arXiv:nucl-th/0303062v1 25 Mar 2003
Chiral dynamics of the two Λ(1405) states
D. Jidoa,c, J.A. Ollerb, E. Osetc , A. Ramosd and U.-G. Meißnere
a Research
Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University,
Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
b Departamento
c Departamento
de Fı́sica, Universidad de Murcia, 30071 Murcia, Spain
de Fı́sica Teórica and IFIC, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC,
Institutos de Investigación de Paterna, Aptd. 22085, 46071 Valencia, Spain
d Departament
d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria, Universitat de Barcelona,
Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Universität Bonn, Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik (Theorie)
Nußalle 14-16, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
February 4, 2008
Using a chiral unitary approach for the meson–baryon interactions, we show that
two octets of J π = 1/2− baryon states, which are degenerate in the limit of exact
SU(3) symmetry, and a singlet are generated dynamically. The SU(3) breaking produces the splitting of the two octets, resulting in the case of strangeness S = −1 in
two poles of the scattering matrix close to the nominal Λ(1405) resonance. These
poles are combinations of the singlet state and the octets. We show how actual experiments see just one effective resonance shape, but with properties which change
from one reaction to another.
The Λ(1405) resonance has been a long-standing example of a dynamically generated resonance appearing naturally in scattering theory with coupled meson–baryon channels with
strangeness S = −1 [1]. Modern chiral formulations of the meson–baryon interaction within
unitary frameworks all lead to the generation of this resonance, which is seen as a near
Breit–Wigner form in the mass distribution of πΣ states with isospin I = 0 in hadronic
production processes [2, 5, 3, 4]. Yet, it was shown that in some models one could obtain
two poles close to the nominal Λ(1405) resonance, as it was the case within the cloudy bag
model in Ref. [6]. Also, in the investigation of the poles of the scattering matrix in Ref. [3],
within the context of chiral dynamics, it was found that there were two poles close to the
nominal Λ(1405) resonance both contributing to the πΣ invariant mass distribution. This
was also the case in Refs. [7, 8], where two poles are obtained with similar properties as to
their masses, widths and partial decay widths compared to those of the previous works.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate further the origin of these two poles, their nature and why there seems to be only one resonance in actual experiments. We furthermore
suggest new experiments which could reveal the presence of these two states.
The manuscript is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly summarize the salient
features of the chiral unitary coupled channel approach for the interactions between the
octet of Goldstone bosons and the octet of the lowest baryons. The poles in the corresponding meson–baryon scattering matrix are discussed in Section 3, with particular emphasis
on the group structure of the dynamically generated resonances in the SU(3) limit. The
relation between these states and their couplings in that limit and in the physical case
is further elaborated on in Section 4. In Section 5, we show how these poles manifest
themselves in physical observables, and how different experiments are able to unravel the
two poles generating the Λ(1405). Some conclusions and an outlook are given in Section 6.
Some technicalities are relegated to the appendices.
Description of the meson baryon interactions
Starting from the chiral Lagrangians for meson–baryon interactions [9] and using the N/D
method to obtain a scattering matrix fulfilling exactly unitarity in coupled channels [3],
the full set of transition matrix elements with the coupled channels in S = −1, K − p, K̄ 0 n,
π 0 Λ, π 0 Σ0 , π + Σ− , π − Σ+ , ηΛ, ηΣ0 , K 0 Ξ0 and K + Ξ− , is given in matrix form by
T = [1 − V G]−1 V .
Here, the matrix V , obtained from the lowest order meson–baryon chiral Lagrangian,
contains the Weinberg-Tomozawa or seagull contribution, as employed e.g. in Ref. [10],
1 √
Vij = −Cij 2 (2 s − Mi − Mj )
Mi + E
Mj + E ′
where the Cij coefficients are given in Ref. [5], and an averaged meson decay constant
f = 1.123fπ is used [10], with fπ = 92.4 MeV the weak pion decay constant. At lowest
order in the chiral expansion all the baryon masses are equal to the one in the chiral limit,
M0 , nevertheless in Ref. [10] the physical baryon masses, Mi , were used and these are the
ones appearing in Eq. (2). In addition to the Weinberg-Tomozawa term, one also has at
the same order in the chiral expansion the direct and exchange diagrams considered in
Ref. [3]. These are suppressed at low energies by powers of the three-momenta and meson
masses over Mi , the leading
√ one being just linear. However, their importance increases
with energy and around s ≃ 1.5 GeV they can be as large as a 20% of the seagull term.
The diagonal matrix G stands for the loop function of a meson and a baryon and
is defined by a dispersion relation in terms of phase space with a cut starting at the
corresponding threshold sl , namely [3]:
ρ(s′ )l
s − s0 ∞ ′
ds ′
G(s)l = G(s0 )l −
(s − s − i0+ )(s′ − s0 )
Mi ql
ρ(s)l = √
4π s
and G(s0 )l is a subtraction constant. The above expression corresponds to the loop function
of a meson and a baryon once the logarithmic divergent constant is removed:
d4 q Ml
Gl = i
(2π) El (~q ) k + p − q − El (~q ) + iǫ q − m2l + iǫ
The analytical properties of G are properly kept when evaluating the previous loop function
in dimensional regularization. Using dimensional regularization and removing the divergent
constant piece leads to
d4 q
Gl = i 2Ml
(2π)4 (P − q)2 − Ml2 + iǫ q 2 − m2l + iǫ
Ml2 m2l − Ml2 + s m2l
ln 2 +
16π 2
+ √ ln(s − (Ml2 − m2l ) + 2ql s) + ln(s + (Ml2 − m2l ) + 2ql s)
− ln(−s + (Ml − ml ) + 2ql s) − ln(−s − (Ml − ml ) + 2ql s)
where µ is the scale of dimensional regularization. For a given value of this scale, the
subtraction constant ai (µ) is determined so that the results are finally scale independent.
