Textual History of Old Testament
Recent papers in Textual History of Old Testament
This dissertation comprises a translation technical study of the Septuagint version of the book of Jeremiah (Jer LXX) conducted for the purpose of characterizing the translation. The last two centuries of scholarship on Jer LXX have... more
Leitura exegética-aplicativa de 2 Samuel 6 Lidando com os principais pontos do texto (data, estrutura) e suas aplicação teológica.
Biblical archaeology has made tremendous contributions to biblical scholarship. It has helped us in the understanding of the Bible message, in the reconstruction of biblical history, in fixing the chronology of biblical events, and in... more
The Hebrew Bible not only serves as a foundational document of Christianity and Judaism, but also forms part of the historical sources that shed light on the ancient Israelite society and the politics, economics, cultures and traditions... more
Keywords: Jeremiah, Aramaic, MT (Masoretic Text), LXX (Septuagint), 4Q71 (4QJer b), War Taunt, Demonic Adjuration, Epistle of Jeremiah (Ep Jer), 4Q70 (4QJer a), and 11Q5’s “Hymn to the Creator” (HC).
entitled, "Lucian redivivus: Some Reflections on Barthélemy's Les Devanciers d'Aquila." 5 Since then, there has been considerable work done on the Antiochian text, including a critical edition of the Antiochian text for the books of... more
Textual evidence from the Second Temple Period attests a principle by which Hebrew manuscripts were edited in light of other scriptural texts (e.g. 1QIsa a ). Such inner-scriptural editing was often undertaken along lines of connection... more
Der Tempelweihspruch (I Reg 8,12–13) ist in einer längeren Version in der LXX (III Bas 8,53) überliefert. Wie verhalten sich die beiden Fassungen zueinander? Dieser Artikel argumentiert dafür, dass sowohl der MT als auch die LXX auf... more
The Samaritan text of Gen 8:22 and Exod 15:18 is vocalized in a way different from the MT: In Gen 8:22 the Samaritan text reads "'ad kol yeme ha-aretz", instead of MT "'od...", in Exod 15:18 the Samaritan text reads "'olam wa-'od",... more
The Hebrew Bible is a product of ancient editing, but to what degree can this editing be uncovered? “Uncovering Ancient Editing” argues that divergent textual witnesses of the same text, so-called documented evidence, should be the... more
A translation of William M. Schniedewind: How the Bible became a Book?
The purpose of this study is to utilize advanced digital tools for material reconstruction of fragmentary scriptural scrolls from Qumran, as a means to classify them according to the textual traditions of the biblical text. The method... more
This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. Gillian Greenberg and Donald Walter have translated thetext, while Kiraz has... more