Recent papers in Technoparks
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.
This study investigates the mediating role of employee loyalty on the relationship between employee empowerment and employee innovative behavior. According to literature review, there is a dearth of studies investigating employee... more
This study investigates the mediating role of employee loyalty on the relationship between employee empowerment and employee innovative behavior. According to literature review, there is a dearth of studies investigating employee empowerment, employee loyalty and its effect on employee innovative behavior. Thus, this study will fill in the gap in the literature. There are two reasons why Teknopark Istanbul is selected for the research. First, Technopark is a new sector in Turkey, and there is a scarce of studies related to the firms operating within technoparks. Second, the firms operating in technoparks have mainly entrepreneurial, technological and innovative nature. In this study, data were collected from 219 employees in technology firms within Teknopark Istanbul, Turkey. The findings of this study indicate that employee loyalty has a mediating role on the relationship between employee empowerment and employee innovative behavior.
Türkiye'nin inovasyon ve AR-GE ekosistemi ve kurulması gereken platform ile ilgili öneriler paylaşılmaktadır.
According to a research, conducted in 2013, 1 % of mankind holds 40 % of total richness in his hand while the poorest % 50 of mankind holds 1 % of total richness. These numbers indicate that half of the world population lives on the line... more
According to a research, conducted in 2013, 1 % of mankind holds
40 % of total richness in his hand while the poorest % 50 of mankind
holds 1 % of total richness. These numbers indicate that half of the world
population lives on the line of poverty (an income under $ 2 a day),
defined by United Nations. This way, sustainability of neither the
extreme richness nor extreme poverty is ethically and socially possible in
long term.
Careless and extravagant use of the earth’s surface, focusing only
on consumption, without any concern for the future, is a wrongful act to
“the future of next generation”, which is the first principle of sustainability. Taking into the consideration that effective use of scare
resources is a pre-requisite of economical theories, our modern day
society is expected to show a tendency for protecting the existing and
creating new sources and values.
At this point, one of the biggest rolls in financial sense fall to the
enterprises, and those, who lead the world economy. The expectations of
societies from enterprises, related to the social liability issues, started at
the beginning of 20th century in USA. These expectations obliged the
enterprises to act with a community oriented focus and within
collective conscious in order to be able to survive in time. What expected
from the enterprises within the new word order is; to display activities,
which take the interests of the community into the consideration, whose
positive competition is supported by the state policies, while they create
added values, provide financial sustainability.
Most of the companies adapt different sustainability strategies to
their systems in order to maintain their existence and reach these targets.
Nevertheless, the global markets increase the level of competition, in
which the enterprises are struggling, and make the entrance of other
enterprises into the market more difficult every other day. Supporting of
entrepreneurism and especially the small-scale enterprises are essential
for social benefit and equality of chances.
Especial recently, the projects, which support entrepreneurism,
have been developed by big enterprises, state and non-profit
organizations. The issues, such as entrepreneurism of groups, which
require a special care, women entrepreneurism, and entrepreneurism on
the products, which create added values, have become frequently
discussed matters. What required is not only the quantative properties of
the entrepreneurs, but the characteristics of their activities. The ideas,
which can be considered as sustainable and will create a social benefit
and customer value, are supported financially by the designed support
mechanisms, put them under the production and make them survive by
taking less risks during the period, in which the product is introduced to
the market first time.
Technological development regions, is one of these support
mechanisms. The main purpose is to support the manufacturers of the
products, which create added values. The entrepreneurs, who wish to
bring their ideas into the life or develop them, are supported financially
with tax exemptions, which are applied through state itself. The period,
in which an idea is converted to a product, is a rather risky and long
period. This period becomes more critical when researches and
developments are required. In this study, the equality of opportunity,
provided by technological regions and preliminary incubations periods,
which are considered amongst the aforesaid support mechanisms, will be
evaluated along with their application examples in Turkey and social
benefits, created by these regions and their sustainability will be
40 % of total richness in his hand while the poorest % 50 of mankind
holds 1 % of total richness. These numbers indicate that half of the world
population lives on the line of poverty (an income under $ 2 a day),
defined by United Nations. This way, sustainability of neither the
extreme richness nor extreme poverty is ethically and socially possible in
long term.
Careless and extravagant use of the earth’s surface, focusing only
on consumption, without any concern for the future, is a wrongful act to
“the future of next generation”, which is the first principle of sustainability. Taking into the consideration that effective use of scare
resources is a pre-requisite of economical theories, our modern day
society is expected to show a tendency for protecting the existing and
creating new sources and values.
At this point, one of the biggest rolls in financial sense fall to the
enterprises, and those, who lead the world economy. The expectations of
societies from enterprises, related to the social liability issues, started at
the beginning of 20th century in USA. These expectations obliged the
enterprises to act with a community oriented focus and within
collective conscious in order to be able to survive in time. What expected
from the enterprises within the new word order is; to display activities,
which take the interests of the community into the consideration, whose
positive competition is supported by the state policies, while they create
added values, provide financial sustainability.
