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A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
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      Philosophy of MindHerbert MarcusePsychedelicsAldous Huxley
Discusses literary dreams by Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), Gérard de Nerval, and Thomas De Quincey.
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureComparative Cultural Studies
This article proposes a periodisation of the narrative work of Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). Two meta-literary notions guide the first period: that of an absolute text and that of a text governed by chance, in which the former is linked... more
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      NarrativeBiblical StudiesEschatology and ApocalypticismJorge Luis Borges
Esta antología reúne una serie de fragmentos a los que distintas obras de Shakespeare hacen referencia —directa o indirectamente— pertenecientes a dos de sus fuentes principales. Si tomamos a Shakespeare como punto nodal, lo podemos... more
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      ShakespeareTed HughesBen JonsonMargaret Cavendish
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      RomanticismRomantic poetrySamuel Taylor ColeridgeThomas De Quincey
1. The >Bildungsroman« (novel of formation): Towards a definition -- 2. The Bildungsroman in the High Romantic mode - 2.1 Beginnings: Goethe's »Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre« (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship Years, 1795/96) - 2.2 Novalis's... more
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismJohann Wolfgang von GoetheWilliam Wordsworth
В монографии исследуется феномен художественной репрезентации личного опыта автора, понимаемого как сложный симбиоз «биографического» и «воображаемого». На материале европейского романа XVIII–XX веков рассматриваются проблемы памяти,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureEnglish LiteratureSelf and Identity
La figura de John Milton influyó enormemente la literatura y el pensamiento del siglo XIX. A partir de la figura de Satán en "El Paraíso Perdido" estableció un nuevo orden de héroe romántico y una percepción novedosa del mundo desde la... more
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      RomanticismLiteratureJohn MiltonSamuel Taylor Coleridge
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      Arthur SchopenhauerThomas De QuinceyParisGladiators
Este libro expone el cine de Quentin Tarantino haciendo uso de la violencia como hilo conductor. El autor argumenta que Tarantino hace estética a la violencia al separarla de la realidad y separándola de sus consecuencias reales. Al... more
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      ViolenceAesthetics and EthicsViolence in CinemaFilm Aesthetics
Çeviren: Murat Erşen Bölüm: Korku Politikaları Lars Fr. H. Svendsen REDİNGOT KİTAP Güvenlik kameraları. Havaalanı güvenlik şeritleri. Kepenkleri indirilmiş mağaza vitrinleri. Toplumsal korkunun tezahürleriyle her gün karşılaşıyoruz.... more
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      TerrorismTrustWilliam JamesEdmund Burke
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, autobiographical narrative by English author Thomas De Quincey, first published in The London Magazine in two parts in 1821, then as a book in 1822. The self-confessed purpose of the first version of... more
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      AutobiographyThomas De QuinceyConfessionOpium
Este ensayo explora un aspecto de los usos de Thomas De Quincey como fuente de legitimidad del “proyecto creador” de Borges, en particular de su escritura de ficción en la etapa clásica. Podemos llamar a ese aspecto la cuestión de la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureDrugs And AddictionJorge Luis BorgesLiteratura
Literature and Medicine 38, no.1 (Spring 2020) What light can De Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) shed on its author's later advocacy of the First... more
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      RomanticismHistory of MedicineAddictionDrugs And Addiction
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      Reception StudiesEmily DickinsonTransatlantic studiesThomas De Quincey
Borges escribió alguna vez que “los libros congregados e interrogados por un hombre constituyen también un aspecto de su obra y el mapa y espejo de su personalidad”. Las páginas de este volumen procuran explorar esos aspectos de la obra... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureLatin American StudiesComparative Literature
Kézirat: Jelen tanulmányunkban környezetpszichológiai szempontból elemezzük egy droghasználó fiatalember (Kubiszyn Viktor) drogfüggő életszakaszait, a férfi önéletírása alapján. A környezetpszichológia az épített/természeti/virtuális... more
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      Thomas De QuinceyFelépülési Narratívák, Betegség-NarratívákFelépülésDroghasználat
Do we project reality through a mass delusion, shared consciousness, a form of hypnotic dreaming that generates everything in our multiverse?