The loop function represented by Eq. (5) was calculated in Ref. [5] with a cut-off
regularization, similarly as previously done in meson–meson scattering [11]. The values
of the ai constants in Eq. (6) are found to be around −2 to agree with the results of the
cut–off method for cut–off values of the order of the mass of the ρ(770) [3], which we call
of natural size. Indeed, in Ref. [10] it was found that with the values for the subtraction
aK̄N = −1.84 aπΣ = −2.00 aπΛ = −1.83
aηΛ = −2.25 aηΣ = −2.38 aKΞ = −2.67 .
one reproduces the results for the G functions obtained in Ref. [5] with a cut–off of 630
It is further interesting to consider the large Nc counting of the different terms present
in Eq.(1). From Eq. (2), since f 2 ∝ Nc and also MBi ∝ Nc , it follows that Vij is O(Nc−1 )
in the large Nc counting.
to expand Eq. (2) in the limit of Mi → ∞, taking
p one has p
into account that s =√ q + Mi + q 2 + m2i , so that the baryon masses disappear
when subtracted from 2 s in the first term between brackets of this equation which is
then O(Nc0 ). Since the other terms between brackets are also O(Nc0 ) it follows that Vij is
O(Nc−1 ) because of the factor of f 2 appearing in the denominator. In the same way, by
expanding Eq. (6) in the limit Ml → ∞, a term linear in Ml appears so that Gl seems to
be O(Nc ). This term is energy-independent and is given by the combination:
al (µ) + ln 2
8π 2
The energy-dependent terms are O(Nc0 ). In ref. [3] it was shown that
al (µ) = −2 ln 1 + 1 + 2l + O( ) ,
where the scale µ can be chosen such that it corresponds to a hypothetical three-momentum
cut-off with a natural value around Mρ used to evaluate Gl (s), as e.g. in ref. [5]. Taking
the limit Ml → ∞ in this equation one then has:
al (µ) → − ln
and hence the leading combination of Eq.(8) reduces to an O(Nc0 ) contribution as the rest
of the terms so that in this case Gl is finally O(Nc0 ). This is also the order one would
infer naturally from Eq.(4) by simply applying the scaling properties Ml ∽ O(Nc ) and
q ∽ O(Nc0 ) to the integral and then taking the accompanying subtraction constant Gl (s0 )
of the same order as that of the integral. Since from the studies of refs. [5, 3, 10] it is clear
that one can consider the subtractions constant al as originating from a cut-off as in Eq.(9),
then we infer that the Gl (s) function must be counted as O(Nc0 ). The important point
for us is that then the product V G, appearing in Eq. (1), is O(Nc−1 ) and then suppressed
in the large Nc limit with respect to the identity. This situation is similar to that of the
meson–meson case, where V G is as well O(Nc−1 ) [13]. Thus, the dynamically generated
resonances disappear in the limit of large number of colours. Were the subtraction constants
not generated through a relation like that of Eq.(9), which implies a value of al around
−2, then V G would be O(Nc0 ) and would not be suppressed as compared to the identity
so that the poles would survive the large Nc limit. Thus, as a result of this discussion, we
want to emphasize that the set of resonances with S = −1 generated dynamically within
our approach and to be presented in detail below, are suppressed in the large Nc limit and
are not suited to a large Nc expansion as that employed recently in ref. [12].
Poles of the T-matrix
The study of Ref. [10] showed the presence of poles in Eq. (1) around the Λ(1405) and the
Λ(1670) for isospin I = 0 and around the Σ(1620) in I = 1. The same approach in S = −2
leads to the resonance Ξ(1620) [14] and in S = 0 to the N ∗ (1535) [15], this latter one
also generated dynamically in Ref. [16]. One is thus tempted to consider the appearance
of a singlet and an octet of meson–baryon resonances. Nevertheless, the situation is more
complicated because indeed in the SU(3) limit there are two octets and not just one, as
we discuss below. As a matter of fact, the Λ(1405) is a mixture of a singlet and an
octet, and not just a singlet as assumed in Ref. [12]. The presence of these multiplets
was already discussed in Ref. [3] after obtaining poles with S = −1 in the I = 1 channel,
with mass around 1430 MeV, and two poles with I = 0, of masses around that of the
Λ(1405). Similar ideas have been exploited in the meson–meson interaction where a nonet
of dynamically generated mesons, made of the σ(500), f0 (980), a0 (980) and κ(900), has
been obtained [11, 18, 13, 17].
The appearance of a multiplet of dynamically generated mesons and baryons seems
most natural once a state of the multiplet appears. Indeed, one must recall that the chiral
Lagrangians are obtained from the combination of the octet of pseudoscalar mesons (the
pions and partners) and the octet of stable baryons (the nucleons and partners). The
SU(3) decomposition of the combination of two octets tells us that
8 ⊗ 8 = 1 ⊕ 8s ⊕ 8a ⊕ 10 ⊕ 10 ⊕ 27 .
