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Titanium and nickel alloys represent a significant metal portion of the aircraft structural and engine components. When these critical structural components in aerospace industry are manufactured with the objective to reach high... more
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      MicrostructureFinite Element MethodsTitaniumWear
The process of cryogenic machining, due to increased demand for environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, has seen a growing interest in the machining community. This article presents an overview of cryogenic machining and its... more
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      Phase TransformationsMetal CuttingMachiningShape Memory Alloys
With the demand of hig automobile industries, the focus of machining is t of the machined part with a less tool wear and cost. Aluminium and Al best suitable material for these purposes, because of its peculiar proper phase of Al has an... more
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      Tool wearSurface integrityElemental MappingShear band
This paper describes how optimization studies were carried out on an abrasive water jet (AWJ) cutting process with multiresponse characteristics based on Multi Criteria Decision Making Methodology (MCDM) using the Technique for Order... more
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      Optimization techniquesSurface integrityAbrasive Water Jet Machining
Magnesium-Calcium (Mg-Ca) alloy has received considerable attention as an emerging biodegradable implant material in orthopedic fixation applications. The biodegradable Mg-Ca alloys avoid stress shielding and secondary surgery inherent... more
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      Materials ScienceCorrosionBiomaterialSurface integrity
This paper presents the detailed investigation of surface integrity when end milling AISI H13 tool steels using P10 TiN coated carbide and P20 uncoated cermets tools. The machining parameters studied were cutting speed (224 m/min-355... more
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      Surface integrityInvestigation of lead and tilt angle effects in 5-axis ball-end milling processesHardened AISI H13 Tool Steel
300M steel is widely used in the aerospace industry to manufacture landing gears due to its ultrahigh strength and high fracture toughness. Surface integrity in the hard turning process (one of the final manufacturing processes in making... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHard machiningSurface integrity
Surface integrity of machined components has a critical impact on their performance. Magnesium alloys are lightweight materials used in the transportation industry and are also emerging as a potential material for biodegradable medical... more
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      MachiningResidual Stress (Engineering)CorrosionBiomedical
The paper reports the experimental investigation of abrasive water jet (AWJ) cutting process on D2 steel varying the effect of jet impingement angles with different abrasive mesh sizes. The cutting performance parameters considered as the... more
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      Abrasive Waterjet CuttingSurface integrity
Poor corrosion resistance is one of the major disadvantages of magnesium alloys that inhibits their wide application. It was reported frequently that the alloys' microstructure has a significant influence on their corrosion resistance. In... more
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    • Surface integrity
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are unique class of smart materials with excellent physical, mechanical and biomedical properties, which have wide applications in several fields such as aerospace, robotics, biomedical, and dental etc. These... more
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      Materials CharacterisationShape Memory AlloysSurface integrity
An ultrafine-grained surface layer was produced on Mg-Al-Zn alloy by a new severe plastic deformation process, cryogenic burnishing. The total burnishing-influenced zone was found to be over 3.4 mm thick. A large increase in hardness from... more
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      MachiningResidual Stress (Engineering)CorrosionBiomedical
Poor corrosion resistance is limiting applications of Mg alloys. However, the corrosion performance of an Mg alloy can be enhanced through modification of its microstructure. It has been reported in the literature that the microstructure,... more
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      Surface ScienceCorrosion ScienceMagnesiumSevere Plastic Deformation
This paper presents the detailed investigation of surface integrity when end milling AISI H13 tool steels using P10 TiN coated carbide and P20 uncoated cermets tools. The machining parameters studied were cutting speed (224 m/min-355... more
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      Surface integrityEnd millingCemented Carbide ToolsHardened AISI H13 Tool Steel
This study presents experimental results of machined surface integrity of die material (AISI D2 hardened steel) when hot machining (induction heating) assisted end milling using coated carbide is applied. The aim of this work was to study... more
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      Surface integrityHot MachiningHard Milling
This article describes the experimental investigation of abrasive water jet (AWJ) cutting on AA5083-H32 aluminum alloy. In this study, the influence of varying the jet impingement angles and abrasive mesh sizes with different water jet... more
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      Surface integrityStastitical analysisAbrasive Water Jet Maching
