Technology and it's Advancements
Recent papers in Technology and it's Advancements
D eclaring America's digital infrastructure to be a "strategic national asset" President Barack Obama called cyberspace the "fifth domain", the "new frontier" and as vital and valuable as land, sea, air and space -and as threatened by the... more
Military intelligence, abbreviated as "intel" or MI, refers to the collection, analysis, and distribution of information relevant to military operations. Every nation on Earth utilizes military intelligence to make itself more secure and... more
This is a short paper on whether or not senior manager’s play in active role in infrastructure design and planning decisions process with respect to the IT Framework and do they stay informed. As the Global Economy comes together by... more
The research in AI is divided in to two categories Knowledge representation and general. For making the computer or Machine as intelligent as human being we require two things Knowledge representation and inference mechanism. Development... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
The approach of this research paper is to find out the effect of the temperature on the strength of electricity, magnetism and the electromagnet. Magnets, electromagnets and electricity we are using in our day to day life. And every time... more
Employee Work Life Balance (WLB) is a major factor to increase employee performance as well as organizational performance. Employee performance is very important for any organization to achieve competitive advantage. ABC Company is not... more
The productivity performance of the public sector in Malaysia had been declined from 3.78% in the year 2008 to 1.14% in the year 2009. Furthermore, Malaysia’s labor market efficiency have been dropped from rank 25th in year 2013 from rank... more
Expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. It uses human knowledge to solve problems that would require human intelligence. It represents expertise knowledge as data or rules within... more
Innovation is the fuel for continuous improvement; it is the exploitation of the opportunity to create market differentiation & competitive advantage. Innovationʼs centrality and importance in international operations have been a subject... more
ABSTRACT Cybercrime is a kind of crime that happens in cyberspace world, it happens in the world of computer (network or system) and the Internet. It is obvious that, many people have a limited knowledge of cybercrime, and this kind of... more
The term shareware is used in contrast to retail software, which refers to commercial software available only with the purchase of a license which may not be copied for others; public domain software, which refers to software not... more
This paper examined the changes in librarianship brought about by advancement in technology especially as it relates to new work functions expected of librarians. The major objective of the study was to identify the role of curriculum in... more
Health information technology can save lives, cut costs, and expand access to care. But its full promise will only be realized if policymakers broker a "grand bargain" between providers, patients, and administrative agencies. In exchange... more
Employees today are different. They are not the ones who do not have go experienced and talented ones. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job due to lack of advancement opportunities, salary and... more
The world has so developed that technology has revolutionised development in all aspects of human life. A scenario is a strategic management technique where a written description of a possible future is made to assist in the... more
Holography, the three-dimensional imaging technology, was portrayed widely as a paradigm of progress during its decade of explosive expansion 1964–73, and during its subsequent consolidation for commercial and artistic uses up to the mid... more
Urbanization likely to impact ground water quality and quantity leading to higher uncertainty and difficulties in management of pollution. Results yielding a good indication but the scenario demands continuous surveillance of waste water... more
Supply chain collaboration is critical to achieving the integration of partners for performance impact. A firm attempts to seek economic and social benefits through supply chain collaboration. Successful collaboration is predicted not... more
"In the digital world, which is currently evolving and changing at such a rapid pace, the security of digital information has become increasingly more important. Great development of secret contact and communication in the world, the... more
Resumo O presente artigo demonstra os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória cujo objetivo foi identificar de forma prospectiva os pontos de controle da segurança da informação, documentados pela norma NBR ISO/IECi 17799: 2001... more
In te rn ati onal Jo u r n a l o f Advanc e m e n ts in Techno lo g y
Acoustics is a developing science in Nigeria like elsewhere in the world. However, it is fast gaining popularity as the country is faced with acoustical challenges from industries, road traffic, power generating sets, churches etc, hence... more
Brick is one of the most important masonry unit as a building material due to its properties. Many attempts have been made to incorporate wastes into the production of bricks. In this paper we experimentally describe the recycling of the... more
Resumo Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva que identificou o nível de concordância dos Executivos e Gerentes de TI do Rio Grande do Norte em relação às diretrizes da Norma NBR ISO/IEC 17799... more
Video games are fun, especially the one online that offer fantasy and role-playing. The games themselves as well as the networks as fun as they are, are sometimes associated with dangers such as identity theft and black market information... more
With the increase in the requirement of online real time data, data compression algorithms are to be implemented for increasing throughput. This paper describes the methods of creating dedicated hardware which can receive uncompressed... more
In every walk of life, technology or household errands, commercial sector or Health sector everywhere energy is playing vital role and is the key to progress. Macroscopic analysis of worldwide energy utilization reveals that Lighting... more
Brick is one of the most important masonry unit as a building material due to its properties. Many attempts have been made to incorporate wastes into the production of bricks. In this paper we experimentally describe the recycling of the... more
Nearly every citizen of the country is made up of monetary service firms such as banks, insurance companies, rental companies and finance firms. Financial services companies help individuals and companies save, borrow and manage... more
The research in AI is divided in to two categories Knowledge representation and general. For making the computer or Machine as intelligent as human being we require two things Knowledge representation and inference mechanism. Development... more
Zinc Oxide Phase Transition under different Temperatures and Pressures using Molecular Dynamics Prediction Y. Chergui1,2*, T. Aouaroun3,4, and R. Chemam1 1Badji Mokhtar University, Physics Department, Sidi Ammar, Annaba 23000, Algeria 2... more
Entrepreneurial activity is generally assumed to be an important aspect of the organization of industries most conducive to innovative activity and unrestrained competition. This paper investigates whether total entrepreneurial activity... more
Abstract: Information Security (ISEC) is the key to the effective management of any organisation in today's industrial and commercial sectors. It is now at the hearth of most business operations. In this paper, some information security... more
The information technology (IT) revolution that the world has been experiencing over the last two decades has had a significant impact not only on the world economy but also on global security, and in particular on international... more