Teaching Students with Autism
Recent papers in Teaching Students with Autism
l volume, frutto di una ricerca finanziata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, si inserisce nel dibattito conseguente a quella che è stata definita la ‘terza rivoluzione’ nella storia... more
Our musical instruments should be reconsidered in various sizes, for various purposes and being reexamined their effect and capabilities. The original instruments are already exceptional, colourful and they are suitable to be used for... more
With more and more families presenting with two or more children with autism, this revolutionary treatment method in autism is transforming the lives of these autistic children and their families. Not only that, this approach is healing... more
Background Procedures that reduce errors while learning a repertoire play an important role in Applied Behavior Analysis for people with autism due to the detrimental effects that excessive exposure to error may have on learning. Previous... more
The present study is examining the use of music by teachers of students in the Autism Spectrum as an instructional tool in the classroom. In order to explore teachers’ routines concerning the use of music, two days of classroom... more
Whereas the motto of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is “Leave no one behind”, it serves as a guiding principle for all to work towards an inclusive society.As Physical Education (PE) serves as a fertile ground... more
This is a compilation of templates that I created for my students in GLE3O. Activities are often chunked in units, keeping in mind the learning needs of students.
The Aim is to provide a socializing space for children suffering from autism by providing them essential spaces with necessary activities and harmonious interior spaces.
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in... more
Temper tantrum is uncontrolled emotional expression of child such as angriness. Temper Tantrum is excessive emotions as result of unpleasing condition felt by a child due to unfulfilled desire or due to the child cannot express the... more
El objetivo de este artículo es explicar de qué manera el juego se constituye en una estrategia que posibilita el desarrollo del lenguaje en su función comunicativa, mediatizadora y reguladora en un niño de cuatro años con trastorno del... more
Education is a vital component of life and a fundamental human right. Barriers exist that prevent students with learning disabilities and their parents to access effective resources. Parent advocacy is essential. Community involvement... more
An increasing number of school children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These children may be referred for assessments for a variety of reasons, including to assess for intellectual impairments, eligibility for support,... more
Background: Procedures that reduce errors while learning a repertoire play an important role in Applied Behavior Analysis for people with autism due to the detrimental effects that excessive exposure to error may have on learning.... more
Résumé Dans nos travaux de recherche sur les situations de handicap en milieu scolaire, nous avons développé le paradigme de l’entre-deux (Thouroude, 2002, 2016). Le concept d’entre-deux, emprunté à Daniel Sibony (1991), permet de penser... more
Referring to this study, its purpose is to identify the level of knowledge of parents, citizens and professionals as well as educators regarding the level of recognition of children with autism. Objectives, aims of the work are: to know... more
The new definition of EBM or 'evidence based medicine' that would help make the 'paradigm-shift' in autism towards applying the solution(s) and seeing the results is - including and accepting the individual case-reports of "healed" cases... more
Hiring decisions can be risky. How much can employers save by better understanding the motivations and objectives of each applicant? How much time and expertise should be invested in getting to know each applicant? Will such efforts... more
It is 25 years since the Salamanca Statement called on the international community to endorse the approach of inclusive education, including at the tertiary level. The past quarter century has witnessed the global massification of... more
With the escalating prevalence of autism spectrum disorder, there is also an increasing number of autistic savants, who besides their autistic disorder, also possess both extraordinary special abilities and remarkable memory. Within this... more
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE... more
Jacques Bénesteau et moi-même présentons ici une première tentative de traduction en langue française de l'ouvrage de O. Ivar Loovas, (2002). Teaching Individuals with Developmental Delays, Basic Intervention techniques, Pro ED, 429... more
Conventional medicine has long since conditioned the human mind into swallowing pills with the thumb rule " A pill for every ill ". Over time however, people from all over the world have come to realize that this is not true. This, after... more
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the... more
With the escalating prevalence of autism spectrum disorder, there is also an increasing number of autistic savants, who besides their autistic disorder, also possess both extraordinary special abilities and remarkable memory. Within this... more
Naming Adult Autism is one of the first critiques of cultural and medical narratives of Autism to be authored by an adult diagnosed with this condition. Autism is a ‘social disorder’, defined by interactions and lifestyle. Yet, the... more
Instead of the usual pathway of learning the alphabet, recognising and understanding words, and then writing down the "thoughts" in a linear arrangement of "coded letters", SAN Language offers an alternative language study method (for any... more
Purpose Many people with an autistic spectrum condition have one or more “special interests” which is more restricted, and which they pursue with more than average intensity. The purpose of this paper is to offer a first-person... more
As humanity is rapidly moving towards gearing up to “ welcome “ the next stage in Human Evolution as represented by autistic beings, especially children with autism, an Emerging field of science namely Brain Theranostics is being enriched... more
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein This article highlights how repetitive behavior modification based therapies in autism such as ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is... more
#Autism #AutismTreatment #AutismSurrogateHealing #IntentHealing #NonVerbalAutism What is Surrogate healing in Autism ? Surrogate healing in Autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with Autism by channeling Intent... more
Naming Adult Autism is one of the first critiques of cultural and medical narratives of autism to be authored by an autistic adult. This portion of the book can also be freely read on amazon.co.uk (just 'look inside' the book). The... more
Dr Farahar’s brief video on neurodiversity inclusive teaching for mixed-neurology classes
The retention of students has long been a focus of administrators of higher education institutions. The voluntary withdrawal of students represents a significant loss of time and money for both schools and students. The issues of... more
Keywords: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD); Heightened Sensory Intelligence (HSI); Intent Healing(™); Autism; ADHD; Autism and SPD; ADHD and SPD; SPD Cure; Sensory Processing Disorder Cure, Sensory Integration
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool... more
Nous présentons ici une première tentative de traduction en langue française de l'ouvrage de O. Ivar Loovas, (2002). Teaching Individuals with Developmental Delays, Basic Intervention techniques, Pro ED, 429 pages, ISBN-13 :... more
Background Procedures that reduce errors while learning a repertoire play an important role in Applied Behavior Analysis for people with autism due to the detrimental effects that excessive exposure to error may have on learning. Previous... more
We have developed a system for automatic facial expression recognition running on Google Glass, delivering real-time social cues to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The system includes multiple mechanisms to engage children... more
The aim of this study was to assess opinions of families whose children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders on the impact of participation in sports on children. The research was carried out using qualitative method in a... more