In this study, the feasibility of predicting surface integrity and residual stresses by using elastoviscoplastic finite element simulations and temperature-dependent flow softening constitutive material modeling is investigated. A... more
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      Finite Element MethodsSurface ScienceFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Titanium
Nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 is one of the hardest materials owing to its high hardness and additional physical properties. It is the most commonly used superalloy in gas turbine, aerospace, and automobile sectors. Micro-milling is... more
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      Non Traditional MachiningSurface integrity
This paper investigates the 3D surface topography, 2D roughness profiles and micrographs were analyzed in the abrasive water jet (AWJ) cutting of AISI D2 steel kerf wall cut surfaces by varying water jet pressures and jet impact angles.... more
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      Abrasive Waterjet CuttingSurface integrity
The main objective of this study is to implement a reliable FE model of the orthogonal machining of a Nickel based superalloy for the prediction of microstructural changes occurring during the process. A FE numerical model was properly... more
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      MicrostructureSurface integrityFinite Element SimulationsInconel 718
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a commonly used process to manufacture of die and molds, due to the capacity of generating deep and complex cavities. The removal of material occurs from a series of discharges between electrode and... more
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      Electrical Discharge MachiningSurface EngineeringSurface RoughnessSurface integrity
Electrical discharging machining is a process that uses high-frequency electrical discharges to generate heat, melting and vaporising the workpiece material. Melted material is flushed away by dielectric flushing. However, only part of... more
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      Surfaces and InterfacesElectrical Discharge MachiningScanning Electron MicroscopySurface Roughness
The work described in this paper pertains to the identification of some features of micro and macroprofile formation of surfaces to be machined with flat face grinding, with inclination of the spindle axis. The question of the formation... more
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      GrindingSurface integrity
Surface integrity of machined products has a critical impact on their functional performance. Magnesium alloys are lightweight materials for transportation industry and are also emerging as a potential material for temporary biomedical... more
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      MachiningResidual Stress (Engineering)CorrosionBiomedical
Abstract Electrical discharging machining is a process that uses high-frequency electrical discharges to generate heat, melting and vaporising the workpiece material. Melted material is flushed away by dielectric flushing. However, only... more
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      Materials ScienceSurfaces and InterfacesElectrical Discharge MachiningScanning Electron Microscopy
In this study, the surface integrity of nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys (SMAs) was investigated after face milling processes with cryogenically treated/untreated cemented carbide cutting tools at the conditions of dry cutting... more
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      Surface integrityMinimum Quantity LubricationMillingNiTi Shape Memory Alloys
SAILMA350 has strong tensile strength and fatigue resistance. WEDM is also Applied in the mold and die field manufacturing pressure vessels and the automotive industry complex shape machining. These properties determine the form and shape... more
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      SEMSurface integrityWEDMEdX
Surface integrity of machined products can have a critical impact on their performance, such as corrosion, wear and/or fatigue resistance. It has been reported that reducing the grain size of AZ31B Mg alloys could significantly enhance... more
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      MachiningResidual Stress (Engineering)CorrosionBiomedical
300 M steel is widely used in the aerospace industry to manufacture landing gears due to its ultrahigh strength and high fracture toughness. Surface integrity in the hard turning process (one of the final manufacturing processes in making... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHard machiningSurface integrity
Nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 is one of the hardest materials owing to its high hardness and additional physical properties. It is the most commonly used superalloy in gas turbine, aerospace, and automobile sectors. Micro-milling is... more
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      EngineeringNon Traditional MachiningMathematical SciencesSurface integrity
Metal matrix composite is composite material that combines the metallic properties of matrix alloys and additional element to reinforce the product. This paper evaluates the machining performance of uncoated carbide and coated carbide in... more
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      EngineeringMetal matrix compositeSurface integrityMilling
This study presents experimental results of machined surface integrity of die material (AISI D2 hardened steel) when hot machining (induction heating) assisted end milling using coated carbide is applied. The aim of this work was to study... more
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      Advanced MaterialsSurface integrityMicrohardnessHot Machining