Recent papers in Testudines
Nomenclatural information concerning the large, well-publicized softshell turtles in Hoan Kiem Lake, central Hanoi, Vietnam is discussed. In 2000 Ha Dinh Duc formally described these turtles as Rafetus leloii. Comparison of descriptive... more
The enduring processes of time, climate, and adaptation have sculpted the distribution of organisms we observe in the Sonoran Desert. One such organism is Morafka's desert tortoise, Gopherus morafkai. We apply a genomic approach to... more
Los monogeneos del género Polystomoides, en el que se han descrito hasta el momento 32 especies, son parásitos oioxénicos que habitan en la cavidad orofaríngea, y ocasionalmente, en la vejiga urinaria y cloaca, de quelonios... more
El consum de quelonis per part d'homínids està testimoniat des de fases molt antigues, però és especialment al llarg del Paleolític Mitjà i lligat a contexts neandertals quan les evidències es multipliquen, sobre testudínids terrestres a... more
Spis treści 1. Wstęp 2. Systematyka i ewolucja 3. Charakterystyka morfologiczna gatunku 3.1 Karapaks (carapax) 3.2 Plastron (plastron) 3.3 Kończyny 3.4 Głowa 3.5 Ogon 3.6 Inne cechy 4. Testudo werneri a Testudo kleinmanni 5.... more
The purpose of this application, under Article 75.8 of the Code, is to conserve the specific name Testudo gigantea Schweigger, 1812 in its customary usage for the giant land tortoise (family TESTUDINIDAE) found on Aldabra Atoll in the... more
Newly described specimens of North American Eocene turtles provide valuable information on their morphology and, more specifically, variation, both intraspecific and ontogenetic. We describe several complete and nearly complete... more
The current knowledge about the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (L.) in Hungary is summarized. Although large self-sustaining populations still seem to exist, E. orbicularis is more and more exposed to a decreasing availability of... more
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Background: Sea turtles (Chelonoidea) are a charismatic group of marine reptiles that occupy a range of important ecological roles. However, the diversity and evolution of their feeding anatomy remain incompletely known.
First record for East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
A new, critically endangered species of softshell turtle, Pelodiscus variegatus sp. n. is described from north-central Vietnam and Hainan Island, China, distinguished by a unique set of genetic and morphological traits from all other... more
This is a review article on the fossil record of turtles in Colombia that includes: the early Cretaceous turtles from Zapatoca and Villa de Leyva localities; the giant turtles from the Paleocene Cerrejón and Calenturitas Coal Mines; the... more
Citation / Citar este artículo como: CADENA EA. The fossil record of turtles in Colombia: a review of the discoveries, research and future challenges. Acta biol. Colomb.
Size and colouration of nearly 100 adult Emys orbicularis from the lowlands of Hungary, Serbia, and Slovakia (= sample "Hungary") were compared with the characters of about 40 native specimens from northeastern Germany (Mecklenburg,... more
The skull and other morphological features of the holotype of Rafetus swinhoei (Gray, 1873) are compared with those of Yuen maculatus Heude, 1880 and Pelochelys taihuensis Zhang, 1984. These taxa are regarded conspecific. The recent... more
More than one-fifth of the documented caves in the United States occur in Tennessee. The obligate subterranean biota of Tennessee is rich and diverse, with 200 troglobionts reported from over 660 caves. Fifty troglobionts are known from... more
We studied for the first time the molecular differentiation of all three currently recognized subspecies of Trachemys scripta, including the morphologically distinct western populations of T. s. elegans (‘western red-eared sliders’),... more
Background: Leuciscinae is a subfamily belonging to the Cyprinidae fish family that is widely distributed in Circum-Mediterranean region. Many efforts have been carried out to deciphering the evolutionary history of this group. Thus,... more
Recently a comprehensive overview of reptiles and amphibians in Michigan was published. Unfortunately, the distributions of the species represented were compiled before widespread accessibility to technological tools providing greater... more
The chondrocranium is a cartilaginous structure that forms around and protects the brain and sensory organs of the head. Through ontogeny, this skeletal structure may become more elaborate, remodeled and reabsorbed, and/or ossified.... more
We present new fossil records of the geoemydid turtle Bridgeremys pusilla from the Uinta Formation of Utah. Turtles are abundant throughout the unit, and known taxa are similar to those from the older strata in the Upper Green River Basin... more
El proyecto de conservación, reproducción y reintroducción de la tortuga mediterranea en el Arborètum de Cabrils comienza con el nacimiento de tres pequeñas tortugas de una supuestamente puesta aberrante.
The type material of four species of fossil trionychid turtles (Trionyx clavatomarginatus Lörenthey, T. harmati Szalai, T. nopcsai Szalai and T. pseudovindobonensis Szalai) is redescribed and evaluated. Trionyx nopcsai is tentatively... more
First record for East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
The fossil turtles from the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland and Kirtland formations (late Campanian; Kirtlandian) have been known for more than 100 years. We re-assess and revise these Late Cretaceous testudine taxa from the San Juan Basin,... more
From the northern Negev Desert of Israel three new localities for land tortoises are reported: Be’er Mash’abim, the Mash’abim Sands Nature Reserve for Testudo kleinmanni and T. graeca; approximately 2 km south of Lahav (southwest of... more
Suriname beaches support a major nesting colony of leatherback turtles. During the 1999-2005 nesting seasons, we collected data on nesting ecology and identified individual turtles that nested at Babunsanti (Galibi Nature Reserve),... more
The ability of hatchling and juvenile turtles to thermoregulate, as evidenced by selection of preferred temperatures in thermal gradients, is an important factor influencing fitness. Previous studies in laboratory thermal gradients... more