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Purpose- Personal branding has become a mature field of research; however, there are many ques-tions to be answered yet. One of the most important questions is that what does a typical entrepre-neurial business model look like?... more
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      EngineeringBusiness Model
The overconsumption of fashion products has resulted in an abundance of secondhand apparel and textiles, which are still functional, but have been discarded because they are no longer fashionable. This secondhand apparel can be recycled... more
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      EngineeringClothingInnovation characteristics
In the neoliberal modern era, craftsmen face significant challenges from competition from national chain stores throughout Turkey, which has more negative consequences in regions like Ardahan. From this perspective, the disappearance of... more
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The fashion industry, long known for its environmental impact, has recently seen the emergence of a new wave of ecofriendly fashion start-ups that are pioneering sustainable growing concern about environmental damages and... more
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      EntrepreunershipStart-UpEco Friendly Product
Sürdürülebilirliğin temel amacı doğanın varlığını devam ettirmesidir. Bu doğrultuda sürdürülebilir moda tasarımı, moda üretiminde doğaya daha az zarar verilmesini sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Günümüz doğrusal moda üretim sistemleri, yap-... more
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      Circularitydöngüsel ekonomi
Identificationof a murder weapon can be done by analyzing weapon transfer stains(if any) together with othercircumstantial evidence at a crime scene .Hand transfer stains, shoe transfer stains as also weapontransfer stains left at a crime... more
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      EngineeringCrime Scene
The structure of the fashion industry in various geographical regions, along with its production history and practices, plays a pivotal role in shaping the adoption and implementation of sustainable strategies. This study examines the... more
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This paper reports on a research project aimed at exploring how designers can activate and sustain entrepreneurial ventures within regional textile communities in the Philippines and the UK. The mindset of consumers, who believe that... more
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Elämme ajassa, jonka arvoja ja toimintaa määrittää ekokriisi. Olen vuosia pohtinut, miten elää arkea ja toimia skenografina esittävän taiteen alalla kestävästi ja vastuullisesti. Yhtenä ratkaisuyrityksenäni on ollut suunnitella ja... more
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In this work, physiological characteristics of the socks made from yarns with similar physical and mechanical properties but of different raw materials (100 % bamboo fibers, 100 % cotton fibers, 100 % viscose, and blend with ratio 60 %... more
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      Materials ScienceBambooFiberComposite Material
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringClothingTextile
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    • Computer Science
Air and water vapour permeability, thickness and thermal resistance of fabrics are some of the most important parameters to determine clothing comfort. However, these parameters tend to change after laundering in daily use. In this study,... more
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      ChemistryCellulosic Ethanol
A água é um insumo vastamente utilizado nos diversos segmentos industriais e sobretudo nas unidades têxteis, seja como utilidade, ou como meio de transporte, veículo para os diversos produtos químicos empregados nos processos, bem como... more
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    • Physics
The objective of this paper is to increase a better understanding that how business models evolve to include more environmentally friendly solutions and sustainability in the apparel industry. This study has been reviewed by focusing on... more
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      BusinessHealth SciencesSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Business
The effects of the development of technology in the field of industry have manifested themselves in the rapid growth of the consumer society and the gaining weight of events such as ready-to-wear and fashion that will cause economic,... more
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    • Art
Values such as circularity, local production, and the use of more environmental-friendly materials have started to reshape various domestic industries. Because of the social and environmental challenges that the Textile & Clothing... more
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      BusinessProduction economicsClothingTextile
The fashion industry is currently undergoing a radical change towards an overall sustainable paradigm shift. This paper investigates how the fashion collection, as a particular design framework, might be reconfigured as a strategic driver... more
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      EngineeringDesignArchitectureStrategic Design
This article proposes to develop a relationship between behavioral tendencies, the work of Hundertwasser’s artist and the Slow fashion movement, and understand better how fashion influences personal attitudes and how it has contributed to... more
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    • Music and identity
Kantha is an embroidery of West Bengal which has its origin in the reuse of old saris and dhotis worn by women and men of West Bengal [6]. The art originated as a household craft mainly practiced by rural Bengali housewives. This... more
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ÖZET Tasarımcılar, giysi tasarımında yeni biçimler ve farklı atmosferler yaratmak için giysinin rengi, dokusu, yüzey kompozisyonu, malzemesi, hacmi ve silüet özellikleri üzerinde oynayarak bunları kendi tasarım felsefeleri doğrultusunda... more
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    • Art
Because clothing is intimately entangled with human social, cultural and political expressions, fashion is one of the most important areas in which to explore emerging strategies of sustainability and circular economy….. Fur, they argue,... more
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    • Business
The paper is based on a training programme given to researchers in the Textiles Environment Design (TED) project at the University of the Arts London (UAL). The programme took place over three years (September 2010 to October 2013) whilst... more
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      EngineeringDesignArchitectureDesign practice
Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka käsittelee vastuullisuuden toteutumista suomalaisessa vaatetusalan yrityksessä. Tapaustutkimuksessani tutkin suomalaista naistenvaateyritystä, Vogliaa. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on määritellä,... more
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      BusinessSustainable Fashion Textiles DesignHolistic SustainabilityVastuullisuus
Gunumuzde gelisen teknoloji, degisen tuketim aliskanliklari ile endustrinin her alaninda urun cesitliligini beraberinde getirmektedir. Bununla birlikte hizli tuketim olgusu uretim sureclerindeki donguleri tetikleyerek hammadde kullanimini... more
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      UşakGynecologyAtıkGeri Dönüşüm
Absorbent products can be broadly grouped as disposable diapers, training shorts, women's hygienic products (pads and tampons) and incontinence diapers. Although these products were perceived as luxury items in the past, their usage... more
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      Materials ScienceFibres and textilesComposite MaterialWetting