Thus, on pure SU(3) grounds, should we have a SU(3) symmetric Lagrangian, one can
expect e.g. one singlet and two octets of resonances, the symmetric and antisymmetric ones.
Actually in the case of the meson–meson interactions only the symmetric octet appears in
S-wave because of Bose statistics, but in the case of the meson–baryon interactions, where
the building blocks come from two octets of different nature, both the symmetric and
antisymmetric octets could appear and there is no reason why they should be degenerate
in principle.
The lowest order of the meson–baryon chiral Lagrangian is exactly SU(3) invariant if
all the masses of the mesons, or equivalently the quark masses, are set equal. As stated
above [see Eq. (2)], in Ref. [10] the baryon masses take their physical values, although
strictly speaking at the leading order in the chiral expansion they should be equal to M0 .
For Eq. (2) being SU(3) symmetric, all the baryons masses Mi must be set equal as well.
When all the meson and baryon masses are equal, and these common masses are employed
in evaluating the Gl functions, together with equal subtraction constants al , the T –matrix
obtained from Eq. (1) is also SU(3) symmetric. In appendix A we show that in the SU(3)
limit the subtraction constants al are independent of the physical channel.
If we do such an SU(3) symmetry approximation and look for poles of the scattering
matrix, we find poles corresponding to the octets and singlet. The surprising result is that
the two octet poles are degenerate as a consequence of the dynamics contained in the chiral
Lagrangians. Indeed, if we evaluate the matrix elements of the transition potential V in a
basis of SU(3) states,
Vαβ =
hi, αiCij hj, βi,
where hi, αi are the SU(3) Clebsch–Gordan coefficients and Cij the coefficients in Eq. (2),
we obtain:
Vαβ = diag(6, 3, 3, 0, 0, −2) ,
taking the following order for the irreducible representations: 1, 8s , 8a , 10, 10 and 27.
Hence we observe that the states belonging to different irreducible representations do
not mix, and the scattering amplitude of the two octets is the same at Born level (i.e.
to leading order in the chiral expansion). Thus the two octets appear degenerate after
the unitarized resummation. The coefficients in Eq. (13) clearly illustrate why there are
no bound states in the 10, 10 and 27 representations. Indeed, considering the minus
sign in Eq. (2), a negative sign in Eq. (13) means repulsion. In practice, the same chiral
Lagrangians allow for SU(3) breaking. In the case of Refs. [5, 10] the breaking appears
because both in the Vij transition potentials as in the Gl loop functions one uses the physical
masses of the particles as well as different subtraction constants in Gl , corresponding to the
use of a unique cut-off in all channels. In Ref. [3] the physical masses are also used in the
Gl functions, although these functions are evaluated with a unique subtraction constant as
corresponds to the SU(3) limit, see appendix A. In addition the Vij transition potentials are
evaluated strictly at lowest order in the chiral expansion so that a common baryon mass is
used and the one baryon exchange diagrams, both direct and crossed, are included. In both
approaches, physical masses are used to evaluate the Gl loop functions so that unitarity is
fulfilled exactly and the physical thresholds for all channels are respected. This is important
in a multichannel problem like the present case. In general terms, additional SU(3) breaking
contributions can be included systematically when evaluating the interacting kernel V in a
chiral expansion of the meson-baryon interactions, as explained in ref. [3]. The lowest order
SU(3) breaking corrections occur when V is evaluated at next-to-leading order from the
O(p2 ) meson-baryon Lagrangian, with some of these terms already included in Ref. [19].
Other SU(3) breaking effects as e.g. those arising from the difference between the weak
decay constants of the pseudoscalars appear at O(p3 ) in V . The systematic inclusion of
such higher order corrections is beyond the present study but should be considered in the
By following the approach of Ref. [10] and using the physical masses of the baryons
and the mesons, the position of the poles change and the two octets split apart in four
Im zR [MeV]
Re zR [MeV]
Figure 1: Trajectories of the poles in the scattering amplitudes obtained by changing the
SU(3) breaking parameter x gradually. At the SU(3) symmetric limit (x = 0), only two
poles appear, one is for the singlet and the other for the octet. The symbols correspond to
the step size δx = 0.1.
branches, two for I = 0 and two for I = 1, as one can see in Fig. 1. In the figure we show
the trajectories of the poles as a function of a parameter x that breaks gradually the SU(3)
symmetry up to the physical values. The dependence of masses and subtraction constants
on the parameter x is given by
Mi (x) = M0 + x(Mi − M0 ),
m2i (x) = m20 + x(m2i − m20 ),
ai (x) = a0 + x(ai − a0 ),
where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. For the baryon masses, Mi (x), the breaking of the SU(3) symmetry
follows linearly, while for the meson masses, mi (x), the law is quadratic in the masses, since
in the QCD Lagrangian the flavor SU(3) breaking appears in the quark mass terms and
the squares of the meson masses depend on the quark masses linearly. In the calculation
of Fig. 1, the values M0 = 1151 MeV, m0 = 368 MeV and a0 = −2.148 are used.
The complex poles, zR , appear in unphysical sheets. In the present search we follow
the strategy of changing the sign of the momentum ql in the Gl (z) loop function of Eq. (6)
for the channels which are open at an energy equal to Re(z).