Most of the companies adapt different sustainability strategies to
their systems in order to maintain their existence and reach these targets.
Nevertheless, the global markets increase the level of competition, in
which the enterprises are struggling, and make the entrance of other
enterprises into the market more difficult every other day. Supporting of
entrepreneurism and especially the small-scale enterprises are essential
for social benefit and equality of chances.
Especial recently, the projects, which support entrepreneurism,
have been developed by big enterprises, state and non-profit
organizations. The issues, such as entrepreneurism of groups, which
require a special care, women entrepreneurism, and entrepreneurism on
the products, which create added values, have become frequently
discussed matters. What required is not only the quantative properties of
the entrepreneurs, but the characteristics of their activities. The ideas,
which can be considered as sustainable and will create a social benefit
and customer value, are supported financially by the designed support
mechanisms, put them under the production and make them survive by
taking less risks during the period, in which the product is introduced to
the market first time.
Technological development regions, is one of these support
mechanisms. The main purpose is to support the manufacturers of the
products, which create added values. The entrepreneurs, who wish to
bring their ideas into the life or develop them, are supported financially
with tax exemptions, which are applied through state itself. The period,
in which an idea is converted to a product, is a rather risky and long
period. This period becomes more critical when researches and
developments are required. In this study, the equality of opportunity,
provided by technological regions and preliminary incubations periods,
which are considered amongst the aforesaid support mechanisms, will be
evaluated along with their application examples in Turkey and social
benefits, created by these regions and their sustainability will be
Based on a report from the 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Index, Indonesia's competitiveness ranks 31 out of 137 countries. This reflects the small amount of the Government budget allocated for research and innovation which is only 0.1%... more
Based on a report from the 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Index, Indonesia's competitiveness ranks 31 out of 137 countries. This reflects the small amount of the Government budget allocated for research and innovation which is only 0.1% of GDP. Generally in developing countries there is cooperation between the Government, Industry / Private Sector and Higher Education in conducting research and innovation (Triple-Helix), so that the small budget can be overcome. Universities are believed to be one of the sources of knowledge and human resources capable of producing innovation, but research produced by universities in Indonesia has not been absorbed optimally by industries in Indonesia. In addition, industries in Indonesia have not been able to reach the results of research in universities. This gap is what inhibits the realization of cooperation between Universities, Industry / Private and Government. To be able to fill this gap, a solution is needed in facilitating the Triple-Helix collaboration which is realized in the form of the Science Technopark. This study aims to conduct stakeholder analysis involved in the Triple-Helix collaboration in order to formulate the Technopark Science institutional model.
As being one of the most important concepts in modern marketing, the concept of brand has been studied by many different areas, both academic and business oriented. With the increasing importance of the concept every single day, research... more
As being one of the most important concepts in modern marketing, the concept of brand has been studied by many different areas, both academic and business oriented. With the increasing importance of the concept every single day, research focused on brand is shifted beyond product and service to very different commercial areas such as athlete brand and celebrity brand. One of the most interesting branding approaches is focused on city branding which is the result of contemporary urban management that needs to be competitive in order to survive according to the global economy and the ever-shifting needs of the consumers. It is a fact that positioning a city as a brand value can increase the popularity of it and that’s why lots of cities around the World, especially Europe is spending resources on projects to implement marketing and branding theories to city management in order to develop the perception of “livable cities”
In today’s highly challenging knowledge-based economy, many universities are have been taking additional value from their technologies developed in their research laboratories by licensing their intellectual property (Tidd & Bessant,... more
In today’s highly challenging knowledge-based economy, many universities are have been taking additional value from their technologies developed in their research laboratories by licensing their intellectual property (Tidd & Bessant, 2011). In Turkey, however, this issue is very new and most of the university administrators are not aware about the intellectual property rights (Pathak, Xavier-Oliveira, & Laplume, 2013). As Huizingh has mentioned that such technology transfer of the universities has recently become an important dimension for the university strategy, as part of a trend called open innovation. Open innovation can involve both bringing knowledge from university into the innovative corporations and also transferring technologies from within the corporation to external partners, like the universities. By licensing their technology, universities have achieve a successful return on other and more deep R&D. In that way, technology transfer by licensing technology help universities (Huizingh, 2011). However, in many universities, especially in Turkey instead of licensing technology in order to achieve additional revenues by annual royalties, have not very effective in licensing. In particular, universities transfer their competitively outstanding technologies due to the lack of strategic management. Additionally, researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities due to the lack of the technology licensing offices (Shane & Somaya, 2007).
