Theory of Reasons for Action
Recent papers in Theory of Reasons for Action
Constitutivists seek to ground authoritative norms in the teleological structure of agency. The philosophical move at the heart of this strategy is mysterious: How can we derive normative conclusions from merely teleological premises... more
in: C. Lottieri (a cura di), Leviatano sanitario e crisi del diritto, Giacometti&Antonello, Macerata, 2022.
This article (re-)introduces Risālat al-Bayān al-aẓhar, a short and by all appearances unfinished treatise by the Coptic scholar al-Rashīd Abū ’l-Khayr Ibn al-Ṭayyib (d. after 1270), to exemplify the pivotal role played by the works of... more
Reasons for a theory of motivation in the Republic of Plato
Rivista di filosofia del diritto (ISSN 2280-482X), fascicolo 1, giugno 2022. Davvero le norme giuridiche sono “ragioni” per agire, sono regole che assumiamo come guida della nostra condotta? Il presente lavoro tenta di rispondere... more
Legal rules constitute not only reasons for action, but also reasons for judicial decision. What kind of reason do legal rules provide for adjudication? Do they figure as Razian exclusionary reasons in legal reasoning? In this paper I... more
Translated by Remi Clot-Goudard and published in (ed. R. Clot-Goudard), L’Explication de l’action: analyses contemporaines (Paris: Vrin, 2014).
The dominant view in contemporary philosophy of action is that, to explain an action, we need to provide its reason. A reason is what rationalises an action. According to Donald Davidson, before we can describe a reason, we must first... more
Chapter 1 has three basic goals. First (in sections 1.1. and 1.2.), it shows why the Kotarbińskian praxiology – despite its terminological connotations, which locate it close to its Misesian analogue – should be understood as an example... more
The philosophical questons about action concern its nature, its description and its explanation. The leading question are "Waht a theory of action is possible?", "Are reasons causes?", "What are practical thoughts?" and "What is the... more
According to much recent work in metaethics, we have a perceptual access to normative properties and relations. On a common approach, this access has a presentational character. Here, 'presentational' specifies a characteristic feature of... more
1. Die kausale Theorie des Handelns Menschen sind handelnde Wesen. Als solche greifen wir mit unseren Handlungen in die Welt ein und führen gezielt Veränderungen herbei. Dies tun wir normalerweise aus Gründen. Wir können Gründe nennen,... more
The main aim of the conference is to present the new approaches to the problem of consciousness and rationality and to provide an effective dialog between disciplines and the different fields of philosophy, which can be fruitful for the... more
A little revenge is more human than no revenge at all.
Many of our actions are performed together with other people. What does it mean to act together? -what are the necessary and sufficient conditions of cooperation? This is a widely discussed problem in contemporary philosophy and related... more
The paper is devoted to the structural relation between Beliefs and Goals. I discuss its importance in modelling cognitive agents; its origin in cognitive processing; its stucture (Belief Structure relative to a Goal); its crucial role in... more
This paper distinguishes between various different conceptions of behaviour and action before exploring an accompanying variety of distinct things that „action explanation‟ may plausibly amount to viz. different objectives of action... more
This paper looks at whether it is possible to unify the requirements of rationality with the demands of normative reasons. It might seem impossible to do because one depends upon the agent’s perspective and the other upon features of the... more
In an earlier paper, 'Peter Geach on nonsense, confusion and sin' 1 , I suggested that what one can say in explanation of one's own actions suffers from a severe limitation: one can shed little light on the question why one acted on one's... more
"I suspect that a major factor that motivates most of the literature on human freedom is a need to prove that we, as persons, are ‘free’. It is my aim in this paper to show that, were one to avoid presupposing that we are free to pursue... more
There is stock argument against libertarianism: that the indeterminism it postulates makes human choice a matter of chance and this is no better as a basis for practical rationality and moral responsibility than the most rigid... more