The splitting of the two I = 0 octet states is very interesting. One moves to higher
energies to merge with the Λ(1670) resonance and the other one moves to lower energies
to create a pole, quite well identified below the K̄N threshold, with a narrow width. In
appendix B we show explicitly how for small values of the symmetry breaking parameter x
the poles move away from their values in the SU(3) symmetry limit. We should also note
that when for some values of x the trajectory crosses the K̄N threshold (∼ 1435 MeV) the
pole fades away but it emerges again clearly for values of x close to 1. On the other hand,
the singlet also evolves to produce a pole at low energies with a quite large width.
We note that the singlet and the I = 0 octet states appear nearby in energy and one of
the purposes of this paper is, precisely, to point out the fact that what experiments actually
see is a combination of the effect of these two resonances. This should be considered the
main result of this paper.
Similarly as for the I = 0 octet states, we can see that one branch of the I = 1
states moves to higher energies while another moves to lower energies. The branch moving
to higher energies finishes at what would correspond to the Σ(1620) resonance when the
physical masses are reached. The branch moving to lower energies fades away after a while
when getting close to the K̄N threshold.
The model of Ref. [3] reproduces qualitatively the same results. However, this model
also produces in the physical limit (x = 1) another I = 1 pole having Re(z)=1401 MeV if,
in addition to changing the signs of the on-shell momenta in the πΛ and πΣ channels in
accordance to the strategy mentioned above, the sign in the K̄N channel is also changed.
This is legitimate in this case due to the proximity of the K̄N threshold to the position of
the I = 1 resonance of ref. [3] as compared to its width (see the later table 3). As we can see,
the appearance of this pole is more sensitive to the details of the coupled channel approach
and hence it is not so stable as the I = 0 poles discussed above. Yet, the pole found in
the model of Ref. [10] for values of x below to 0.6, see Fig. 1, reflects, in the physical limit
x = 1, into a strong cusp structure of the I = 1 amplitudes at the K̄N threshold, leading
to a pronounced peak on top of a large background. In the model of Ref. [3], the presence
of a pole in the Riemann sheet where the sign of the momenta in the three channels (πΛ,
πΣ, K̄N) is changed enhances the structure of this peak, which shows the features of a
resonant shape. Whether this enhancement in the I = 1 amplitudes can be interpreted as
a resonance or as a cusp, the fact that the strength of the I = 1 amplitude around the
Λ(1405) region is not negligible should have consequences for reactions producing πΣ pairs
in that region. This has been illustrated for instance in Ref. [20], where the photoproduction
of the Λ(1405) via the reaction γp → K + Λ(1405) was studied. It was shown there that
the different sign in the I = 1 component of the | π + Σ− i, | π − Σ+ i states leads, through
interference between the I = 1 and the dominant I = 0 amplitudes, to different cross
sections in the various charge channels, a fact that has been confirmed experimentally very
recently [21].
Once the pole positions are found, one can also determine the couplings of these resonances to the physical states by studying the amplitudes close to the pole and identifying
them with
gi gj
Tij =
z − zR
The couplings gi are in general complex valued numbers. In Tables 1 and 2 we summarize
the pole positions and the complex couplings gi obtained from the model of Ref. [10] for
isospin I = 0 and I = 1, respectively.
We now consider the results obtained from the model of Ref. [3]. Making use of their
Table 1: Pole positions and couplings to I = 0 physical states from the model of Ref. [10]
1390 + 66i
1426 + 16i
1680 + 20i
(I = 0)
|gi |
−2.5 − 1.5i
0.42 − 1.4i
1.5 −0.003 − 0.27i
1.2 + 1.7i
2.1 −2.5 + 0.94i 2.7
0.30 + 0.71i
0.010 + 0.77i 0.77 −1.4 + 0.21i 1.4
−1.1 − 0.12i
−0.45 − 0.41i 0.61 0.11 − 0.33i 0.35
3.4 + 0.14i
|gi |
Table 2: Pole position and couplings to I = 1 physical states from the model of Ref. [10]
(I = 1)
1579 + 264i
|gi |
1.4 + 1.5i 2.0
−2.2 − 1.5i 2.7
−1.1 − 1.1i 1.6
1.2 + 1.4i 1.9
−2.5 − 2.4i 3.5
set I of parameters, which correspond to a baryon mass M0 = 1286 MeV and a meson
decay constant f = 0.798fπ = 74.1 MeV, both in the chiral limit, together with a common
subtraction constant a = −2.23, the results obtained for I = 0 and I = 1 are displayed in
Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
We can see that there is a qualitative agreement among both models, especially in the
case of I = 0. We observe that the second resonance with I = 0 couples strongly to K̄N
channel, while the first resonance couples more strongly to πΣ. The results for I = 0 shown
in Tables 1, 3 resemble much those obtained in Ref. [6] and Ref. [8] where two resonances
are also found close to 1405 MeV, with the one at lower energies having a larger width than
the second and a stronger coupling to πΣ, while the resonance at higher energies being
narrower and coupling mostly to K̄N.
SU(3) considerations
While in the discussion following Fig. 1 we have identified the states as octet and singlet
because of their origin, it is clear that there is some mixing. In fact we can make a basis
transformation and find the coupling of the resonances to the SU(3) meson–baryon states.