In order to understand the Turkish universities in technology transfer and licensing, a well-rounded research had conducted in Istanbul, the most developed city in Turkey, in which two different universities had chosen. After analyzing the academic and managerial background on technology licensing, exploratory interviews with 45 researchers in two different faculties, which were engineering and medicine, had conducted to understand deeply the level of awareness about the technology transfer and licensing. Additionally, a simple questionnaire was given to overview the general knowledge of the researchers in licensing and intellectual property rights. In the study, a phenomenological analysis was conducted and 16 research questions were taken into consideration during the semi-structured interviews. Then the data were overviewed critically by using Atlas.ti 7 to elaborate deeply the main situation regarding to the technology transfer and licensing
The results of the depth analysis showed that most of the participants (88%) accepted that they did not know about the technology transfer and licensing. More significantly, the most of the participants from the faculties of medicine and engineering were not aware about the importance of the technology that they had developed in terms of licensing and royalties that they could earn. Those (43%) who were developing technology and transfer of the technology to the corporations felt alone and scared about licensing. Some (22%) of the young participants had mentioned about the negative attitudes of the older professors. Those, who were successful in technology transfer and licensing, on the other hand, had mentioned that they did not like to talk about licensing and they preferred to work in corporations rather than in the university in order to protect themselves from the negative attitudes of their colleagues. Most (89%) of them strongly clarified that they had potential technological solutions for specific problems, but they faced the challenges for technology transfer and licensing. The participants from the medicine had less knowledge in technology transfer and licensing than those from the engineering faculty. Some of them (32%) could not identify profitable applications of their studies. In addition, the large number of the participants (87%) had defined transferring technology as a complex process. They could not deal with the licensing activity. Hence, that mentioned that they needed technology licensing office to cope effectively and efficiently with managerial formalities.
In order to understand the Turkish universities in technology transfer and licensing, a well-rounded research had conducted in Istanbul, the most developed city in Turkey, in which two different universities had chosen. After analyzing the academic and managerial background on technology licensing, exploratory interviews with 45 researchers in two different faculties, which were engineering and medicine, had conducted to understand deeply the level of awareness about the technology transfer and licensing. Additionally, a simple questionnaire was given to overview the general knowledge of the researchers in licensing and intellectual property rights. In the study, a phenomenological analysis was conducted and 16 research questions were taken into consideration during the semi-structured interviews. Then the data were overviewed critically by using Atlas.ti 7 to elaborate deeply the main situation regarding to the technology transfer and licensing
The results of the depth analysis showed that most of the participants (88%) accepted that they did not know about the technology transfer and licensing. More significantly, the most of the participants from the faculties of medicine and engineering were not aware about the importance of the technology that they had developed in terms of licensing and royalties that they could earn. Those (43%) who were developing technology and transfer of the technology to the corporations felt alone and scared about licensing. Some (22%) of the young participants had mentioned about the negative attitudes of the older professors. Those, who were successful in technology transfer and licensing, on the other hand, had mentioned that they did not like to talk about licensing and they preferred to work in corporations rather than in the university in order to protect themselves from the negative attitudes of their colleagues. Most (89%) of them strongly clarified that they had potential technological solutions for specific problems, but they faced the challenges for technology transfer and licensing. The participants from the medicine had less knowledge in technology transfer and licensing than those from the engineering faculty. Some of them (32%) could not identify profitable applications of their studies. In addition, the large number of the participants (87%) had defined transferring technology as a complex process. They could not deal with the licensing activity. Hence, that mentioned that they needed technology licensing office to cope effectively and efficiently with managerial formalities.
