The Visual Culture of French Colonialism
Recent papers in The Visual Culture of French Colonialism
In New France, public buildings were imbued with powerful symbolism both inside and out. The use of terms such as castle (château), palace (palais), and private townhouse (hôtel or hôtel particulier) to designate structures built for... more
The aim of this paper is to critically outline the ways in which the question of race shaped the development of the colonial city; and how it [race] rearticulated the progressive rationale of urban planning first developed in the... more
In 1860, the Anglo-French Expedition to China sacked and looted the Yuan Ming Yuan, or Summer Palace. Generals Hope Grant and Montauban decided to offer the most precious booty to their respective sovereigns, Victoria and and Napoleon... more
The rickshaw came to be the most popular form of transportation in Hanoi and Saigon from the 1910s through the mid 1930s. As these cities developed and grew rapidly, and as French Indochina was integrated into the world economy, rickshaws... more
French stained-glass in southern India made in German-occupied Alsace in 1908
• The English and French illustrated press between 1880 and 1905 depicted Euro-peans as superior to non-Europeans and rarely questioned the colonizing right of Europe-ans. The illustrated press, such as news magazines The Illustrated... more
LE CORPS COLONIAL EN PERFORMANCE : Perspective afro-française : quelle variabilité sémiotique ? Résumé Qu’est-ce qu’un corps colonial et qu’est-ce qu’un corps colonial en performance ? Et qu’est-ce qu’une performance d’ailleurs ? C’est à... more
Born at the fortified Acadian trading post at Jemseg in 1673, Louise-Élisabeth de Joybert de Soulanges et de Marson grew to assume extraordinary authority following her 1690 marriage to Philippe de Rigaud, marquis de Vaudreuil. Six years... more
The representation of postcolonial and migrant identities in French society has increasingly been located at the centre of a heated political and cultural debate over the last decades (Mbembe, 2010; Thomas, 2013). In particular, academics... more
la visite du chantier de "l'Expo" qui allait s'ouvrir inspira en 1931 à Daniel Guérin un article qui allait plus loin que l'indignation, et qui dans la lignée du roman 'Cochinchine' de Léon Werth (1926) prenait le parti des colonisés
Review of Anne Lafont, L’art et la race : L’Africain (tout) contre l’œil des Lumières, Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2019, ISBN: 9782378960162