O presente artigo tempo por objetivo apresentar investigação realizada em colaboração entre uma designer de moda e um artista de formas animadas (artefatos voltados para as Artes Cênicas), ambos professores da Universidade Federal de... more
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      Fashion designBiomaterialsPuppet TheatreBioplastics
Fashion is beautiful and magical; however, it is indicated that the fashion industry's production is full of inefficiencies that are no longer acceptable when thinking about a sustainable future on the earth. A garment manufacturing... more
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      Fashion designSustainable FashionZero WasteFashion and Textile Design for Education
The manufacture of Mycelium Leather is a solution to meet the growing demand for animal skins in the fashion industry. Mycotech Lab Indonesia discovered a robust, sustainable, and eco-friendly leather material made from the Mycelium... more
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The paper proposes a study regarding the dimensional changes during washing process for the 1:1 interlock structures made of 100% cotton yarn with Nm 58/1. The interlock 1:1 structures which are studied are made of 100% cotton yarns, with... more
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      Materials ScienceMultidisciplinaryInterlockIOP conference series-MSE
The interest in cigar lounges developed in 1990’s when cities and government entities began instituting smoking ban but provided exceptions for establishments that catered to smokers. The current study aims to design a space that provides... more
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      Textiles DesignUmt
Sun, air, water and soil are in most of the clothes we wear. In the era of ecological crisis, this international conference aims to investigate the new paradigms of fashion cultures through the four archetypal elements of matter. By doing... more
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      Fashion TheoryMaterial Culture StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Fashion Textiles Design
Este trabalho objetivou analisar a moda no Rio Grande do Sul, a fim de verificar o comportamento do consumidor gaúcho e se este difere do consumidor paulista. Ele apresenta, primeiramente, um histórico da moda gaúcha e uma análise sucinta... more
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    • Art
Fashion, like all ecosystems, is complex and dynamic. The fashion system comprises intangible, and tangible aspects, all of which have significant consequences. The linear structure of this system, used throughout the twentieth... more
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      Computer ScienceSystems ThinkingSustainable Fashion Textiles DesignFlourishing
Resumo: diante da tragédia de Rana Plaza, em 24 de abril de 2013, o presente artigo busca evidenciar os impactos provocados pelo desastre nos modelos de negócios dos tipos fast fashion e slow fashion. Para tanto, emprega-se uma pesquisa... more
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O artigo apresenta os principais resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao Mestrado Profissional em Design, descreve a investigação dos processos produtivos utilizados no contexto das indústrias têxteis, especificamente em seus setores... more
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    • Computer Science
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      MediaMainontaVisuaalinen viestintätutkimusmenetelmät
Air and water vapour permeability, thickness and thermal resistance of fabrics are some of the most important parameters to determine clothing comfort. However, these parameters tend to change after laundering in daily use. In this study,... more
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      ChemistryCellulosic Ethanol
One of the essential rights of the child is to obtain a high quality clothes that meets his needs and requirements according to his growth stage characteristics. Clothes play an important and effective role in the child's life as it... more
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volvem e contribuem também com a compreensão de qual o estágio da sustentabilidade as empresas se encontram. Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade. Capitalismo natural. Setor coureiro. Inter-organizational networks as promoters of sustainable... more
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      Political ScienceGestão
The apparel brands and retailers are taking more responsibilities for their environmental impacts for sustainable fashion. According to the rise in demand, the more fashion schools, colleges and universities are reacting to these changes... more
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      Sustainable DesignCurriculumClothingZero Waste
Studiul responsabilității sociale a întreprinderilor în industria textilă și de îmbrăcăminte În industria textilă și de îmbrăcăminte din țările în curs de dezvoltare, există o confuzie asupra definirii responsabilității sociale a... more
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      BusinessEngineeringCorporate Social ResponsibilityClothing
in Wellington. She's interested in facilitating access to information through design, whatever format or form that takes. With a former-life degree in Geography, she has a strong interest in the environment and conservation. She believes... more
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      EngineeringCultural StudiesDesignOpen Source
This paper presents a study on the comfort properties of socks manufactured by different types of yarns like cotton, viscose, bamboo, wool, acrylic and their blends. The air permeability, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance of plain... more
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      Materials ScienceNanotechnologySustainable Fashion Textiles DesignComposite Material
The fashion industry is currently undergoing a radical change towards an overall sustainable paradigm shift. This paper investigates how the fashion collection, as a particular design framework, might be reconfigured as a strategic driver... more
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      EngineeringDesignArchitectureStrategic Design
This paper aims to debate forms of action for systemic changes within textile and clothing industries considering the resilience reference, particularly regarding development at these industries and their productive structures. For this... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceFashion designIndustrial Design
In the last decade, sustainability has become an imperative for strategic management of companies and their business models. Through the necessity of adapting to green energy and environmentally friendly processes, products and services,... more
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      BusinessStrategic ManagementBusiness Management
The concept of sustainability in the design and production of textile products has turned from a requirement to indispensability and today's studies have gained diversity with the interpretation of sustainable methods in an aesthetic... more
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      Sustainable DesignTextile DesignSlow FashionNatural Dyeing
volvem e contribuem também com a compreensão de qual o estágio da sustentabilidade as empresas se encontram. Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade. Capitalismo natural. Setor coureiro. Inter-organizational networks as promoters of sustainable... more
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      Political ScienceGestão
Sanayileşme, nüfus artışı, teknolojik gelişmeler, küreselleşme ve bazı felsefi yaklaşımlar gibi dünya tarihindeki önemli kırılmalar sebebiyle üretim ve tüketim artmış bunun sonucunda ise doğa, çevre, hayvanlar ve bitkiler, yok olmasında... more
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