Problem Durumu Son klinik vaka çalışmaları ve araştırmaları, üstün yetenekleri olan çocukların yetişkinlik döneminde yeterince doğru seçimler yapamadıklarından, istemedikleri sonuçlarla karşı karşıya kaldıklarını ve mutsuz olduklarını,... more
Problem Durumu
Son klinik vaka çalışmaları ve araştırmaları, üstün yetenekleri olan çocukların yetişkinlik döneminde yeterince doğru seçimler yapamadıklarından, istemedikleri sonuçlarla karşı karşıya kaldıklarını ve mutsuz olduklarını, hatta başarısız olabileceklerini göstermektedir (Kerr, 2009). Bu nedenle, bu tür öğrencilerin çok yönlü özellikleri ele alınarak, kariyerleri ile ilgili farklı bir danışmanlık süreci izlenmesini gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Eylül 2007 tarihinde başlatılan bu çalışmada, 38 farklı ve üstün yetenekli lise öğrencisinin meslek seçimleri sırasında yaşadıkları sorunlarla ilgili olarak Mart 2011 tarihine kadar üç yıllık kariyer danışmanlığı yapılmış ve bu danışmanlık sürecinde de nitel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırmanın evrenini; İstanbul ilinde yaşayan daha önceden özel yetenekli olarak belirlenmiş lisede okuyan öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi ise İstanbul'un Beşiktaş ilçesinde özel yetenekli olduğu daha önceden belirlenmiş 38 lise öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Veri Toplama Araçları katılımcılara cinsiyet, yaş, gelir durumu ve özellikle yetenekli olduğu alanlarda başarılarıyla ilgili kısa özgeçmişlerini içeren Kısa Bilgi Formu, Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ve Baron Duygusal Zeka Testi verilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra derinlemesine mülakatlarla nitel araştırmanın gerektirdiği ses kayıtları alınmıştır. Bu şekilde Örnek Olay üzerinden elde edilen bilgi tasnif edilerek bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. İşlem uzun süreli bir araştırma olduğu için 38 öğrenci ile araştırma devam ettirilebilmiş ve Ocak 2011 itibariyle bulgular netlik kazanmıştır. Her öğrencinin kendisiyle teke tek görüşmelerin dışında, grup halinde ve aileleriyle de birlikte karşılıklı görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birebir yapılan tüm görüşmelerin izinli olarak ses kayıtları alınmıştır. Açık uçlu sorular sorulurken, özellikle katılımcı gözlem yapılarak öğrencilerin bu süreçlerde geçirdikleri aşamalar, sıkıntılar ve gelişmeler de araştırmacı tarafından kaydedilmiştir. Kısa Bilgi Formunda yararlanılarak, öğrenciler için ayrı ayrı dosya açılmış ve Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ile Duygusal Zeka Testlerinin de sonuçları göz önünde bulundurularak, derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılmış ve Örnek Olaydan yola çıkılarak, tüm bilgiler Excel dosyaya işlenmiştir. Veri Analizi İşlenen tüm veriler, gözlemler, Duygusal Zeka Testinin sonuçları, ve öğrencilerin bu dönemde gerçekleştirdikleri önemli performanslar da dikkate alınarak her öğrenci kendi içinde önce değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme yapılırken özellikle Örnek Olay olarak ele alınan kariyer seçimleri ve bu süreçte yaşananlar araştırmanın soru olarak ön planda tutulmuş ve elde edilen bulgular bu çerçevede değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bilginin daha sağlıklı olması, için belli bir kodlama sistemi kullanılmıştır. Bu kodlamalar PASW 18.0.1 kullanılarak daha derinlemesine geçerli ve güvenirliliği yüksek bir araştırma yapma imkanı bulunmuştur. Bu verilerin Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ve Duygusal Zeka Testini oluşturan alt testlerle de mukayesesi yapılmıştır.
Derinlemesine mülakatlar ve ölçeklerden elde edilen bilgilerin analizi sonucunda, bu örneklemdeki öğrencilerin hepsi Seviye Belirleme Sınavında başarı gösterememiştirdir. Ancak hepsinin özel yetenekleri olduğu daha önceden yapılan psikolojik testlerle kanıtlanmıştır. Ayrıca her biri kendine ait özel yeteneğini, müzik, sanat, spor ve temel bilimlerde sürdürmekte ve belirli bir gelişim göstermektedir. Aileleri tarafından da özel yetenekleri olduğu kabul edilen bu öğrencilerin en önemli ortak özellikleri ilgili olduğu becerilerinde süreklilik ve disiplinli bir çalışma yapma gayretleridir. 38 öğrencinin arasından özellikle müzik ve temel bilimlerle ilgilenen öğrencilerin akademik başarıları da aynı oranda yüksek olmakla birlikte, sanat ve sporla uğraşan öğrencilerin akademik başarıları daha düşüktür. Bu durum da kariyerleri konusunda karar verirken kararsız kalmalarına neden olmaktadır. Aynı şekilde bu grubun içinde akademik başarısı yüksek temel bilimde ve müzikte başarı gösteren öğrencilerin Duygusal Zeka Test ve Benlik Algısı sonuçları diğer gruba göre daha yüksek çıkmaktadır. Grubun tamamının ortak kaygısı, hangi alanda ilerleyeceklerini bilememeleri ve aile ve çevrelerin oluşturduğu beklentilerin üzerlerinde oluşturduğu baskı olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Pek çok alanda becerileri olan bu öğrenciler kararsızlıklarından dolayı planlı ve stratejik bir kariyer planmasına sahip olamadıkları da yapılan araştırma da belirlemiştir.