We write the matrix
T̃ = U † T U
where U is the unitary matrix of the SU(3) Clebsch–Gordan coefficients hi, γi with i the
indices for the physical states and γ denoting a subset of the meson–baryon SU(3) states
Table 3: Pole positions and couplings to I = 0 physical states from the model of Ref. [3]
1379 + 27i
1434 + 11i
1692 + 14i
(I = 0)
−1.76 − 0.62i 1.87 −0.56 − 1.02i 1.16 −0.08 − 0.32i 0.33
0.86 + 0.70i 1.11 −1.74 + 0.63i 1.85 0.32 + 0.41i 0.52
0.19 + 0.33i 0.38 −1.20 + 0.23i 1.23 −0.83 − 0.19i 0.85
−0.52 − 0.19i 0.55 −0.20 − 0.30i 0.36 3.87 + 0.05i 3.87
Table 4: Pole positions and couplings to I = 1 physical states from the model of Ref. [3]
1401 + 40i
1488 + 114i
(I = 1)
0.60 + 0.47i 0.76 0.98 + 0.84i
1.27 + 0.71i
1.5 −1.32 − 1.00i 1.7
−1.24 − 0.73i 1.4 −0.89 − 0.57i 1.1
0.56 + 0.41i 0.69 0.58 + 0.29i 0.65
0.12 + 0.05i 0.13 −1.63 − 0.91i 1.9
having hypercharge, isospin and isospin projection compatible with those of the physical
ones. Taking the resonances and couplings found from the model of Ref. [10] (Table 1) we
find the results shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Couplings of the I = 0 bound states to the meson–baryon SU(3) basis states, obtained
with the model of Ref. [10]
1390 + 66i
1426 + 16i
1680 + 20i
(evolved singlet)
(evolved octet 8s )
(evolved octet 8a )
|gγ |
|gγ |
|gγ |
2.3 + 2.3i
−2.1 + 1.6i
2.6 −1.9 + 0.42i 2.0
−1.4 − 0.14i 1.4 −1.1 − 0.62i 1.3 −1.5 − 0.066i 1.5
0.53 + 0.94i 1.1 −1.7 + 0.43i 1.8
2.6 + 0.59i
0.25 − 0.031i 0.25 0.18 + 0.092i 0.21 −0.36 + 0.28i 0.4
We observe that the physical singlet couples mostly to the singlet SU(3) state. This
means that this physical state has retained largely the singlet nature it had in the SU(3)
symmetric situation. The same is true for the physical I = 0 antisymmetric octet shown in
the last column. However, the couplings of the physical symmetric octet reveal that, due
to its proximity to the singlet state, it has become mostly a singlet with some admixture
of the symmetric and antisymmetric octets.
Alternatively, one can try to determine the SU(3) pole content of a physical pole by
decomposing the corresponding physical resonance, denoted by |Ai, in terms of the bound
states found in the SU(3) symmetric situation, denoted by |µ′ i, as
Cµ(A) |µ′ i ,
|Ai =
|Cµ(A) |2 ≃ 1 ,
where the expansion has been limited to the SU(3) bound states which, in the present case,
are found in the irreducible SU(3) representations 1, 8a or 8s . The small admixture of the
27 representation, as seen in Table 5, and a possible small contribution of the continuum
states have been neglected in writing Eqs. (17) and (18). We note that the state |Ai has
well defined isospin (I = 0 or 1), third component of isospin and hypercharge (Y = 0), the
same as the |µ′i state in the sum on the right hand side of Eq. (17). For simplicity, all
these quantum numbers are included in the symbols A and µ. If we further designate by
|γ MBi the basis state belonging to the γ SU(3) irreducible representation and made up by
a meson and a baryon, as for instance the singlet |1 MBi = √18 |K − p+ K̄ 0 n+π + Σ− +π 0 Σ0 +
π − Σ+ + ηΛ + K + Ξ− + K 0 Ξ0 i, we can write for the coupling |Ai → |γ MBi ≡ g(A → γ)
g(A → γ) =
Cµ(A) g(µ′ → γ) .
In the SU(3) limit g(µ′ → γ) = δµγ g(γ ′ → γ), hence, up to first order in the SU(3) breaking
parameter, we have
g(A → γ) = Cγ(A) g(γ ′ → γ) ,
where the couplings g(A → γ) for the I = 0 resonances are those given in Table 5.
Therefore, once the couplings g(γ ′ → γ) are known, the equation above together with
the normalization requirement of Eq. (18), is sufficient to determine the coefficients Cγ
except for a global phase.
In order to calculate the couplings g(γ ′ → γ) we consider the SU(3) limit corresponding
to the physical meson and baryon masses. In order to do that we take the Gell-MannOkubo mass relations for the lightest octet of pseudoscalars and baryons for calculating
the common meson and baryon masses in the SU(3) limit, see e.g. Refs. [22, 23]. These
result to be MB = 1150 MeV for the baryons and m0 = 413 MeV for the mesons. The
pole positions of the singlet and octet (8s and 8a ), together with the corresponding residua,
obtained from the two models studied in this work are
Ref. [10] Ref. [3]
singlet pole (1486, 0) (1447, 0)
octet pole (1556, 0) (1516, 0) .
g(1′ → 1) (−3.29, 0) (−3.05, 0)
g(8′ → 8) (−1.87, 0) (−2.65, 0)
Taking the g(A → γ) couplings from Table 5, one obtains the following coefficients
C1 C8a /C1
C8s /C1
|C1 |2 |C8a |2 |C8s |2
1390 + 66i 0.73 (0.41, 0.12)
(−0.43, 0.34) 0.53 0.18 0.29
1426 + 16i 0.56 (0.62, 0.27)
(0.20, 0.45) 0.31 0.45 0.24
1680 + 20i 0.34 (−0.75, −0.35) (0.43, 0.11) 0.12 0.68 0.20
which again confirms that the first pole is mostly a singlet, the third one mostly an antisymmetric octet and the second one has become an even mixture of the three SU(3) poles.
