TRIZ theory
Recent papers in TRIZ theory
La presente investigación muestra el análisis biomecánico asistido por computadora mediante el empleo de simulación en 3D. Se plantea una alternativa de enseñanza que permite optimizar el potencial humano de atletas de alto rendimiento... more
The purpose of this research intends to integrate the strengths of axiomatic design (AD) theory and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). This study establishes a systematic product design model by adopting some major tools from AD... more
While several studies have developed theories and models to manage branding activities, the potential contribution of the TRIZ theory to develop a comprehensive brand evaluation system has not been explored yet. The purpose of this paper... more
Because of the problems encountered in nutrition of cattle in hot seasons in the northern state of Veracruz, it takes the alternative of creating multinutrient blocks for this type of situation has arisen the need to design an ergonomic... more
This research considers the approach and development made in a proposal of innovation software that integrates synergistically a virtual generator system. It is an instrument of design, analysis, simulation and interfaces of manufacture,... more
During the last decades, product design has yielded several interest by scholars, leading to a great amount of contributions concerning design methodology. Some of them, beyond modeling the whole design process, propose their model of the... more
The present investigation shows a chronological analysis about the education, diffusion and incorporation of the TRIZ Methodology in plans, programs and activities of innovation in Institutions of Higher education (IES). It is considered... more
La presente investigación considera el planteamiento y adelantos realizados en el diseño de un modelo de innovación para productos, que maneja las técnicas de sistematización de la creatividad de la Metodología TRIZ como eje central, es... more
Design methods are claimed to support designers but, although they are largely taught in academia, their industrial uptake is still lacking. Many reasons have been identified about this flaw and some potential suggestions have been... more
Product Architecture definition plays more and more a crucial role for enhancing product customizability, easing after-sale management and reducing manufacturing costs. Despite major efforts have been dedicated to the development of... more
En el presente artículo se exhibe el desarrollo tecnológico referente a la creación de un prototipo de gafas con fines de uso para adiestramiento táctico, cuya función útil principal es brindar la seguridad del usuario que realiza... more
El siguiente artículo trata el problema del rediseño de un aparato mecánico, cuya función útil es desarrollar la elasticidad de las extremidades inferiores de personas que requieren ejercitar y desarrollar está habilidad... more
This research considers the approach and development made in a proposal of innovation software that integrates synergistically a virtual generator system. It is an instrument of design, analysis, simulation and interfaces of manufacture,... more
El presente estudio proporciona un esquema de prevención social para disminuir la delincuencia en México dado que la actividad delictiva ha aumentado en los últimos años en un 22.47% según las estadísticas del Secretariado Ejecutivo del... more
Design methods are claimed to support designers but, although they are largely taught in academia, their industrial uptake is still lacking. Many reasons have been identified about this flaw and some potential suggestions have been... more
Based on background knowledge and well proven methods of the TRIZ - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving- an approach is introduced to analyze the present developments of the olive-oil processing technologies. Some of the processing stages... more
A comparison between Classical TRIZ and OTSM-TRIZ is presented in order to evaluate differences in using either method when facing complex problems. The case study considered for this purpose is the development of a new type of Gondola... more