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      Gothic LolitaJapanese Lolita SubcultureLolita FashionStylistic Analysis of Lolita Fashion
Japanese contemporary culture, including fashion, has increasingly gained popularity outside Japan, making it a timely topic for both scholarly and wider publics. Most current studies of popular culture focuses on manga, anime, and other... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesVictorian StudiesFashion Theory
Derived from Vladimir Nabokov’s eponymous 1955 novel and its pre-adolescent heroine, seen by the older male narrator as a ‘nymphet’, the ‘Lolita’ look typical in the United States, for example—generally characterized by highly eroticized... more
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      Fashion TheoryDress StudiesJapanese Popular CultureFashion Studies
Elegant Gothic Lolita, or simply Lolita, is a fashion subculture that began as a street fashion among the youth in Harajuku Japan. Lolita fashion is characterized by the modest and Victorian era inspired clothing that often features knee... more
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      SubculturesRitual and performance (Anthropology)GossipTaboo
'Lolita is back.’ As early as 1996, Hannah J. L. Feldman made this statement in regard to a newly emerging phenomenon, represented at the time in art and popular culture, by a ‘triumphant emblem of a newly configured’ feminist model for... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesGender StudiesCultural Sociology
From its inception, the subcultural movement known as Gothic and Lolita has displayed an exchange of ideas between Japan and Euro-American cultures. More recently, however, the subculture has shifted, not only in regard to traditional... more
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      Feminist SociologyLatin American StudiesGender StudiesFeminist Theory
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      Fashion TheorySubculturesFashion HistoryGoth subculture
This thesis, completed for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Visual and Material Culture, Ph.D., examines the development of the fashion-based Mexican Gothic and Lolita movement, and its evolution from its subcultural Japanese roots.... more
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      Japanese StudiesLatin American StudiesGender StudiesFashion Theory
Note: This text is the final draft approved for publication. Link to the published version: DOI: 10.5040/9781474260428-FPA158. "Launching in... more
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      Fashion designFashion HistoryGothic LolitaJapanese Fashion History
This paper discusses how museums and galleries might positively engage with Asian audiences and bring Asian communities into the museum environment. Museums are cultural institutions that should reflect, preserve, interpret and promote... more
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyWomen's Studies
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      Gothic LolitaSubcultureJapanese LolitaJapanese Lolita Subculture
This exhibition, a collaboration between AUT University and Auckland Museum, explores street style in Japan, from the perspective of a New Zealand response to the Japanese phenomenon generally known as the Gothic & Lolita movement. The... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheorySubculturesAnthropology of Japan
The fashion style of the ‘Gothloli’ (Gosurori, Gosu-loli, or Gothic Lolita), a member of the contemporary ‘Lolita’ subculture, is inexorably bound to the archetypal ‘Alice’. Members of this movement dress in garments inspired by the... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFashion Theory
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      Fashion TheoryMexican StudiesCultural TheoryCulture Studies
This paper investigates the social dimension of kawaii fashion communities in Tokyo, informed by Goffman’s theory of the definition of the situation and Huizinga’s concept of the rules of play. Kawaii fashion communities is a term used to... more
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      SubculturesAlternative CommunitiesYouth SubculturesErving Goffman