Following the same steps but now for the I = 1 pole found in the model of Ref. [10], one
obtains the coefficients
C8a C8s /C8a
|C8a |2 |C8s |2
1579 + 264i 0.55 (0.83, 0.14) 0.30 0.70
which show that this pole has retained the 8s nature it had in the SU(3) symmetric situation
(see Eq. (B.7) in appendix B). Similarly, the results obtained from the model of Ref. [3]
C1 C8a /C1
C8s /C1
|C1 |2 |C8a |2 |C8s |2
1379 + 27i 0.96 (0.15, 0.11) (0.15, −0.19) 0.92 0.03 0.05
1434 + 11i 0.49 (0.64, 0.77) (0.71, 1.28) 0.24 0.24 0.52
1692 + 14i 0.48 (1.58, 0.37) (0.78, 0.16) 0.23 0.63 0.14
for the I = 0 poles and
C8a C8s /C8a
|C8a |2 |C8s |2
1401 + 40i 0.81 (0.72, 0.07) 0.66 0.34 ,
1488 + 114i 0.59 (1.37, −0.06) 0.35 0.65
for the I = 1 ones. In this model, for which SU(3) breaking is less pronounced, the physical
poles retain better the irreducible SU(3) nature they had in the SU(3) symmetric situation.
If the basis transformation of Eq. (17) was complete, the sum of the moduli square of
the coefficients should also be one along a column, which corresponds to expanding the
SU(3) eigenstates in the physical basis of resonances. Within 20% this is true for all the
columns in the tables of Eqs. (22), (24) and (25), except for the one corresponding to the
SU(3) singlet state in the model of Ref. [3], which is overestimated in a 40% [see Eq. (24)].
Influence of the poles on the physical observables
It is important to see what would happen in an actual experiment. In order to see this,
we first make a qualitative and intuitive exercise and then compare to the numerical results obtained using the model of Ref. [10]. Consider now two resonances, called R1 and
R2 , corresponding to the physical singlet and symmetric octet states. Take the complex
couplings of Table 1 and construct the following amplitudes
+ gK̄N
W − MR1 + iΓR1 /2
W − MR2 + iΓR2 /2
+ gπΣ
g R2 .
W − MR1 + iΓR1 /2
W − MR2 + iΓR2 /2 πΣ
This would be basically equivalent to the amplitudes TK̄N →πΣ and TπΣ→πΣ , respectively.
In Figs. 2 and 3 we plot the modulus square of these two quantities multiplied by the πΣ
momentum as a function of the energy. We also show the contribution of each resonance
by itself (dotted and dashed lines). In both cases one only sees one resonant shape (solid
line) but the simulated TπΣ→πΣ amplitude in Fig. 3 produces a resonance at a lower energy
and with a larger width. This case reproduces very well the nominal experimental Λ(1405),
both in the position and width. Actually, what is done in Ref. [5] to get the shape of the
Λ(1405) is precisely to plot the invariant mass distribution of the πΣ states according to
the expression
= C|TπΣ→πΣ |2 qc.m. ,
where C is a constant. However, if the invariant mass distribution of the πΣ states were
dominated by the K̄N → πΣ amplitude, then the second resonance R2 would be weighted
more, since it has a stronger coupling to the K̄N state, resulting into an apparent narrower
resonance peaking at higher energies as illustrated in Fig. 2. In order to avoid such ambiguities, in the calculation of the πΣ invariant mass distribution of Ref. [3] a coupled channel
scheme was implemented from the onset, not only to obtain the strong S-wave T -matrix,
but also in the production mechanism of the I = 0 πΣ state, involving initial πΣ and K̄N
states. The weight of the K − p channel relative to the π − Σ+ one in the production mechanism, obtained in Ref. [3] from a fit to the data, is rK − p /rπ− Σ+ = 1.416, being the same
for any other K̄N or πΣ channel, since the source has isospin I = 0. The usual Eq. (28) is
obtained from this formalism when rK̄N = 0. However, in Ref. [3] a good description of the
data is achieved when the K̄N channel is allowed to participate directly in the production
mechanism as well (rK̄N 6= 0) so that finally only one effective resonant shape is visible,
despite of being determined by two rather narrow poles (see Table 3). Let us note that in
Refs. [5,10] the first pole in Table 1 has a width twice as large as that of the corresponding
pole of Ref. [3], giving rise to a good reproduction of the πΣ invariant mass distribution
in terms of only the TπΣ→πΣ amplitude, the one appearing in Eq. (28). This is no longer
possible in Ref. [3] because the first pole is much narrower and the aforementioned coupled
channel formalism is unavoidable in order to find agreement with data. For further details
related to the formalism see Refs. [3, 24]. This discussion makes clear that a theoretical
investigation of the rates rK̄N and rπΣ from different reactions is a key ingredient for a
complete understanding of the dynamics of the Λ(1405) state.
We now turn to more realistic calculations in which we use the amplitudes generated
in the chiral unitary approach of Ref. [10], rather than the approximated ones of Eqs. (26)
and (27). In Fig. 4, we show the πΣ invariant mass distributions constructed from the
1400 1420
Figure 2: z1 : the modulus square of the first term in Eq. (26) multiplied by pπ . z2 : Same
for the second term in Eq. (26). z1 + z2 : Same for the coherent sum of the two terms.
