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Russian media landscape: TV, press, internet. Authors concentrate on the patterns of news consumption in Russia, where several state TV channels dominates any other news sources. Internet as a source of news s on the rise, but curently... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesRussian mediaSocial Media
In den 50er Jahren tritt das Fernsehen seinen bis heute anhaltenden Siegeszug an. Diese Entwicklung findet in Martin Morlock einen stilistisch brillanten Kommentator, der von 1958 bis 1963 als »Telemann« das deutsche Fernsehgeschehen mit... more
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      Television HistoryTelevision CriticismGerman televisionTelevision & Audiences
The publication of the sixth volume of the official history of the BBC, Pinkoes and Traitors: The BBC and the nation 1974‐1987 by Jean Seaton is reviewed. The book is found to contain numerous errors, mis‐statements of facts and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
A review of research on television, not only but mainly historical work, focusing on France but with a comparative European angle, organized around major genres (news and politics, drama, entertainment...).
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      French HistoryTelevision StudiesTelevision HistoryTelevision Drama
[Resumen] ¿Qué realidad es la que se proyecta a través de las series? ¿Estamos empezando a conocer la realidad a través de ellas mejor que a través de otros dispositivos informativos o de conocimiento? ¿Podemos llegar a formarnos una... more
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      sociological effect of TV serials, discource analysis of news, media effect of humans, the campaigns political communication, media effect of humans behavior campaigns,the affect of media on human behaivoiria affect onTV SeriesTelevision and Politics
speciale 2020 il Mulino L'AVVENTURA esce due volte l'anno | is published twice a year Prezzi per il 2021 | 2021 price list • singolo fascicolo | single issue € 32,00 • fascicoli arretrati | back issues € 36,00 • abbonamento annuo solo... more
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      Social MediaItalian CinemaEveryday LifeRealism
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceEthologySociology
Obiettivo di questo capitolo è osservare le persone sulla scena del talk show televisivo, tanto politici quanto giornalisti, nel pieno della cosiddetta Seconda Repubblica e in un contesto in cui la prevalenza della media logic è... more
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      Personalization of PoliticsMass Perception of PoliticsTelevision and Politics
Digitisation has modified the way we use the media and the needs of society, which has led public media to expand the development of their mission with new and improved services. The EU28 State public media are devoting part of their... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceTelevision StudiesPSM
Il capitolo si concentra sulla differente concezione di politica di cui programmi come Porta a Porta, Ballarò, Servizio Pubblico si fanno portatori, e sul diverso "utilizzo" dei giornalisti-ospiti che le diverse trasmissioni mettono in... more
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      Popular PoliticsPolitical Communication and Public OpinionTelevision and Politics
This study assessed African Independent Television`s (AIT"s) 2015 presidential election campaign influence on voters" participation in Asaba Metropolis of Delta State. The thrust of the study was to understand from the stand point of... more
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      Media and PoliticsTelevision and Politics
In this article, I examine two Syrian TV channels whereby the Syrian government has been trying to promote itself and gain support.
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      Media SociologySocial MovementsAnthropologyCommunication
Digitisation has modified the way we use the media and the needs of society, which has led public media to expand the development of their mission with new and improved services. The EU28 State public media are devoting part of their... more
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      Television StudiesPSMTelevisão PúblicaServicio Público Televisivo
Il saggio ricostruisce gli sviluppi della comunicazione politica determinatisi in Francia nella fase finale della Quarta Repubblica, rivolgendo un’attenzione particolare alla progressiva acquisizione di legittimità da parte del mezzo... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesFrench HistoryTelevision Studies
In the last decade, many successful US tv series are focused on politics. In each series, politics is dealt with in different ways, as Coleman (2008) showed in his empirical research on British soap operas. Coleman’s work focused on... more
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      Television StudiesTelevisionTV SeriesTelevision and Politics
Cette « Histoire de la télévision sous de Gaulle » ouvrit la voie, il y a vingt-cinq ans, aux recherches sur le passé d’un média toujours très présent. Elle constitue depuis un ouvrage de référence, dont voici la réédition corrigée et... more
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      Media HistoryTelevision HistoryCharles de GaulleFrench Television
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      Television HistoryCharles de GaulleFrench TelevisionTelevision and Politics
En este artículo analiza los intertextos, la sátira, la ironía y la parodia con los que la popular serie Los Simpson lleva a debate los problemas que han aquejado a la sociedad estadounidense, logrando evidenciar frente a un gran público... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesThe SimpsonsTelevision and Politics
In 2016 City Elections in Rome not only the current fragmentation both in Italian left-wing and right-wing parties were well represented, but also the many faces of the personalization process, particularly important in an electoral... more
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      Political communicationPopulismPolitical LanguageTelevision and Politics
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesMedia HistoryFinnish History
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      Television HistoryTelevision and Politics