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The citta diffusa defined and characterised by Francesco Indovina (1990) as an urbanized territory where a great variety of functions and dispersed services is present, differs essentially from other low-density settlements spread in... more
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      GeographyEcosystem ServicesBiodiversityUrban Sprawl
Among the many emerging discourses and technologies potentially adhering to landscapes, morphogenesis, conceived as an architectural theory, derives materiality, functionality, and form from the biotic world. As part of a discussion of... more
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      Parametric Design (Architecture)Digital MorphogenesisGrasshopperThird Landscape
“A Third Augmented Landscape” is a performative presentation and scientific paper discussing the outcomes of a research project carried out by FakePress Publishing and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”: the creation of an open source... more
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      Environmental EducationAugmented RealityDistributed LearningUbiquitous Publishing
ISBN 978-952-60-4517-7 (pdf) © Authors (see below), and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture Department of Art 2012 E-book cover illustration and design: Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss Interior design and layout: Owen Kelly... more
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      Environmental EducationAugmented RealityDistributed LearningUbiquitous Publishing
Se propone una “lectura” sobre aquellos lugares inciertos, que permita entender algunos aspectos de la realidad paisajística de nuestro tiempo a través de la reflexión: ¿Y si los mirásemos de otro modo?, ¿No serían ellos las páginas en... more
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      Industrial HeritageGardensPaisajePatrimonio Industrial
"The Thickness of the Limit. New Heterotopias between Public and Private Spaces The operational concept of heterotopias, that Foucault applies to many and disparate spaces, can be put to work in investigating other areas that require,... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyHeterotopiaLandscape ArchitectureIndustrial Archaeology
Si l’on peut donner une définition très générale de la friche comme une parcelle « abandonnée » ou non cultivée depuis plusieurs années où pousse une végétation spontanée, le terme renvoie à une grande diversité d’espaces aux contours... more
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      Philosophy of NatureNatureThird LandscapeWastelands
“A Third Augmented Landscape” is a performative presentation and scientific paper discussing the outcomes of a research project carried out by FakePress Publishing and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”: the creation of an open source... more
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      E-learningAugmented RealityUbiquitous PublishingThird Landscape
A protocol for a new nature writing
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      EcocriticismNatureAdalbert StifterThird Landscape
ISBN 978-952-60-4517-7 (pdf) © Authors (see below), and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture Department of Art 2012 E-book cover illustration and design: Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss Interior design and layout: Owen Kelly... more
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      Environmental EducationAugmented RealityDistributed LearningUbiquitous Publishing
Politecnico di Milano - School of Design teaching approach to the "Celebration" topic of the GIDE (Group for International Design Education) 2013. Design is called to find strategies to innovate the use of public space both in the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPublic SpaceThird Landscape
Versione ampliata e riveduta della postfazione al "Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio", originariamente pubblicata nel 2005
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      LandscapePaesaggioThird LandscapeTerzo Paesaggio
The città diffusa defined and characterised by Francesco Indovina (1990) as an urbanized territory where a great variety of functions and scattered services is present, differs essentially from other low-density settlements dispersed in... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesBiodiversityUrban SprawlBiodiversidad
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      Public policiesCommunity gardensIndecisionThird Landscape
“A Third Augmented Landscape” is a performative presentation and scientific paper discussing the outcomes of a research project carried out by FakePress Publishing and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”: the creation of an open source... more
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      Environmental EducationAugmented RealityDistributed LearningUbiquitous Publishing
In un angolo un po’ isolato di internet esiste un guida che non serve a farsi guidare, una raccolta di foto che non è un album, una collezione di indicazioni semi-approfondite per raggiungere luoghi che, in qualche modo, non lo sono. È... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural TourismLandscape PhotographyArchitecture And Photography