This paper addresses the various methodological issues surrounding vector autoregressions, simultaneous equations, and chain reactions, and provides new evidence on the long-run inflation-unemployment tradeoff in the US. It is argued that... more
Abstract: Relating a technological concept such as a machine, which functions based on certain physical rules, with economy, in other words, an attempt to explain (demonstrate) an economic theory should be quite interesting. This study is... more
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
This paper chooses three Asian countries (Japan, South Korea and Malaysia) as case studies to examine the relationship between the Phillips curve and openness. The justification for the choice of these countries is that Japan is a... more
OECD unemployment rates show long swings which dominate shorter business cycle components and these long swings show a range of common patterns. Using a panel of 21 OECD countries 1960-2002, we estimate the common factor that drives... more
The paper studies the role of income distribution within a medium-scale macrodynamic model built in a Keynesian and Goodwinian tradition. Combining a wage and price Phillips curve, adjustments of an inflation climate, an IS relationship... more
2007. Se agradece la invalorable colaboración de Juan Sotes Paladino, así como también los comentarios de Laura D'Amato (BCRA), Nicolás Grosman (BCRA) y los participantes de la mencionada reunión.
In this paper we formulate a disequilibrium AS-AD model based on sticky wages and prices, perfect foresight of current inflation rates and adaptive expectations concerning the inflation climate in which the economy operates. The model... more
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 2006-2017 döneminde enflasyon ve işsizlik oranları arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişki Fourier yaklaşımı ile incelenmiştir. Fourier yaklaşımına dayanan ekonometrik testler, serilerin etkisi altında bulunduğu yapısal... more
This paper evaluates the hypothesis that globalization has increased the role of international factors and decreased the role of domestic factors in the inflation process in industrial economies. Toward that end, we estimate standard... more
Against the background of large fluctuations in world commodity prices and global growth, combined with ongoing structural changes relating to globalization, this paper examines some of the key factors affecting global inflation. The... more