Son klinik vaka çalışmaları ve araştırmaları, üstün yetenekleri olan çocukların yetişkinlik döneminde yeterince doğru seçimler yapamadıklarından, istemedikleri sonuçlarla karşı karşıya kaldıklarını ve mutsuz olduklarını, hatta başarısız olabileceklerini göstermektedir (Kerr, 2009). Bu nedenle, bu tür öğrencilerin çok yönlü özellikleri ele alınarak, kariyerleri ile ilgili farklı bir danışmanlık süreci izlenmesini gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Eylül 2007 tarihinde başlatılan bu çalışmada, 38 farklı ve üstün yetenekli lise öğrencisinin meslek seçimleri sırasında yaşadıkları sorunlarla ilgili olarak Mart 2011 tarihine kadar üç yıllık kariyer danışmanlığı yapılmış ve bu danışmanlık sürecinde de nitel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırmanın evrenini; İstanbul ilinde yaşayan daha önceden özel yetenekli olarak belirlenmiş lisede okuyan öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi ise İstanbul'un Beşiktaş ilçesinde özel yetenekli olduğu daha önceden belirlenmiş 38 lise öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Veri Toplama Araçları katılımcılara cinsiyet, yaş, gelir durumu ve özellikle yetenekli olduğu alanlarda başarılarıyla ilgili kısa özgeçmişlerini içeren Kısa Bilgi Formu, Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ve Baron Duygusal Zeka Testi verilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra derinlemesine mülakatlarla nitel araştırmanın gerektirdiği ses kayıtları alınmıştır. Bu şekilde Örnek Olay üzerinden elde edilen bilgi tasnif edilerek bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. İşlem uzun süreli bir araştırma olduğu için 38 öğrenci ile araştırma devam ettirilebilmiş ve Ocak 2011 itibariyle bulgular netlik kazanmıştır. Her öğrencinin kendisiyle teke tek görüşmelerin dışında, grup halinde ve aileleriyle de birlikte karşılıklı görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birebir yapılan tüm görüşmelerin izinli olarak ses kayıtları alınmıştır. Açık uçlu sorular sorulurken, özellikle katılımcı gözlem yapılarak öğrencilerin bu süreçlerde geçirdikleri aşamalar, sıkıntılar ve gelişmeler de araştırmacı tarafından kaydedilmiştir. Kısa Bilgi Formunda yararlanılarak, öğrenciler için ayrı ayrı dosya açılmış ve Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ile Duygusal Zeka Testlerinin de sonuçları göz önünde bulundurularak, derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılmış ve Örnek Olaydan yola çıkılarak, tüm bilgiler Excel dosyaya işlenmiştir. Veri Analizi İşlenen tüm veriler, gözlemler, Duygusal Zeka Testinin sonuçları, ve öğrencilerin bu dönemde gerçekleştirdikleri önemli performanslar da dikkate alınarak her öğrenci kendi içinde önce değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme yapılırken özellikle Örnek Olay olarak ele alınan kariyer seçimleri ve bu süreçte yaşananlar araştırmanın soru olarak ön planda tutulmuş ve elde edilen bulgular bu çerçevede değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bilginin daha sağlıklı olması, için belli bir kodlama sistemi kullanılmıştır. Bu kodlamalar PASW 18.0.1 kullanılarak daha derinlemesine geçerli ve güvenirliliği yüksek bir araştırma yapma imkanı bulunmuştur. Bu verilerin Piers Haris Benlik Algısı Ölçeği ve Duygusal Zeka Testini oluşturan alt testlerle de mukayesesi yapılmıştır.
Derinlemesine mülakatlar ve ölçeklerden elde edilen bilgilerin analizi sonucunda, bu örneklemdeki öğrencilerin hepsi Seviye Belirleme Sınavında başarı gösterememiştirdir. Ancak hepsinin özel yetenekleri olduğu daha önceden yapılan psikolojik testlerle kanıtlanmıştır. Ayrıca her biri kendine ait özel yeteneğini, müzik, sanat, spor ve temel bilimlerde sürdürmekte ve belirli bir gelişim göstermektedir. Aileleri tarafından da özel yetenekleri olduğu kabul edilen bu öğrencilerin en önemli ortak özellikleri ilgili olduğu becerilerinde süreklilik ve disiplinli bir çalışma yapma gayretleridir. 38 öğrencinin arasından özellikle müzik ve temel bilimlerle ilgilenen öğrencilerin akademik başarıları da aynı oranda yüksek olmakla birlikte, sanat ve sporla uğraşan öğrencilerin akademik başarıları daha düşüktür. Bu durum da kariyerleri konusunda karar verirken kararsız kalmalarına neden olmaktadır. Aynı şekilde bu grubun içinde akademik başarısı yüksek temel bilimde ve müzikte başarı gösteren öğrencilerin Duygusal Zeka Test ve Benlik Algısı sonuçları diğer gruba göre daha yüksek çıkmaktadır. Grubun tamamının ortak kaygısı, hangi alanda ilerleyeceklerini bilememeleri ve aile ve çevrelerin oluşturduğu beklentilerin üzerlerinde oluşturduğu baskı olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Pek çok alanda becerileri olan bu öğrenciler kararsızlıklarından dolayı planlı ve stratejik bir kariyer planmasına sahip olamadıkları da yapılan araştırma da belirlemiştir.
