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      ThuggeeTabish Khair
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      Social HistoryBanditryIndiaCrime
L'uomo superiore che scarta ogni prospettiva di furto rispetto a beni misurabili e ruba una ricchezza immensa, raggiunge Çiva. (Dharmacauryarasàyana, II, L'Induismo si caratterizza per la sua straordinaria capacità di includere nei suoi... more
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      Thuggeetantric traditions of IndiaThuggee and DacoityEspecially Pancaratra Vaishnava
Drawing on Josiah Heyman's attempt of explaining rise of state, tis is an attempt to show how criminal groups like Thuggs and Private militia reacted to increasing control of British colonial empire in South asia and how state often used... more
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      State FormationBanditryTerritorialityThuggee
Il filo conduttore che unisce fra loro i diversi contributi specialistici che compongono questo volume non è semplicemente la storia delle diverse organizzazioni della furfanteria e del brigantaggio tra l'Europa e l'Asia. Da questo punto... more
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      HinduismChinese ReligionsChinaRobin Hood
Thuggee cult Is it TRUE  and what legislative endeavours were put in place to deal with it
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      Criminal LawThuggeeThuggee and Dacoity
In British India, positioning Kali within the thuggee cult and rationalizing human sacrifice ran parallel and witnessed a paradigmatic shift by the end of the nineteenth century. The cult provided a basis for high romanticization and... more
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      History of ReligionPostcolonial StudiesSpiritualitySexuality
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      LiteratureCrime fictionArthur Conan DoyleAnthony Trollope
A lot has been written on Thuggee and nineteenth century British operations against it. Instead of delving directly into either of these two well investigated areas of research, this paper seeks to chart how several nineteenth century... more
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      Kali, Hindu Goddesses in the WestBritish Imperial and Colonial HistoryIndiaSir Arthur Conan Doyle
A lot has been written on Thuggee and nineteenth century British operations against it. Instead of delving directly into either of these two well investigated areas of research, this paper seeks to chart how several nineteenth century... more
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      British Imperial and Colonial HistoryIndiaSir Arthur Conan DoyleThuggee
Although he is primarily remembered today as the author of On Liberty and other works of political philosophy, John Stuart Mill also worked his way up from junior clerk to Examiner of Indian Correspondence in London's India House on... more
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      Criminal LawLiberalismHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)History of Political Violence
In 1839, thanks to the novel Confessions of a Thug, the stereotype of a Hindu sect of murderers, alleged worshippers of Kali, who acted after gaining the confidence of their future victims, spread in the West. Since then the Thugs... more
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      History of IndiaBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )History of Colonial IndiaTrue crime and noir narratives (literary and filmic)
Believing as the British did in the exclusive notions of state authority contrary to 'divisible' or 'discrete' perception of authority practised by Indians, the British Raj tried from the very inception to impose their absolute supremacy... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyCriminology
The district of Bakarganj had long been associated with serious violent crimes from the early days of British rule in Bengal. Not only successive magistrates, judges and police officers had repeatedly asserted the view but even the people... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyCriminology
This article examines how some colonial fictions intertwine historically unconnected Thuggee and the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 to make sense of Indian resistance to British rule. This was done by only a few writers. The article tries to find... more
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      Indian studiesColonial literatureThuggeeSepoy Mutiny
This article examines how some colonial fictions intertwine historically unconnected Thuggee and the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 to make sense of Indian resistance to British rule. This was done by only a few writers. The article tries to find... more
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      Indian studiesColonial literatureThuggeeSepoy Mutiny
This article studies the cinematic representations of the Indian Thugs. In doing so, it examines whether such representations conform to or problematize the negative stereotyping of the Thugs as ruthless murderers. The colonial... more
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      ThuggeeFilmsSocial Bandits
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      LawAutobiographyMughal HistoryMoney
Thuggee as a distinct class of criminal homicide has generated much interest ever since the British colonizers in India exposed it in the nineteenth century. While the male thugs were certainly more common, female practitioners of thuggee... more
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    • Thuggee
This paper examines the role of code-switching, style-shifting, and sociolinguistic crossing in Philip Meadows Taylor’s 1839 novel Confessions of a Thug. Contextualizing these linguistic aspects in view of the role played by language in... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismCode-SwitchingIndia