1400 1420
Figure 3: Same as Fig. 2 but for the terms in Eq. (27).
KN -> πΣ
πΣ −> πΣ
Ec.m. [MeV]
Figure 4: The πΣ mass distributions with I = 0 constructed from the K̄N → πΣ and
πΣ → πΣ amplitudes. The solid and dashed lines denote |TK̄N →πΣ |2 qπ and |TπΣ→πΣ |2 qπ ,
respectively. Units are arbitrary.
πΣ → πΣ (dotted line) and K̄N → πΣ (solid line) amplitudes. As we expected, in the
K̄N → πΣ case, the resonance peaks at a higher energy and shows a narrower width. In
Fig. 5 we include the corresponding loop function Gl and plot the quantities |GπΣ TπΣ→πΣ |2
(dotted line) and |GK̄N TK̄N →πΣ |2 (solid line), which would appear in production processes
of the Λ(1405) assuming the build–up of the resonance in the multiple scattering is initiated
by a πΣ or K̄N state, respectively. It is interesting to see that in the case of the K̄N initial
state the peak is narrower and appears at higher energy. This is another important result
of this paper.
We can see that the results of the full calculation are very similar to those obtained
with the qualitative model which allowed us to see that, in spite of starting from two quite
different resonance poles, the result in an experiment would be to see a single resonant
form. Yet, the shape and width could be different in different processes, depending on the
weight that is given to the physical channels that initiate the resonance.
It is clear that, should there be a reaction which forces the initial channels to be
K̄N, then this would give more weight to the second resonance, R2 , and hence produce
a distribution with a shape corresponding to an effective resonance narrower than the
nominal one and at higher energy. Such a case indeed occurs in the reaction K − p →
Λ(1405)γ studied theoretically in Ref. [25]. It was shown there that since the K − p system
has a larger energy than the resonance, one has to lose energy emitting a photon prior to
the creation of the resonance and this is effectively done by the Bremsstrahlung from the
original K − or the proton. Hence the resonance is initiated from the K − p channel.
| GKN tKN−>πΣ |
| GπΣ tπΣ−>πΣ |
Ec.m. [MeV]
Figure 5: Modulus squared of the loop function Gl times the amplitudes, simulating a
reaction with the resonance initiated by the πΣ (dashed line) or the K̄N (solid lines)
In this paper we have investigated the poles appearing in the meson–baryon scattering
matrix for strangeness S = −1 within a coupled–channel chiral unitary approach, using
two different methods for breaking the SU(3) symmetry which have been used in the
In both approaches some resonances are generated dynamically from the interaction
of the octet of pseudoscalar mesons with the octet of the 1/2+ baryons. The underlying
SU(3) structure of the Lagrangians implies that, from the combination of the two original
octets, a singlet and two octets of dynamically generated resonances should appear, but
the dynamics of the problem makes the two octets degenerate in the case of exact SU(3)
symmetry. The same chiral Lagrangians have mechanisms for chiral symmetry breaking
which have as a consequence that the degeneracy is broken and two distinct octets appear.
In Ref. [3] the interaction kernel V is calculated strictly at lowest order in the chiral
expansion (with a common baryon mass M0 ), including consistently at this order the direct
and crossed one baryon exchange contributions, while Refs. [5, 10] neglect the latter and
utilize the physical baryon masses. In addition in ref. [3] a unique substraction constant
is employed, as corresponds to the SU(3) limit, see appendix A, while in Refs. [5, 10] the
subtraction constants are different from channel to channel and parameterized in terms of
a cut-off. As a consequence the SU(3) breaking as well as the interacting kernel V itself
are different between Refs. [5, 10] and Ref. [3]. Although the SU(3) symmetry breaking
mechanisms can be more general, and can be systematically included by the evaluation of
V to increasingly higher orders in a chiral expansion as shown in ref. [3], the two approaches
followed in the present study, despite their differences, have shown very good agreement
with the experimental observables in different K̄N reactions, thus giving support to our
The breaking of the octet degeneracy has a a consequence that, in the physical limit,
one of the I = 0 octet poles appears quite close to the singlet pole, and both of them are
very close to the nominal Λ(1405). These two resonances are quite close but different, the
one at lower energies with a larger width and a stronger coupling to the πΣ states than the
one at higher energies, which couples mostly to the K̄N states. This is the main finding
of the present work, thus we conclude that there is not just one single Λ(1405) resonance,
but two, and that what one sees in experiments is a superposition of these two states.
Another interesting finding of the paper is the suggestion that it is possible to find out
the existence of the two resonances by performing different experiments, since in different
experiments the weights by which the two resonances are excited are different. In this
respect we call the attention to one reaction, K − p → Λ(1405)γ, which gives much weight to
the resonance which couples strongly to the K̄N states and, hence, leads to a peak structure
in the invariant mass distributions which is narrower and appears at higher energies than
the experimental Λ(1405) peaks observed in hadronic experiments performed so far.
The two different approaches discussed in the paper to break SU(3) symmetry have
also served to give an idea about the uncertainties of our predictions, resulting from higher
order chiral terms in the calculation of interaction kernel V not considered here. The
relatively good agreement of the two approaches gives us confidence about the conclusions
of the paper concerning the existence of the two Λ(1405) resonances and their different
coupling to the meson–baryon states. This important theoretical finding should stimulate
new experiments exciting the Λ(1405) resonance, as well as new analyses to unravel the
double pole structure of the peaks seen in the reactions.
