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CAD Training institute in Delhi allows you to focus on Revit architecture which allows you get better in 2D & 3D architecture.
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      Computer ArchitectureTechnology CADArchitectureLandscape Architecture
Usability in virtual reality based design tools (VRAD) is a major issue since its interaction techniques are not yet fully investigated. Human factors such as pointing precision, fatigue, hand vibrations, lack of limb support, and... more
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      Technology CADCADVirtual Reality
A simulation technique is developed in TCAD to study the non-linear behavior of RF power transistor. The technique is based on semiconductor transport equations to swot up the overall non-linearity's occurring in RF power transistor.... more
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      TechnologyTechnology CADPower ElectronicsComputer Aided Design
The use of monolithic construction in building high-rise residential buildings in most cities have gained wide spread acceptance by scholars and practitioners in the building construction industry. The complexity of calculation of... more
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      Technology CADComputational ModellingModellingNumerical Modelling
Rapid modeling and optimization of manufacturing processes, devices, and circuits are required to support modern integrated circuit technology development and yield improvement. We have prototyped and applied an integrated system, called... more
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      EngineeringTechnology CADProcess OptimizationProcess Control
Usability in virtual reality based design tools (VRAD) is a major issue since its interaction techniques are not yet fully investigated. Human factors such as pointing precision, fatigue, hand vibrations, lack of limb support, and... more
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      Technology CADHuman FactorsCADVirtual Reality
Strained-Si material has emerged as a strong contender for developing transistors for next-generation electronics, because this material system offers superior transport properties. We suggest a model describing the low-field bulk... more
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      Technology CADMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo SimulationsDoping
Dragonfly is a simulation engine that extends the scope of current human-space interaction tools by encoding the basic principles of ecological psychology into an interoperable, interactive, CAD environment.
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      RoboticsCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer Science
The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of integrating mobile and CAD technology on designing process of Malaysian polytechnic architecture students. This study utilized a quasi-experimental method. The sample comprises of... more
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      Technology CADMobile TechnologyProcedia - Social and Behavioral Science
To implement high-performance global interconnect without impacting the placement and performance of existing blocks, the use of buffer blocks is becoming increasingly popular in structured-custom and block-based application specified... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMicroelectronicsTechnology CADMethodology
Since its establishment in 1982, the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) has funded extensive silicon-based semiconductor research at universities, including research in the area of computer aided design. While the consortium has had... more
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      EngineeringTechnology CADComputer Aided DesignHuman Resource Management
The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of integrating mobile and CAD technology on designing process of Malaysian polytechnic architecture students. This study utilized a quasi-experimental method. The sample comprises of... more
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      Technology CADMobile TechnologyProcedia - Social and Behavioral Science
A simulation technique is developed in TCAD to study the non-linear behavior of RF power transistor. The technique is based on semiconductor transport equations to swot up the overall non-linearity's occurring in RF power transistor.... more
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      TechnologyTechnology CADPower ElectronicsComputer Aided Design
A simulation technique is developed in TCAD to study the non-linear behavior of RF power transistor. The technique is based on semiconductor transport equations to swot up the overall non-linearity's occurring in RF power transistor.... more
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      TechnologyTechnology CADPower ElectronicsComputer Aided Design
Abstract Usability in virtual reality based design tools (VRAD) is a major issue since its interaction techniques are not yet fully investigated. Human factors such as pointing precision, fatigue, hand vibrations, lack of limb support,... more
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      Technology CADHuman FactorsCADVirtual Reality
In AEC practice as well as in academic settings the use of 3-dimensional digital building models is becoming increasingly prevalent, and the models used tend to be increasingly large and complex. While the use of such models is to some... more
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      OntologyTechnology CADObject Recognition (Pattern Recognition)BIM (Architecture)
essays and case-studies concerning various aspects of digital techniques in architecture, engineering and construction
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