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This paper presents a numerical analysis of a short circular hollow column using ABAQUS software. Circular hollow sections have high structural efficiency due to lack of major or minor axes. Such sections are also effective in areas with... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Numerical solution using ABAQUS
In this paper high speed turning and milling models are considered and chip formation and cutting forces are investigated. For the simulation the Finite Element Modeling software Third Wave Systems AdvantEdge is employed and the cutting... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)High Speed MachiningTurningMilling
El Fuerte de Samaipata, commonly known as Samaipata, is an archaeological site in Bolivia. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998. The most characteristic feature of the site is a natural rock that served as a wak’a... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Inca Archaeology
Two original numerical techniques are developed for the finite element (FE) transient analysis of induction and permanent magnet motors operating in demanding aerospace applications. The first technique is the electromagnetic and thermal... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPermanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesFinite Element Methods
The deformation behavior of aluminum single crystals subjected to compression along the [100] and [110] directions is numerically examined in terms of crystal plasticity. A constitutive model taking into account slip geometry in... more
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      Aluminium AlloysCrystal PlasticitySingle CrystalStrain localization
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      Electrical EngineeringFinite element methodElectric Power SystemsElectromechanical Engineering
Engineering codes are a key method to guide designs to safe and reliable outcomes. Many such codes have prescribed calculations where the user provides specific inputs in a series of calculations, often using charts or tables, to get... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Modeling and SimulationFailure Analysis
A generalized macroscopic representation of electrical steels used in transformer manufacturing industry is developed. The proposed representation is specifically formulated for integration in the finite element method. Usage of the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringNumerical SimulationsPower SystemsFinite Element Methods
The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
This paper presents a numerical dynamic analysis performed to estimate the maximum expected change in the mechanical vibration of CANDU feeder pipes as a result of a change in flexural support conditions.
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      VibrationsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Vibration ControlCondition Monitoring maintenance vibration analysis
Bogie is a unity that supports the construction of railway facilities monorail when running on the track. Bogie frame is a construction to support the carbody against imposition. The purpose of this analysis is to determine and ascertain... more
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      Finite element methodFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Finite Element Simulations
In this paper a robust three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) anisotropy model is introduced based on a particular scalar potential formulation. The specific 3D FE model is suitable for the accurate evaluation of the peak flux density... more
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      Electrical EngineeringNumerical SimulationsPower SystemsFinite Element Methods
There have been numerous publications on unreinforced masonry construction in the literature; however, there is a lack of publications on the condition assessment of existing unreinforced masonry façades for disturbances due to nearby... more
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
The microstructure of dual phase steels can be compared with a composite composed of a matrix of ferrite reinforced by small islands of martensite. This assumption has been used in several attempts to model the mechanical properties of... more
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      MicrostructureFinite Element MethodsMicromechanicsMechanical properties
Nowadays modern commercial simulation software provides acceptably faithful representation of reality, assuming the correctness of boundary conditions and reliability of data of processed composite material. In the case of non-standard... more
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      Modeling and SimulationPolymersOptimization method using Taguchi Methodpolymer science and Engineering
Die Planung und Ausführung von tiefen Baugruben in weichen Böden im innerstädtischen Bereich ist für alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Beitrag wird die Herstellung einer 8 m tiefen Baugrube mit unmittelbarer... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical SimulationsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
In questa tesi magistrale sono considerati i sistemi di ritenuta stradale costituiti da elementi prefabbricati in calcestruzzo armato, indicati comunemente come New Jersey. Al contrario di quanto possa essere semplicisticamente... more
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      Finite Element MethodsHighway engineeringTraffic EngineeringRoad Safety, Traffic Enforcement, Driver Education, Highway Engineering
A detailed study was carried out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN 8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of crankshaft. Material has been... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFinite Element MethodsMechatronicsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
In the finite-element solution of heat conduction problems with phase change, the singular behaviour of the specific heat near the phase-change point causes special problems. These problems can be overcome by lumping the thermal... more
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      Numerical ModellingFinite Element SimulationsFreezing
In this paper, a novel model was proposed to reduce the weight of the rib of the engine mounting. The suggested model is analyzed numerically and simulated using a computer program package (ANSYS 11) to perform the FEM computations. In... more
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      DesignFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Simulations
Spatial variability of material properties is inherent in both natural soil deposits and earth structures, yet it is often ignored during geotechnical design. With the objective of developing novel methods for assessing the effects of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
2016 edition
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringStructural Dynamics
Vibration Fatigue Analysis in the finite Element Environment
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      Finite Element MethodsVibrationsRandom VibrationFinite element method
The manuscript presents advanced coupled analysis: Maxwell 3D, Transient Thermal and Fluent CFD, at the time of a rated current occurring on the main busbars in the low-voltage switchgear. The simulations were procured in order to aid the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite element methodFinite Element Analysis (FEA)
In this paper we displayed the problematic of modeling, analysis and simulating work process of specific tool used for punching and cutting operations on inner plate of the front car door. Basic principles of treating material with... more
