Recent papers in Strangeness
It has recently been claimed that the explicit introduction of a so-called "non-perturbative" contribution to the spin-dependent strange-quark distribution in the proton sea may avoid positivity bounds obtained from very precise data... more
A double-$\Lambda$ hypernucleus, ${}_{\Lambda\Lambda}\mathrm{Be}$, was observed by the J-PARC E07 collaboration in nuclear emulsions tagged by the $(K^{-},K^{+})$ reaction. This event was interpreted as a production and decay of $... more
The J-PARC E07 experiment aimed to systematically detect double-strangeness nuclei with emulsion technologies. Thirty-three events were detected within 2 years by following of Ξ tracks. One event of D001 among them was examined to... more
In the E373 experiment at KEK-PS, we have located nearly 2 × 10 4 stopping events of − hyperon candidates in nuclear emulsion. Among these, the identification of the − hyperon was performed with the constant sagitta (CS) method, by... more
Nuclei with double strangeness (S =-2) provide the key information to understand Baryon-Baryon interaction under the SU(3) f symmetry. Therefore we have carried out the experiments at KEK for quarter a century. Recently, the interaction... more
Double strangeness nuclei such as double-and hypernuclei have been studied with nuclear emulsion due to its fine position resolution. Recently, we have started an experiment to study-interaction more accurately than that information given... more
We predict dilepton invariant-mass spectra for central 5.5 ATeV Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. Hadronic emission in the low-mass region is calculated using inmedium spectral functions of light vector mesons within hadronic many-body theory. In... more
We predict dilepton invariant-mass spectra for central 5.5 ATeV Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. Hadronic emission in the low-mass region is calculated using inmedium spectral functions of light vector mesons within hadronic many-body theory. In... more
Preliminary results on the φ (1020) meson production in inelastic proton-proton collisions measured by the NA61/ SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS are presented in these proceedings. The results include the first ever differential p T and... more
The recent investigations in the chiral quark model show that kaon productions of nucleons play an important role in understanding the structure of baryons. The evidences of a third S 11 resonance in the second resonance region and two... more
A connection is established between the results of a potential model with constituent quarks and the 1=N c expansion mass formula used in the description of strange and non-strange baryon resonances. It is shown that a remarkable... more
Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest każdy przejaw działalności twórczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezależnie od wartości, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrażenia (utwór). 1) wyrażone słowem,... more
First evidence of a structure in the $J/\psi \varLambda$ invariant mass distribution is obtained from an amplitude analysis of $\varXi_b^- \to J/\psi \varLambda K^-$ decays. The observed structure is consistent with being due to a... more
A strong violation of the Quark Line Rule is observed if we allow the pion nucleon a term to attain the present experimental value. This in turn indicates the possibility of a large strangeness content in the proton. In this work we have... more
The hypothetical SUð3Þ flavor-singlet dibaryon state S with strangeness −2 has been discussed as a dark-matter candidate capable of explaining the curious 5-to-1 ratio of the mass density of dark matter to that of baryons. We study the... more
A set of inclusive cross sections at zero rapidity is presented for p-pbar interactions at center of mass energy sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV. Six particle cross sections are corrected for secondary contributions from decays of higher mass resonances... more
Przedmiot prawa autorskiego Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest każdy przejaw działalności twórczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezależnie od wartości, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrażenia... more
The reaction pp ™ K q L p was measured exclusively at the cooler synchrotron COSY at beam momenta of p s Beam 2.50 GeVrc and p s 2.75 GeVrc using the TOF detector. Angular and momentum distributions were obtained for the Beam Ž. Ž. full... more
Annihilation dynamics plays a fundamental role in the baryon-antibaryon interaction (B-B) at lowenergy and its strength and range are crucial in the assessment of possible baryon bound states. Experimental data on annihilation cross... more
Przedmiot prawa autorskiego Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest każdy przejaw działalności twórczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezależnie od wartości, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrażenia... more
Experimental data on charged kaon phase space distributions and strangeness sideward flow measured with the FOPI detector at SIS/GSI are presented. Comparisons are made with the predictions of transport models investigating the in-medium... more
A major experimental program is presently underway worldwide to determine the fundamental non-perturbative functions, the Sivers, Boer-Mulders and transversity distributions, which are vital for an understanding of the internal structure... more
This Introductory talk contains a brief review of the current status of theoretical and experimental activities related to physics of superdense matter. In particular, we discuss latest lattice results on the phase transition, recent... more
J-PARC is one of the world's highest-intensity proton synchrotron facilities for material and life sciences, neutrino physics, hadron and nuclear physics. By acceleration of heavy-ion beams, J-PARC could also become a high-intensity... more
Recent AGS experiment searching for strange dibaryon resonances near EN mass is described. The reaction d(K-, ~-) X induced by 870 MeV/c kaons was studied using the missing mass spectrometer. The mass X was identified as a Ap event using... more
We investigate S=−1 and −2 hypernuclei with A = 4 − 8 employing the Jacobi-NCSM approach and in combination with baryon-baryon interactions derived within the frame work of chiral effective field theory. The employed interactions are... more
In a study of K+p interactions at 12.7 GeV/c we have carried out a search for meson resonances having any one of the following properties: (a) a strangeness of S = 2, (b) S = 1 and isotopic spin of I = 2 l, or (c) S = 1, I = ~ and... more
is one of the leading global thinkers in both Continental philosophy and post-metaphysical philosophy of religion. He is an esteemed Irish professor in philosophy, currently teaching at Boston College, Massachusetts, USA. Professor... more
The proposed facility will also have an impact in the strange meson sector by providing measurements of the final-state K{\pi} system from threshold up to 2 GeV invariant mass to establish and improve on the pole positions and widths of... more
Przedmiot prawa autorskiego Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest każdy przejaw działalności twórczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezależnie od wartości, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrażenia... more
Przedmiot prawa autorskiego Art. 1. 1. Przedmiotem prawa autorskiego jest każdy przejaw działalności twórczej o indywidualnym charakterze, ustalony w jakiejkolwiek postaci, niezależnie od wartości, przeznaczenia i sposobu wyrażenia... more
Este artículo indaga el proceso de reflexividad en dos investigaciones doctorales situadas en el cruce de estudios sobre elites y educación en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. La propuesta es analizar el proceso de reflexividad al... more
The appearance of delta isobars in beta-stable matter is regulated by the behaviour of the symmetry energy at densities larger than saturation density. We show that by taking into account recent constraints on the density derivative of... more