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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
With windows powershell you get the chance  to learn the most powerful  windows command line, troubleshoot your computer using powershell  , very fast , efficient and feel the geek in you
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    • System Administration
Windows Server 2012 is probably the most significant release of the Windows Server platform ever. With an innovative new user interface, powerful new management tools, enhanced Windows PowerShell support, and hundreds of new features in... more
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    • System Administration
✔✔✔This publication is for all the novice and experienced users alike. it's time to feel like a geek when using windows 10 devices. Be advised, some of the tricks require administrative privileges. Its time to sharpen your skills and... more
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      System AdministrationNetwork AdministrationWINDOWS 10 TRICKS
Oleh Andri Muhyidin
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      Computer NetworksSystem Administration
Ethernet merupakan protocol link-layer yang mendominasi pada teknologi LAN dengan kabel. Kecepatan yang dapat dipenuhi oleh protokol Ethernet dapat bervariasi dari 2 Mbps hingga 10 Gbps bergantung dengan jenis media fisik yang digunakan... more
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      System AdministrationAdministrasi Sistem Komputer
Security and crime related issues have become rampant most urban areas across the world. The application of technology can be incorporated into the security systems to enhance operational measures that have been deployed in the fight... more
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      System AdministrationCustomer ServiceComputer troubleshooting, Networking, Internet
Buku ini susun oleh :
Andri Muhyidin
Candra Milad RE

Dibuat untuk :
ID Networkers
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      LinuxSystem AdministrationUbuntu Server Administrator
Firewall adalah sebuah perangkat keamanan jaringan yang memonitoring dan menyaring (filtering) trafik di jaringan. Firewall melakukan monitoring berdasarkan aturan keamanan yang telah ditetapkan oleh seorang administrator jaringan. Pada... more
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      System AdministrationAdministrasi Sistem Komputer
Menejemen user dan grup merupakan bagian penting dari pemeliharaan keamanan sebuah sistem. Menejemen user dan grup dapat dikategorikan dalam dua jenis: 1. Pengaturan root dan user 2. Pengaturan permission 3.1.1. Pengaturan root dan... more
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      System AdministrationAdministrasi Sistem Komputer
Virtual disk pada Virtualbox dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangun environment pada praktikum manajemen disk. Sehingga tidak diperlukan pembelian atau penambahan disk fisik pada komputer yang digunakan. Sebelum memulahi latihan manajemen... more
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      System AdministrationAdministrasi Sistem Komputer
Pekerjaan administratif oleh seorang administrator sistem membutuhkan otomatisasi dan juga penjadwalan yang berkala agar sebuah sistem dapat efisien dan mudah digunakan. Ada beberapa cara untuk melakukan hal tersebut yaitu dengan... more
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Webmin merupakan perangkat administrasi server yang memiliki User Interface (UI). Webmin tersedia dibeberapa distro Linux. 1. Sebelum melakukan instalasi Webmin pastikan komputer/server terkoneksi ke Internet. Kemudian kita tambahkan... more
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      System AdministrationSYSTEMS AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONAdministrasi Sistem Komputer
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
Analyzing and controlling systems through mobile phones is quite common and interesting. Administrating the number of systems concerns wide variety of tools and refers the software and hardware systems. The idea behind this is to maintain... more
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      System AdministrationResource Management
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaIT Essentials
In order to understand and configure Cisco IOS Quality of Service mechanisms, it is imperative that you have a full understanding of IP addressing, variablelength subnet masks, and all types of access lists. Most of the Quality of Service... more
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      System AdministrationQuality of Service (QoS)
Tutorial Básico para migrar tu SSOO a un Disco SSD desde Windows, de forma grafica e intuitiva, y rapido.
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringMigrationSystem Administration
Symmary of books and teaching materials
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      System AdministrationComputer Forensics for Cyberspace Crimes
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertificación
ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is becoming an adoptable technology for many of the organizations with its dynamic scalability and usage of virtualized resources as a service through the Internet. It is growing rapidly with applications in... more
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      Software EngineeringCloud ComputingSystem AdministrationSYSTEMS AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATION
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCCNA
Setup and Configuration Apache on Win XP
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      System AdministrationAplicaciones Web PYMESSYSTEMS AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONApache Web Server
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      Network SecurityComputer SecurityIntrusion Detection SystemsSystem Administration
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    • System Administration
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      Computer ScienceSystem AdministrationInformaticaCertification
ABSTRACT The UNIX operating system, despite its emergence as a standard for supercomputer systems, lacks effective support for multiuser resource administration. The design and implementation of a decentralised resource administration... more
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      Operating SystemsGovernmentUnixControl Systems
ABSTRACT The UNIX operating system, despite its emergence as a standard for supercomputer systems, lacks effective support for multiuser resource administration. The design and implementation of a decentralised resource administration... more
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      Operating SystemsGovernmentUnixControl Systems
Teknologi informasi merupakan hasil olah pikir manusia untuk mengembangkan tata cara atau sistem tertentu dan menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan persoalan dalam hidupnya(Angga & Eko Budi, 2017), salah satu permasalahan yang muncul adalah... more
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      System AdministrationDesa AdatBANK SAMPAHUniversitas Udayana
Beasiswa kebutuhan dan pinjaman registrasi adalah bantuan dana yang dibuka tiap awal semester nya. Dalam proses administrasi pengajuan, selama ini mahasiswa masih melakukan pengajuan secara manual dengan mengirimkan formulir dan berkas... more
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsEducationSystem Administration
Identifikasi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Penanaman Modal Asing Lima pada Seksi Pengolahan Data dan Informasi terkait potensi korupsi yang terjadi di lingkungan kantor/satuan kerja yang berasal dari kelemahan sistem. Kajian ini bertujuan... more
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      E-GovernmentSystem AdministrationAnti-CorruptionPublic Services
The UNIX operating system, despite its emergence as a standard for supercomputer systems, lacks effective support for multiuser resource administration. The design and implementation of a decentralised resource administration system... more
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      Operating SystemsUnixControl systemSystem Administration
The continuous delivery trend is dramatically shortening release cycles from months into hours. Applications with high frequency releases often rely heavily on automated deployment tools using cloud infrastructure APIs. We report some... more
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      Computer ScienceCloud ComputingSystem AdministrationHigh Frequency
The UNIX operating system, despite its emergence as a standard for supercomputer systems, lacks effective support for multiuser resource administration. The design and implementation of a decentralised resource administration system... more
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      Operating SystemsGovernmentUnixControl Systems
Presentation Slide of Analysis and design administration system PDIPM
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      System AdministrationPresentation Slides
tugas ini diperuntukan untuk mahasiswa/i yang mengambil matakuliah praktek system administration network service 1
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      Information SystemsSystem AdministrationLinux system adminstration
Large community clusters are becoming common in universities and other organizations due to the benefits they provide to participating researchers in terms of reduced operational costs and a bigger resource pool. However, effective... more
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      High Performance ComputingSoftware EngineeringUser Experience (UX)Data Analysis