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The inscriptions on instrumentum domesticum in this catalogue are part of the inventory of Roman archaeological finds made in recent years in the western part of the territory of Tarragona as part of the “Ager Tarraconensis Project... more
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      Latin EpigraphyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Trade
This is our fourth and final scientific contribution to the Union Académique Internationale (UAI), the international project Timbres Amphoriques. Our work takes up the bulk of the book with an epigraphic corpus of 700 stamps in different... more
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      Latin EpigraphyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaTradeMediterranean archaeology
Se estudia la colección de material latericio  documentada durante la excavación de las termas romana de Arcaya (Arkaia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava).
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      TegulaLadrilloLateritic MaterialMateriales De Construcción
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    • Tegula
en M. Buonocore, ed., Gaetano Marini (1742-1815) protagonista della cultura europea. Scritti per il bicentenario della morte I, Città del Vaticano 2015 (Studi e testi 492), pp. 1153-1165.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Latin EpigraphyEmporiaeStamped Amphora handlesTarraconensis
Corpus epigráfico de la colonia romana de Carteia, donde se estudia un conjunto de 48 inscripciones en piedra y bronce, acompañadas de foto si la pieza se conserva, más varias marcas en un grupo de 60 tegulae y piezas de arcilla, donde... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyRoman SpainRoman cities of Baetica (Hispania)
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman PotteryRoman EpigraphyRoman Architecture
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      Latin EpigraphyEmporiaeStamped Amphora handlesTarraconensis
During the archaeological researches undertaken in the Roman site from Rapoltu Mare – La Vie, Hunedoara County, in the summer of 2015, a roof tile fragment was found, inscribed during the production process. Three characters survived from... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman VillaeLatin EpigraphyTegula
Rapport de fouilles préventives dans un quartier artisanal et domestique de Bliesbruck (Moselle, Lorraine, France)
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      LorraineRoman coinsGallo-roman archaeologyFibules Gallo-Romaines
Eine archäologische Sachverhaltsermittlung im Park von Haus Meer (mittelalterliches Kloster und neuzeitlicher landtagsfähiger Herrensitz der Familie von der Leyen in Meerbusch-Büderich) erbrachte den Nachweis bisher unbekannter... more
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      TegulaMittelalterarchäologieProvinzialrömische ArchäologieArchäologie der römischen Provinzen
Las 39 marcas que presentamos pertenecen al fondo del Museo Episcopal de Vic. Se trata, básicamente, de marcas bien conservadas en pequeños fragmentos de cerámica, mayoritariamente pertenecientes a ánfora, pero también existe un pequeño... more
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      Latin EpigraphyEmporiaeStamped Amphora handlesTarraconensis
Tegulae with stamps from the old holdings of the Archaeological Museum in Zadar are presented in this paper. They were found at Asseria in the early 20th century. Their rediscovery happened owing to comprehensive revisory analysis which... more
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      Corpus inscriptionum LatinarumTegulaRoman Inscriptions
Nel corso degli scavi archeologici in concessione ad Albinia (Grosseto) diretti dallo scrivente per conto del Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna, tra rl2003 e 112005 è emersa una interessante documentazione epigrafica... more
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      Roman Pottery KilnsAnforeBolli Laterizi RomaniArcheologia della produzione e del commercio
JEANNE Laurence, DUCLOS Caroline, LE GAILLARD Ludovic et PAEZ-REZENDE Laurent, "Une officine de terres cuites architecturales dans le bois de Barnavast, in Bulletin du Groupe de Recherches Archéologiques du Cotentin, n°13, janvier 2009,... more
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      Artisan ProductionArcheologiaArchéologieTegula
Résumé de la présentation faite lors de la journée d'actualité du réseau TCA (, tenue à Auxerre le 14 octobre 2016. "Étude de terres cuites architecturales (Imbrices et tegulae) de l'agglomération... more
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      Gallo-roman archaeologyTegulaTCA
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      Gallo-roman archaeologyStone ColumnGallo-RomainTegula
JEANNE Laurence, PAEZ-REZENDE Laurent, BOCQUET-LIENARD Anne, SAVARY Xavier, DUCLOS Caroline, avec la collaboration de COUTARD Sylvie et LEMONNIER Manon, "La production de terres cuites architecturales antiques dans le nord du territoire... more
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      Roman VillaeTegulaRoman ArchaeologyGallo-roman Villa
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      Epigrafía romanaTegulaImbrexLadrillo