Abstract: It is sometimes assumed that justification is factive. A negative implication of this claim is that reasons are not psychological entities such as believings or desirings. Another, positive, implication of this claim is that... more
Most theories of intentional action agree that if acting for a reason is a necessary condition for the action in question to be an intentional action, the reason need not genuinely justify it. The same should hold for shared intentional... more
This paper examines the relation between the various forces which underlie human action and verbal reports about our reasons for acting as we did. I argue that much of the psychological literature on confabulations rests on a dangerous... more
In this paper I examine the structure of hope and trust from a phenomenological perspective in order to analyze the kinds of beliefs, valuings, and practical dispositions involved in them. I claim that there are some basic aspects of the... more
In this paper I examine the structure of hope and trust from a phenomenological perspective in order to analyze the kinds of beliefs, valuings, and practical dispositions involved in them. I claim that there are some basic aspects of the... more
在法学理论研究日趋多样化与精致化的今天,“海峡两岸法理学讨论会”的召开乃是一种宣称,她表明: 汉语世界的法理学研究者们热切期待着直面同台交流; 同时,就法理学基本问题、研究范式与可能结论上存在的分歧,他们已有心理和智识上的准备,如无根本抵牾,当秉持开放心态相互切磋。因而“海峡两岸法理学讨论会”又是一种独特的论说方式:... more
Authority is one of the most central and disputed concepts in political theory. The purpose of this article is to address the two main problems, conceptual and normative, posed by the notion of authority. First, conceptual issues concern... more
In recent decades, self-control has received increasing attention as it can safeguard child-development and human wellbeing. Researchers from various disciplines – philosophy, neuroscience and social psychology – have investigated what... more
Many philosophers working in metaethics accept what I call the Relational View (RV). According to RV, the predicates "is a reason for" and "counts in favor of" express a relation—the favoring-relation—that holds of considerations and... more
Davidson and Kolnai in different ways emphasise that practical syllogistic reasoning can only tell one that one has a reason to do or not to do something. It cannot adjudicate between conflicting reasons. It can tell one the means to... more
Theory of reasons for action has been one of the most important areas of research in practical philosophy for over a half century, but mainly in English-speaking cultural area. Still, it is a dominant approach to the theory of action today.
В статье рассматриваются различные подходы к объяснению действия. Показано влияние теории действия Аристотеля на формирование современной философии действия, представленной, прежде всего, редукционистской и каузалисткой концепциями,... more
One of the main goals of this paper is to introduce the idea that a metaethical theory of the nature of normative judgment must be compatible with a plausible account of the reasons for which we act when we act on the basis of our... more
In her recent book Self-Constitution, Christine Korsgaard develops a constitutivist approach according to which constitutive norms are somewhat like Aristotelian forms. Following Aristotle' s account of the form and matter of artifacts,... more
Recent advancements in neurosciences prove that we "tell more than we can know" and that we act before being aware of acting. On the contrary, common sense never ceases to assess a reliable link between our conscious will and the outcome... more
Reason internalism is a theory about the normativity of reasons for action. According to Internalists, the normative force of reasons has origin in our preferences and evaluations. This paper aims to present a critical interpretation of... more
Many of our actions are performed together with other people. What does it mean to act together? -what are the necessary and sufficient conditions of cooperation? This is a widely discussed problem in contemporary philosophy and related... more
The paper begins with an objection to the Desire-Based Reasons Model. The argument from reason-based desires holds that since desires are based on reasons (first premise), which they transmit but to which they cannot add (second premise),... more
Hukuki pozitivizm hukuk kurallarının ve hukuki işlemlerin normatifliğini açıklayabilir mi? Pozitivist geçerlilik kriterlerine uygunluk bir irade açıklamasının norm yaratmasını garanti eder mi? “Normativite ve Pozitivizm” bu iki temel... more
Philip Pettit, Michael Smith, and Tyler Burge have suggested that the similarities between theoretical and practical reasoning can bolster the case for judgment internalism - i.e. the claim that normative judgments are necessarily... more