FİRMALARDA ÖZÜMSEME KAPASİTESİNİ ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER: TEKNOPARK FİRMALARI ÖRNEĞİ ÖZ Günümüz rekabet ortamında, rakiplerinden daha hızlı şekilde yeni teknolojileri edinebilmek, firmalar için çok kritik bir hal almıştır. Gelişmekte olan... more
Günümüz rekabet ortamında, rakiplerinden daha hızlı şekilde yeni teknolojileri edinebilmek, firmalar için çok kritik bir hal almıştır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki firmalar incelendiğinde, yurt içerisinde bulunan üniversiteler ile yapılan iş birlikleri neticesinde gerçekleştirilen teknoloji transferi (TT)’nin temel teknoloji edinim yöntemlerinden olduğu görülmektedir. Yazım alanı incelendiğinde, TT’yi gerçekleştirebilmek için firmaların kurumsal olarak, bilgi ve teknolojiyi edinme, asimile etme, dönüştürme ve ondan faydalanma yeteneğine sahip olmalarının gerekli olduğu görülmektedir. Söz konusu bu yetenek “Özümseme Kapasitesi (ÖK)” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu durumda TT hedefleyen firmaların ÖK yeteneklerini geliştirmeleri, firmaların TT performanslarını yükseltebilmeleri için, ÖK’yi artıran faaliyetleri tespit ederek bunları arttırmaya dönük çalışmaları yapmaları gerekmektedir. Bu değişkenlerin tespiti ve ÖK üzerindeki muhtemel etkilerinin ortaya konulması, bu çalışmanın sorunsalı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ankara ilinde yer alan 157 teknopark firmasına yukarıdaki sorunsal kapsamında ölçek uygulaması yapılmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizleri neticesinde, teknopark hizmetleri ile teknopark içi iş birliklerinin firmaların ÖK’ni anlamlı bir şekilde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Özümseme Kapasitesi, Teknoloji Transferi,
Teknopark Hizmetleri, Teknopark İçi İş Birlikleri,
In the globalizing getting access to new technologies more quickly than their competitors has become very critical for the firms. When firms in developing countries are examined, it is seen that they primarily try to get technologies by means of inbound technology transfer. Examining the literature, it is seen that to realize technology transfer (TT) firms have to have the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit the knowledge and technology. This capability is named as absorptive capacity (AC). So, firms that aim to make TT and improve their TT performance have to improve their AC, determine the activities that improve AC and make studies to improve these. The research question of this study is established as to determine these variables and their probable impacts on AC. A survey is made to 157 technopark firms in Ankara within the scope of research question above. As a result of regression analysis made in this study, services given and cooperation in the technoparks effects AC meaningly.
Keywords: Absorptive Capacity, Technology Transfer, Services in
Technoparks, Cooperation in Technoparks, Firms
Günümüz rekabet ortamında, rakiplerinden daha hızlı şekilde yeni teknolojileri edinebilmek, firmalar için çok kritik bir hal almıştır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki firmalar incelendiğinde, yurt içerisinde bulunan üniversiteler ile yapılan iş birlikleri neticesinde gerçekleştirilen teknoloji transferi (TT)’nin temel teknoloji edinim yöntemlerinden olduğu görülmektedir. Yazım alanı incelendiğinde, TT’yi gerçekleştirebilmek için firmaların kurumsal olarak, bilgi ve teknolojiyi edinme, asimile etme, dönüştürme ve ondan faydalanma yeteneğine sahip olmalarının gerekli olduğu görülmektedir. Söz konusu bu yetenek “Özümseme Kapasitesi (ÖK)” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu durumda TT hedefleyen firmaların ÖK yeteneklerini geliştirmeleri, firmaların TT performanslarını yükseltebilmeleri için, ÖK’yi artıran faaliyetleri tespit ederek bunları arttırmaya dönük çalışmaları yapmaları gerekmektedir. Bu değişkenlerin tespiti ve ÖK üzerindeki muhtemel etkilerinin ortaya konulması, bu çalışmanın sorunsalı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ankara ilinde yer alan 157 teknopark firmasına yukarıdaki sorunsal kapsamında ölçek uygulaması yapılmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizleri neticesinde, teknopark hizmetleri ile teknopark içi iş birliklerinin firmaların ÖK’ni anlamlı bir şekilde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Özümseme Kapasitesi, Teknoloji Transferi,
Teknopark Hizmetleri, Teknopark İçi İş Birlikleri,
In the globalizing getting access to new technologies more quickly than their competitors has become very critical for the firms. When firms in developing countries are examined, it is seen that they primarily try to get technologies by means of inbound technology transfer. Examining the literature, it is seen that to realize technology transfer (TT) firms have to have the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit the knowledge and technology. This capability is named as absorptive capacity (AC). So, firms that aim to make TT and improve their TT performance have to improve their AC, determine the activities that improve AC and make studies to improve these. The research question of this study is established as to determine these variables and their probable impacts on AC. A survey is made to 157 technopark firms in Ankara within the scope of research question above. As a result of regression analysis made in this study, services given and cooperation in the technoparks effects AC meaningly.