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      LabyrinthsJorge Luis BorgesEmanuel SwedenborgStéphane Mallarmé
El “efecto Piranesi” es un efecto literario especial creado en el primer cuarto del siglo XIX para ligar la representación de la mente humana a la experiencia del infinito en el contexto de la difusión de las poéticas románticas en los... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJorge Luis BorgesSpecial EffectsEnglish Romanticism
A short piece on Thomas De Quincey's affection for the morbid and the macabre, and his influence on 19th century gothic literature, originally published in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic (2012) edited by William Hughes,... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureThomas De Quincey
In this 10-minute paper I briefly outline the relationship between De Quincey's treatment of the philosopher Immanuel Kant and his fascination with negation-or, as he puts it, the 'horrid inoculation upon each other of incompatible... more
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      German RomanticismSlavoj ŽižekImmanuel KantEnglish Romanticism
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      Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThomas De QuinceyOpium in Literature
In this essay, I examine works of literature which present themselves as psychological curiosities by using dreaming as a modality of displaced, unintentional, or even reluctant authorship. What is it to write in, of, or like a dream? Who... more
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      TravelogueOrientalismSamuel Taylor ColeridgeCharles Dickens
Alfred Kubin as a figure is still a question marked over the development of aesthetic thinking in the 20th Century. His novel, 'Die Andere Seite', has been studied up until the date as a psychoanalytical process of creation without paying... more
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      ImaginationWilliam BlakePurgatoryThomas De Quincey
Este texto apresenta os resultados da tese de doutorado Castlevania Symphony of the Night e a Invenção do gótico, defendida em 2018 e orientada pela professora Dra. Viviana Mónica Vermes no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UFES. A... more
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      VideogamesVideogames and PhilosophyThomas De QuinceyPiranesi
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      ArchitectureDeconstructionJorge Luis BorgesJacques Derrida
Quando la vita è molto misera, l'ebbrezza è una delle ultime risorse che le rimangono. Questo è uno dei motivi per cui le Chiese non possono nulla contro l'alcolismo. L'alcolista non può essere soccorso né economicamente né moralmente; si... more
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      Drugs And AddictionErnst JüngerEdgar Allan PoeMircea Eliade
On the Question of Murder Considered as a Fine Art in Jean Genet's Our Lady of the Flowers With its open celebration of criminality, homosexuality, and murder, Jean Genet's 1943 novel, Our Lady of the Flowers, saw the author enter into an... more
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      French LiteratureEnglish RomanticismJean GenetThomas De Quincey
Prior to the Opium Wars, in 1840 and 1857, the celebrated English Opium Eater Thomas de Quincey published journalism that urged Britain to attack China. De Quincey claims that the Qing Empire displays ‘the demoniac hybris of Greek... more
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      HomerRomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesSinology
This chapter explores some legal and literary ramifications of "accident" in British law and society from the late eighteenth through the early twentieth century. This period saw changes in common law and legislation relating to... more
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      JurisprudenceCivil LawEnglish LiteratureRomanticism
Shows how the literary representation of dreams helped to enlarge the poetic repertoire of French and English Romanticism. Examples discussed include "Smarra ou les démons de Ia nuit" (1821) by Charles Nodier and "The Dream-Fugue" (1849)... more
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismLiteratureBritish Romanticism
The paper addresses Thomas De Quincey’s The Last Days of Immanuel Kant with the goal of underlining how the author constructed an image of the philosopher that transcends the strictly biographical facet at which the title clearly hints.... more
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      BiographyImmanuel KantEssay (Genre Theory)Thomas De Quincey
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      French LiteratureFrancophone LiteratureSerial killers (Anthropology)Bret Easton Ellis
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      OpticsLouis-Ferdinand CélineJohann Wolfgang von GoetheDostoevsky
Feci erigere una colonna gigantesca sul fondo del mare. La sua cima svettava come un albero maestro fin quasi alla superficie. Presto presero a dimorarvi i balani, i polipi, i fuchi, le pattelle. Poi arrivarono lombrichi tubolari e... more
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoGeorg LukacsDante Alighieri
Tacquero. Erio provò un senso di vertigine, come quando incomincia il mal di mare. Desiderava che Conero parlasse ancora: troppo gravoso andava facendosi per lui il silenzio. Si sentiva nel fuoco di una lente; aveva l'impressione che i... more
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      Thomas MannFriedrich NietzscheAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
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      RomanticismVictorian LiteratureColeridgeArthur Conan Doyle
Sincerest thanks to Nancy Leonard, my project advisor, for her consistent support and enthusiastic assistance throughout the writing process, and for introducing me to both Slavoj Žižek and Julia Kristeva, who provided the theoretical... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureEthics
This essay investigates diverging transatlantic attitudes towards mechanisation in the mid-nineteenth century by looking at the portrayals of steam engines in Anglo-American Romantic literary works by Wordsworth, Emerson, De Quincey and... more
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      Emily DickinsonWilliam WordsworthRalph Waldo EmersonTransatlantic studies
In this paper I attempt to understand Thomas de Quincey's interest in moral casuistry and the way he conceived its required methods and proper function.
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      Emmanuel KantCasuistryThomas De QuinceyLake Poets
‘System of the heavens’: an examination of the concept of ‘Collusion’ through the case study of the fundation of the AIB’s centre in the city of Natal This article aims to rework the concept of Collusion through the recovery of its... more
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      Space and PlaceHistoriographyHistory of ScienceFascism
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      Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich HölderlinCharles BaudelaireThomas De Quincey
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      PoetryRoland BarthesWilliam WordsworthContemporary Poetry
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      English LiteratureEdgar Allan PoeSamuel Taylor ColeridgeThomas De Quincey
Le titre de cette étude fait bien sûr écho au poème de Milton qui, aux côtés de Coleridge et de Wordsworth, est en contrepoint du texte des Confessions of an English Opium-Eater . C'est Paradise Lost qui inspire l'épigraphe de la “Fugue... more
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    • Thomas De Quincey
In the essay ‘On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth’ (1823), De Quincey refers to the void within the quotidian where murder occurs as the ‘awful parenthesis.’ In this paper, I aim to shed new light on this idea by examining its relation... more
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      AbjectionJulia KristevaEnglish RomanticismThomas De Quincey
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    • Thomas De Quincey