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      ModelingModeling and SimulationStructural AnalysisSimulation
This paper presents a review of finite element analysis of stretch flanging process and its finite element simulation, finite element formulation and finite element method (FEM) based parametric studies and their results. Stretch flanging... more
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    • Finite Element Simulations
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
Для более точной оценки прочности эксплуатируемых железобетонных конструкций необходимо использовать модели с дискретным расположением арматурных стержней с учетом реальных характеристик сцепления арматуры с бетоном, определяемых, как... more
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      Damage MechanicsReinforced concreteFinite Element SimulationsTensioned pullout test
Excavations in soft soils in particular in urban environments with adjacent neighbouring buildings are always subjected to deformations that are not fully avoidable. The soil-structureinteraction of excavations in soft soils is dependent... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical SimulationsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
The frame of the standard dump truck supports all types of complicated loads coming from the road and freight being loaded. So, the intensity and the strength of the frame play a big role in the truck's design. A frame of 6 wheels,... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringFinite Element MethodsFinite element method
The frame of the standard dump truck supports all types of complicated loads coming from the road and freight being loaded. So, the intensity and the strength of the frame play a big role in the truck's design. A frame of 6 wheels,... more
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      Finite Element MethodsStress analysisChassis design and analysis of heavy vehicleFinite Element Simulations
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Post-print of "SM Mirfalah-Nasiri, A Basti, R Hashemi (2016) Forming limit curves analysis of aluminum alloy considering the through-thickness normal stress, anisotropic yield functions and strain rate, Abstract Based on three anisotropic... more
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      Sheet Metal FormingMetal Forming (Engineering)Tube HydroformingForming Limit Curve (FLC)
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      Composite Materials and StructuresAeronautical EngineeringFracture MechanicsUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
In the current paper, numerical results of cylindrical cup drawing of aluminum-lithium sheets using the commercial software abaqus/explicit are presented. This software permits investigating physical models of real procedures putting... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFinite Element MethodsAeronautical Engineering
The aim of this thesis is to design and analyse an optimal lightweight chassis for the GUtech Shell Eco Marathon Team (GSET) prototype vehicle 2016. Considering the fact that increased weight has a detrimental effect on fuel economy, this... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite Materials
A 2D finite element analysis for the numerical prediction of capacity curve of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls is conducted. The studied model is based on the fiber finite element approach. The emphasis of this paper will be on the... more
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      Pushover AnalysisMasonry structuresFinite Element Simulations
Even though, the transformer is the most efficient of electrical machines, with efficiencies typically in the high 90s, it is possible to reduce transformer costs and losses by using composite magnetic cores. This paper presents a new... more
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      Finite Element MethodsEnergyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite Elements methods
The manuscript presents advanced coupled analysis: Maxwell 3D, Transient Thermal and Fluent CFD, at the time of a rated current occurring on the main busbars in the low-voltage switchgear. The simulations were procured in order to aid the... more
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      Computer ScienceFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite element method
Nowadays modern commercial simulation software provides acceptably faithful representation of reality, assuming the correctness of boundary conditions and reliability of data of processed composite material. In the case of non-standard... more
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      Modeling and SimulationPolymersOptimization method using Taguchi Methodpolymer science and Engineering
Looking integral area using Monte Carlo simulation using C ++ program. Make Curva fitting of an average area integral obtained using linear regression. Describes the use of Monte Carlo simulation in up to an area
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      Finite Element MethodsComputational ScienceFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Finite Element Simulations
Design of machine foundation involves the prediction of vibration magnitude. Very slight (of the order of a hundredth of a centimeter) vibration magnitude may cause harm to function of the machine and may even terrify people or threaten... more
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      Finite Element MethodsGeotechnical EngineeringFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Soil Dynamics
Structures are normal or special; these are precious part and are promptly associated with living as well as non living things. Sometimes minute fault inside the structure might affect whole body and it would lead to collapse the... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringNumerical ModelingConstruction Technology
Lecture Notes basically is intended for Undergraduate and Graduate students of mechanical and civil engineering for applied solid mechanics approaches applying discretization concepts on Spring, Bar, Truss and Beam Elements.
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignInstructional DesignFinite Element Methods
This book is dedicated to the use of the finite elements method for the approximation of equations having partial derivatives. It resumes part of the curriculum leading to the certificate in “Numerical Methods forMechanics” taught by the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Finite Element Analysis
For the derivation of the axial resistance of driven sheet piles empirical calculation procedures are given in the recommendations of the working groups "Ufereinfassungen" (EAU, 2004) and "Baugruben" (EAB, 2006), which does not always... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
Multiphase fluid flow models in porous media are frequent in many important applications of Earth Sciences, such as in groundwater contamination, subsurface remediation and reservoir modeling. The aim of the present work is to implement... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaFinite Element SimulationsMultiphase Flow Modeling
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      Soil ScienceNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The role of composite box bridges in the interchanges of modern highway systems has become more and more popular for functional, economic and artistic considerations. This type of structure, guides to an efficient transverse load... more
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    • Finite Element Simulations