Keywords: Absorptive Capacity, Technology Transfer, Services in
Technoparks, Cooperation in Technoparks, Firms
Problem Statement: The increasing need of the funding and financing has changed the universities mission universities in terms of their commercial activities,particularly those in the best ranking lists of the universities. Research... more
Problem Statement: The increasing need of the funding and financing has changed the universities mission universities in terms of their commercial activities,particularly those in the best ranking lists of the universities.
Research Questions: What kind of commercial activities is more important in increasing revenues is questioned taking into account the comparative study in the US,UK,and Turkey since they are critically in transition.
Purpose of the Study: This paper focuses carefully on the university commercialization in three different countries(the US,the UK,and Turkey) in which the main activities,which create effective and efficient in increasing funding and financing,are analyzed because right decisions would be taken into account for short and long-term sustainable success of the universities.
Research Methods: By using a phenomenological analysis, the data were collected through 57 semi-structured interviews with technology transfer officers (67) at 6 different universities (2 in the US, 1 in the UK, and 3 in Turkey) in three different countries. As taking into consideration the observations of the researchers,the collected data of were systematically examined in NVivo 10, data analysis software-program.
Findings: The study shows critically that the heterogeneous commercial activities were seen in three different countries. The findings clarified that the university leadership was critical in funding and financing the universities. The American and English universities were really very successful in developing university-industry partnership comparing to Turkey. Their licensing revenues of the university patents were much higher than Turkish universities.
Conclusions: The Technology Transfer Offices(TTOs) played important roles in developing university-industry partnership,particularly in the US and UK:however,in Turkey,the TTOs were so new in developing strong relationship with the industry. Additionally, the revenue through licensing activities was still limited.While the American and English universities were commercialized and funded by means of the industry,the Turkish universities were funded by the government.
Research Questions: What kind of commercial activities is more important in increasing revenues is questioned taking into account the comparative study in the US,UK,and Turkey since they are critically in transition.
Purpose of the Study: This paper focuses carefully on the university commercialization in three different countries(the US,the UK,and Turkey) in which the main activities,which create effective and efficient in increasing funding and financing,are analyzed because right decisions would be taken into account for short and long-term sustainable success of the universities.
Research Methods: By using a phenomenological analysis, the data were collected through 57 semi-structured interviews with technology transfer officers (67) at 6 different universities (2 in the US, 1 in the UK, and 3 in Turkey) in three different countries. As taking into consideration the observations of the researchers,the collected data of were systematically examined in NVivo 10, data analysis software-program.
Findings: The study shows critically that the heterogeneous commercial activities were seen in three different countries. The findings clarified that the university leadership was critical in funding and financing the universities. The American and English universities were really very successful in developing university-industry partnership comparing to Turkey. Their licensing revenues of the university patents were much higher than Turkish universities.
Conclusions: The Technology Transfer Offices(TTOs) played important roles in developing university-industry partnership,particularly in the US and UK:however,in Turkey,the TTOs were so new in developing strong relationship with the industry. Additionally, the revenue through licensing activities was still limited.While the American and English universities were commercialized and funded by means of the industry,the Turkish universities were funded by the government.
Problem Statement: The number of the students, who are taking massive open online courses(MOOCs), has markedly increased at the universities where the revenues are strategically financing the budget of the universities. Research... more
Problem Statement: The number of the students, who are taking massive open online courses(MOOCs), has markedly increased at the universities where the revenues are strategically financing the budget of the universities.
Research Questions: What the effects of the MOOCs were on funding the universities was studied in this study,while they were diminishing the quality of teaching and learning because the interaction decreased.
Purpose of the Study: This study examined strategically the effects of the MOOCs on funding and financing the universities. In order to understand critically the students’ spending on online courses, the quality of teaching and learning was questioned in this digital age. The interactions between teachers and students had also interactively overviewed.
Research Methods: In this study, the quantitative study had preferred taking into consideration the perceptions and the experiences of the students (654),the lecturers (34),the experts(22) of the MOOCs. Two different surveys related to the outcomes of the MOOCs and the effects of MOOCs on financing the two universities were used. The data were analyzed and clustered according to the participants’ profiles.
Findings: The study shows the students’ participations on MOOCs had increased while increasing the revenues from these MOOCs.The funding from the MOOCs was a new subject and the universities did not critically know how to invest for long-term sustainable goals.As the participants had mentioned most of the technical investments were not planned strategically to meet the needs.
