Student Migration
Recent papers in Student Migration
This study challenges proverbial notions by contesting that the definition of skilled human capital should be expanded to include undergraduates, and in doing so, examines three (3) possible factors that increase the propensity of... more
In this study, the authors use college enrollment and migration data to test the brain drain hypothesis. Their results suggest that state merit scholarship programs do indeed stanch the migration of “best and brightest” students to other... more
This paper first draws attention to the scant literature in population geography on international student migration, or ISM. Yet students comprise an important element in global and European population mobility, especially of highly... more
With the rise of educational mobilities worldwide, students’ experiences of educational sojourn, especially that of the Chinese Mainland students, have come under greater research attention in recent years. Amongst diverse kinds of... more
Публикувано в: П. Пейковска. Българските общности в Унгария през ХІХ-ХХ век. Миграции и историко-демографска характеристика. С., 2011, с. 203-290. 4. БЪЛГАРСКАТА СТУДЕНТСКА МИГРАЦИЯ В УНГАРИЯ ПРЕЗ ВТОРАТА ПОЛОВИНА НА ХІХ В. И ПЪРВАТА... more
Sono studiate le relazioni che, nel corso del Quattrocento, si instaurarono tra lo Studio del convento minoritico di San Francesco di Chieri e la facoltà di teologia dell’Università di Torino, nella quale gli insegnamenti erano affidati... more
The years of Emil Cioran's intellectual formation, coinciding with those of "initiation" in the political ideologies of the time, have a major significance in the biography of the Romanian philosopher, and remained largely unknown until... more
This article is based on fieldwork conducted among Romanian and Bulgarian students working under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme in the UK. It shows how a public discourse on the benefits of and for immigrant seasonal workers... more
Approximately ten percent of Canadian higher education students cross provincial boundaries each year to attend college or university. Despite its size and impact, the geography of higher education student migration (HESM) is not well... more
Chinese Student Migration, Gender and Family is a study of the sons and daughters of Chinese single-child families who go abroad to study and in particular explores the increase of familial investment in daughters' education within the... more
This book examines the Singapore government’s controversial practice of recruiting students from China and granting them full scholarships on the condition of a service “bond”. It offers detailed ethnographic accounts of the Chinese... more
Memorial University of Newfoundland, located in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, has seen significant increases in the enrolment of both outof-province Canadian and international students over the past several decades.... more
Представлены предварительные результаты качественного исследования академического взаимодействия и этносоциальных конфликтов в вузах городов России (Казань, Санкт-Петербург и Сыктывкар), Украины (Киев), США (Лос-Анджелес). В первой... more
An explicit marketization and national profiling of Denmark as an attractive country for foreign students has resulted in an increasing number of students from poor countries in the global South, including Nepal, being admitted to Danish... more
Migrações internacionais motivadas pelo estudo : o caso dos estudantes de medicina brasileiros na Universidade Nacional de Rosário (UNR) A migração é um fenômeno social complexo e motivado por diferentes fatores, apresenta substanciais... more
Pędziwiatr, K., Kugiel, P. (2015) Poland as a Study Destination: The Case of Indians at Polish Universities, In: Surdej, A., Kędzierski, M., (ed.) Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe, Wydawnictwo Adam... more
This chapter provides an overview of Malaysia's skilled migration through the concept of 'education-induced migration'. The focus of this chapter is twofold: firstly, to explain how their migration pathways need to be contextualized to... more
This article looks at identity constructions of mainland Chinese undergraduate students in a Hong Kong university. These students shared a “Hong Kong Dream” characterised by a desire for change in individual outlooks, a yearning for... more
This paper analyses the cultural production of the 'educated person' through student migrants' engagement with ideas and practices of time. In particular, it pays attention to how these young people negotiate identities and develop unique... more
O trabalho apresenta as trajetórias de migração estudantil e fluxos migratórios dos alunos e alunas da Formação Técnica do IFBA - Campus Camaçari/Núcleo Avançado Dias D'Ávila, pesquisados em “Nômades do saber: um estudo sobre migração... more
This paper offers an ethnographic account of the self-formation experiences of Mainland Chinese undergraduate students as “foreign talents” in a Singaporean university. While extant scholarship often points out that international... more
The literature on migration intentions of university students and their decisions to travel abroad as student migrants is limited. This article outlines how the thought of student migration is created and nurtured. It investigates how... more
Student migration is a key component of knowledge migration. However, as knowledge becomes a central part of migrant selectivity, labour and family migrants too are involved in knowledge acquisition, both prior to and after migration. At... more
This chapter discusses the internal migration of young Albanian women to Tirana for educational purposes. Its aim is to investigate how is gender embedded with the process of migration of young women and which are the effects of migration... more
This article stems from the observation of a small group of highly qualified young women, who reside in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. A qualitative analysis of the migratory paths of these women is performed from a psychological... more
O trabalho apresenta as trajetórias de migração estudantil e fluxos migratórios dos alunos e alunas da Formação Técnica do IFBA -Campus Camaçari/Núcleo Avançado Dias D'Ávila, pesquisados em "Nômades do saber: um estudo sobre migração... more
The article analyses the role of ethnic diasporas and digital social media in student migration. A survey of students from 18 countries who study at RUDN University was conducted. This university is the most international in the Russian... more
This article examines the reasons, strategies, experiences and future plans of international students who relocate to Switzerland for tertiary studies. The University of Bern serves as a case study. An online survey was sent to all... more
Studying abroad is an increasingly prevalent form of transient migration. How do international students understand their relationship with the host society and host nationals? Based on in-depth interview data, this article investigates... more
Published in D.Kevonian et G.Tronchet (ed.), La Babel étudiante. La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (1920-1950), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013