Neolithic Spain
Recent papers in Neolithic Spain
Una vez recorrieb y prospecrada la cueva en su {oralidad, decidimos la ;lpertufa de tres (':ollas de sondeo en diferentes sectores de la C,IVÍebd, con el fin de documel1lar el registro diacrónico de la misma. ·I primer:.l Glla, que... more
Abstract: The open-air site of Caserna de Sant Pau del Camp, located today in Raval district of Barcelona, has a sequence comprising between Neolithic Cardial to Late Bronze Age, with subsequent occupation in Roman and modern times. It is... more
En este artículo se hace balance de los resultados obtenidos sobre la primera explotación europea de sal minera desarrollada alrededor de la Muntanya de Sal de Cardona (España), la única montaña de sal gema de Europa occidental. Se... more
The process of neolitización of the mediterranean facade of Iberian Peninsula has traditionally associated to the cardial paradigm of french-iberian region. However, the better knowledge of the registration material from the arc... more
The spread of agriculture in the Iberian Peninsula is documented from at least c 5500-5200 cal. BC although botanical data are absent or incomplete for large areas. Archaeobotanical data show an imported agrarian system which is complex... more
El megalitismo funerario en el Andévalo oriental (Huelva). Características básicas sobre el territorio, las arquitecturas y los contextos de las prácticas rituales en el III milenio a.n.
En este artículo se presentan los datos arqueobotánicos relacionados con la agricultura existentes para el 6º y el 5º milenio en Andalucía. Tras la descripción de los principales conjuntos arqueobotánicos documentados en los que... more
RESUMEN: En este artículo no pretendemos analizar todas y cada una de las periodizaciones y de las distintas fases que se han propuesto para parcelar el devenir del Neolítico andaluz, sino comentar determinados aspectos relacionados con... more
This article deals with the functional analysis of more than 700 geometric microliths from the Ebro Valley, found in sites from Castilla y León, Navarra and Aragón. The main part of those which showed use wear (about 35%) were employed as... more
The Neolithisation process in Cantabrian Spain has been studied systematically since the 1980s, thanks to the excavation of several deposits, mainly in Asturias and Cantabria. This paper presents a critical review of the archaeological... more
Site report with a pluridisciplinary approach. The site is from the Late Neolithic and so far, it is the only open air occupation from the period in the western plain of Catalonia (Lleida region).
We summarize the available data about neolithic agriculture from the european atlantic façade, discussing some common assumptions for this area: continuity between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic, limited importance of the first crops... more
Resumen: Si bien la ocupación como hábitat de Murciélagos de Zuheros se circunscribe básicamente a los vestíbulos de sus dos entradas, la mayor parte de la cavidad fue frecuentada por sus ocupantes neolíticos como lo demuestran las... more
El megalitismo funerario en el Andévalo oriental (Huelva). Características básicas sobre el territorio, las arquitecturas y los contextos de las prácticas rituales en el III milenio a.n.
The coast of Málaga has shown an important concentration of prehistoric sites with Neolithic occupation. This paper aims to review their historiography as well as briefly present the main lines of the interdisciplinary research carried at... more
This study presents the analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in cereal and faba bean seeds from archaeological sites as a rapid method of evaluating the occurrence or otherwise of ancient irrigation in the Mediterranean basin.... more
Fire has a transformative impact on terrestrial ecosystems, including changes in plant and animal communities, nutrient cycling, and biome productivity. Humans are uniquely able to take advantage of the ecological impacts of fire and use... more
In the extreme southwestern Atlantic Europe numerous permanent settlement sites with standing stones, decorated with recurring symbols, have been identified. Chronologically, these standing stones started to be erected before the first... more
The research for referential data on current livestock contexts is essential for correctly interpreting archaeological records documented in prehistoric livestock spaces. Experimental programmes such as the one begun in 2014 in the Mas... more
This study presents the analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in cereal and faba bean seeds from archaeological sites as a rapid method of evaluating the occurrence or otherwise of ancient irrigation in the Mediterranean basin.... more
Emmer wheat (Triticum diccocum) has been positively identified from the stratigraphically oldest ceramic- and domesticated livestock-bearing level of El Miron Cave in the Cantabrian Cordillera. The grain is AMS 14C-dated to 5550±40 BP.... more
El temprano descubrimiento y posterior divulgación de los hallazgos de la Cueva de La Mora en la sierra de Jabugo a principios del siglo XX, habrían hecho augurar que un siglo más tarde el conocimiento de las primeras sociedades... more
The occupation evidence shown by the cave El Toro, is that of a unique stockbreeding community in the Andalusian region. The calibrated dates for this occupation period go from the second quarter of the sixth millennium up to the second... more
Reflection on the depiction of a Neolithic figurine on the Cypriot one-euro coin raises this paper’s question: what is the purpose of past material culture appropriation as national and regional images in the 21st century and how could... more