Conclusions: In conclusion,the students were not happy about the content of these MOOCs,but they attended just having the certificates.As lecturers mentioned that the interaction between the students and teachers were very limited:however,they participated in the MOOCs in order to earn just money.The MOOCs quality is limited for all stakeholders who take all these MOOCs from the commercial perspective.
Research Questions: What the effects of the MOOCs were on funding the universities was studied in this study,while they were diminishing the quality of teaching and learning because the interaction decreased.
Purpose of the Study: This study examined strategically the effects of the MOOCs on funding and financing the universities. In order to understand critically the students’ spending on online courses, the quality of teaching and learning was questioned in this digital age. The interactions between teachers and students had also interactively overviewed.
Research Methods: In this study, the quantitative study had preferred taking into consideration the perceptions and the experiences of the students (654),the lecturers (34),the experts(22) of the MOOCs. Two different surveys related to the outcomes of the MOOCs and the effects of MOOCs on financing the two universities were used. The data were analyzed and clustered according to the participants’ profiles.
Findings: The study shows the students’ participations on MOOCs had increased while increasing the revenues from these MOOCs.The funding from the MOOCs was a new subject and the universities did not critically know how to invest for long-term sustainable goals.As the participants had mentioned most of the technical investments were not planned strategically to meet the needs.
Conclusions: In conclusion,the students were not happy about the content of these MOOCs,but they attended just having the certificates.As lecturers mentioned that the interaction between the students and teachers were very limited:however,they participated in the MOOCs in order to earn just money.The MOOCs quality is limited for all stakeholders who take all these MOOCs from the commercial perspective.
The development of science-intensive technologies is crucial for the social and economic stability of the nation. The current technological system calls for a unification of scientific and technological approaches in the innovation-driven... more
The development of science-intensive technologies is crucial for the social and economic stability of the nation. The current technological system calls for a unification of scientific and technological approaches in the innovation-driven development. The introduction of innovations is necessary for modernization of the national economy and for making Russian companies more efficient. Without the constant development of science and education, there is a threat of social and cultural stagnation; while the world trend of changing and improving the production involves the emergence of new formats of economic interaction in which the science-intensive and convergent technologies play the key role. The science-intensive development requires the full-fledged institutional interaction, the joint activity of stakeholders, i.e. the development of special territories where economic, infrastructural and social-cultural conditions allow the introduction of new technologies. Technoparks represent one of the most popular formats of such territories. Today the Russian Federation has several technoparks. However, their work is not always satisfactory and needs optimization, especially for the greater efficiency of the science-intensive technologies. To identify the most effective ways of upgrading the Russian technoparks, the authors studied the experience of 12 most successful technoparks abroad, and make recommendations for improving the management system of tech-noparks and enhancing their scientific and innovative activities. The article describes the features of science intensive technologies; the challenges the innovative organizations face; the role of technoparks in ensuring the growth of the innovative potential of the state; the formats and structure of technoparks as well as the recommendations for making them more effective in developing science-intensive technologies. The article also presents the results of the studies of the Russian technoparks over the last ten years. The authors try to identify the main methods for optimization and modernization of technoparks to increase their role in the innovation-driven development of the state.
Günümüz rekabet ortamında, rakiplerinden daha hızlı şekilde yeni teknolojileri edinebilmek, firmalar için çok kritik bir hal almıştır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki firmalar incelendiğinde, yurt içerisinde bulunan üniversiteler ile yapılan... more
Günümüz rekabet ortamında, rakiplerinden daha hızlı şekilde yeni teknolojileri edinebilmek, firmalar için çok kritik bir hal almıştır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki firmalar incelendiğinde, yurt içerisinde bulunan üniversiteler ile yapılan iş birlikleri neticesinde gerçekleştirilen teknoloji transferi (TT)’nin temel teknoloji edinim yöntemlerinden olduğu görülmektedir. Yazım alanı incelendiğinde, TT’yi gerçekleştirebilmek için firmaların kurumsal olarak, bilgi ve teknolojiyi edinme, asimile etme, dönüştürme ve ondan faydalanma yeteneğine sahip olmalarının gerekli olduğu görülmektedir. Söz konusu bu yetenek “Özümseme Kapasitesi (ÖK)” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu durumda TT hedefleyen firmaların ÖK yeteneklerini geliştirmeleri, firmaların TT performanslarını yükseltebilmeleri için, ÖK’yi artıran faaliyetleri tespit ederek bunları arttırmaya dönük çalışmaları yapmaları gerekmektedir. Bu değişkenlerin tespiti ve ÖK üzerindeki muhtemel etkilerinin ortaya konulması, bu çalışmanın sorunsalı...
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