One of us, E.O., would like to acknowledge useful discussions with B. Holstein and J.
Gasser on issues of this paper. We would also like to acknowledge the encouragement of H.
Toki for us to make this work and his collaboration in former works which stimulated us
to do the present one. This work is partially supported by DGICYT projects BFM20001326, BFM2001-01868, FPA2002-03265, the EU network EURIDICE contract HPRN-CT2002-00311, and the Generalitat de Catalunya project 2001SGR00064. D.J. would like to
acknowledge the support of Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology to stay at IFIC, University of Valencia, where part of this work was done.
Subtraction constants in the SU(3) limit
In this appendix we want to show how the ai subtraction constants, present in the Gi (s)
functions, become equal in the SU(3) limit, which is assumed to hold in all this appendix.
Each SU(3) irreducible representation decouples and then, analogously to Eq. (1) which
is given for the physical channels, we will have for each irreducible representation γ the
Tγ =
1 − Vγ Gγ
where now all the functions in the previous formula are just numbers due to the decoupling
of different irreducible representations. The subtraction constant of Gγ is denoted by aγ .
Nevertheless, we can still use Eq. (1) and deduce the Tγ amplitudes by an orthonormal
transformation. Correspondingly, we are taking the SU(3) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients real
so that they satisfy:
hi, γihi, µi = δγµ ,
hi, γihj, γi = δij ,
where the latin indexes refer to the physical channels and the greek ones to the SU(3)
eigenstates. Eq. (1), which applies to the physical channels, can be rewritten as:
Tij = Vij +
Vik Gkk′ Tk′ j ,
k,k ′
where Gkk′ is a diagonal matrix, Gkk′ = Gk δkk′ , as discussed in section 2. Hence, by making
a change of basis, we find:
hi, γiAij hj, µi = Aγµ = Aγ δγµ ,
with A standing for V , G or T , and we have used the fact that in the SU(3) limit V , G
and T are singlet operators. Inverting the previous equation for A ≡ G we find:
hk, µiGµhk ′ , µi ,
Gkk′ =
and thus,
Gkk′ hk ′ , γi =
hk, µiGµhk ′ , µihk ′, γi
= hk, γiGγ .
Using now that Gkk′ is diagonal, one has,
Gk hk, γi = Gγ hk, γi .
Since this relation is valid for all k and all γ, it is sufficient to take several physical
states which have components in different SU(3) representations1 , to see that all the Gγ
functions must be the same, and as a consequence, all the Gk are also equal. Equivalently,
the subtraction constants aγ turn out to be the same in the SU(3) limit and, consequently,
the subtraction constants ak are independent of the physical channel.
Deviations of the pole positions from the SU(3)
In this appendix we would like to show the direction of deviation of the pole positions from
the SU(3) symmetric limit when an infinitesimal SU(3) breaking is assumed. In the SU(3)
symmetric limit, we find two bound states, one corresponds to the singlet and the other
corresponds to the degenerate octets (8s and 8a ). Due to the SU(3) breaking effects, the
isospin I = 0, 1 states of the two octets (8s and 8a ) split apart in four states as shown in
Fig. 1.
The energies of the bound states are calculated as the solutions z of the secular equation:
det [1 − V (z)G(z)] = 0 .
In the SU(3) symmetric limit, the scattering amplitude is expressed as a diagonal matrix in
the basis of the SU(3) irreducible representations, as given in Eq. (A.1). For the diagonal
matrix the determinant is written in the product from:
(1 − Vγ (z0γ )G0 (z0γ )) = 0 ,
where z0γ denotes the solution for the irreducible representation γ in the SU(3) symmetric
limit and the loop integral G0 is independent of the irreducible representation in this limit,
as discussed in appendix A.
Now let us introduce an infinitesimal breaking of the SU(3) symmetry to the G function
through the subtraction constants and the masses of baryons and mesons as in Eq. (10).
We expand the G function in term of the SU(3) breaking parameter x:
Gγ = G0 + G̃γ δx ,
where δx ≪ 1 and
G̃γ =
hi, γi
hi, γi .
In general, the G function in the SU(3) basis has off-diagonal components when the SU(3)
breaking effects are introduced. Nevertheless, for small δx, such off-diagonal components
Let us note that since G is a SU(3) singlet operator, its matrix elements in the SU(3) basis are Gγ
times the identity matrix for the states belonging to the same irreducible representation.
contribute to higher orders when the energies of the bound states are calculated using
Eq. (B.1). Therefore, the equation determining the positions of the poles is obtained again
in the decoupled form:
1 − Vγ (z γ ){G0 (z γ ) + G̃(z γ )δx} = 0 .
Regarding G̃δx as a perturbation, we can calculate deviations of the positions of the
poles due to a small SU(3) breaking effect. Writing z γ = z0γ + ǫγ , we obtain
ǫγ = −
Vγ G̃γ
+ G′0 Vγ
Vγ′ G0
where V ′ and G′0 are derivatives of the V and G functions with respect to the energy z.
In the case of the octets, the sign of ǫγ depends only on G̃γ . Here we show the numerical
results of the deviations at δx = 0.05:
ǫ1 = 1.2 [MeV]
ǫ8s ,I=0 = −0.30 [MeV]
ǫ8s ,I=1 = 4.1 [MeV]
ǫ8a ,I=0 = 5.7 [MeV]
ǫ8a ,I=1 = −1.6 [MeV]
which explain the deviations in the positions of the poles with increasing x observed in
Fig. 1.
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