Stereo Matching
Recent papers in Stereo Matching
In this paper, we present a general guideline to establish the relation between a distribution model and its corresponding similarity estimation. A rich set of distance metrics, such as harmonic distance and geometric distance, is derived... more
This work aims at defining a new method for matching correspondences in stereoscopic image analysis. A representation of occlusions drives the overall matching process. Based on the taxonomy proposed by Scharstein and Szelinsky (2002,... more
Stereo vision is a well-known ranging method because it resembles the basic mechanism of the human eye. However, the computational complexity and large amount of data access make real-time processing of stereo vision challenging because... more
We propose a new approach for stereo matching in Autonomous Mobile Robot applications. In this framework an accurate but slow reconstruction of the 3D scene is not needed; rather, it is more important to have a fast localization of the... more
In this paper, a new window-based method for stereo matching is proposed. Differing with the existing local approaches, our algorithm divides the matching process into two steps, initial matching and disparity calibration. Initial... more
A method for solving dense stereo matching problem is presented in this paper. First, a new generalized ground control points (GGCPs) scheme is introduced, where one or more disparity candidates for the true disparity of each pixel are... more
Window-based correlation algorithms are widely used for stereo matching due to their computational efficiency as compared to global algorithms. In this paper, a multiple window correlation algorithm for stereo matching is presented which... more
A snake is an energy-minimizing spline guided by external constraint forces and influenced by image forces that pull it toward features such as lines and edges. Snakes are active contour models: they lock onto nearby edges, localizing... more
Technological advances and challenges ] M ultiview imaging (MVI) has attracted considerable attention recently due to its increasingly wide range of applications and the decreasing cost of digital cameras. This opens up many new and... more
Why do we have colour? What use is it to us? Some of the obvious answers are that we see colour so that we can recognise objects, spot objects more quickly, tell when fruit is ripe or rotten. These reasons make a lot of sense, but are... more
Le prospettive architettoniche dipinte negli affreschi delle Ville Venete sono in grado di rivelare informazioni finora inedite, anche sui loro autori e committenti. I saggi qui raccolti, circoscritti alla Riviera del Brenta in provincia... more
The stereo matching algorithms for binocular vision are very popular and widely used. Still, the algorithms may have lower matching quality or higher time complexity. Matching can be viewed as a process of finding the degree of... more
Stereo matching is one of the most active research areas in computer vision for decades. The task of stereo matching is to find the point correspondence between two images of the same scene taken from different viewpoints. This paper... more
Active contour model has been widely used in image processing applications such as boundary delineation, image segmentation, stereo matching, shape recognition and object tracking. In this paper a novel particle swarm optimization scheme... more
In this paper, image flow fields from parallel stereo cameras are analyzed to determine the relative 3-D translational motion of the camera platform with respect to objects in view and to establish stereo correspondence of features in the... more
AbstractWe describe a method that allows for accurate in-flight calibration of the interior orientation of any pushbroom camera and that in particular solves the problem of modeling the distortions induced by charge coupled device (CCD)... more
Stereo vision, resulting in the knowledge of deep information in a scene, is of great importance in the field of machine vision, robotics and image analysis. In this article, an explicit analysis of the existing stereo matching methods,... more
In this paper, we propose a symmetric stereo model to handle occlusion in dense two-frame stereo. Our occlusion reasoning is directly based on the visibility constraint that is more general than both ordering and uniqueness constraints... more
We apply an AM-FM surface albedo model to analyze the projection of surface patterns viewed through a binocular camera system. This is used to support the use of modulation-based stereo matching where local image phase is used to compute... more
This paper presents a new local binocular stereo algorithm which takes into consideration plane fitting at the per-pixel level. Two disparity calculation passes are used. The first pass assumes that surfaces in the scene are... more
Energy minimization is often the key point of solving problems in computer vision. For decades, many methods have been proposed (deterministic, stochastic,...). Some can only reach local minimum and others strong local minimum close to... more
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space-time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of... more
This paper presents a fast and reliable stereo matching algorithm which produces a dense disparity map by using fast cross correlation, rectangular subregioning (RSR) and 3D maximum-surface techniques in a coarse-to-fine scheme. Fast... more
Automated methods for reliable 3-D reconstruction of man-made objects are essential to many users and providers of 3-D city data. Manual 3-D processing of aerial images is time consuming and requires the expertise of qualified personnel.... more
Indoor and outdoor urban environments posses many regularities which can be efficiently exploited and used for general image parsing tasks. We present a novel approach for detecting rectilinear structures and demonstrate their use for... more
This paper presents a novel application of particle swarm optimization (PSO) in combination with another computational intelligence (CI) technique, namely, proximal support vector machine (PSVM) for machinery fault detection. Both... more
I would like to sincerely acknowledge my supervisor Professor John S. Zelek for all the guidance, kindness and support he has provided me throughout this study. I cannot imagine completing my thesis without his insightful supervision and... more
A Digital Surface Model (DSM) generated by automatic stereo matching of convergent image networks includes a great number of 3D-points that come from diverse combinations of stereo-pairs. This points can have a very different accuracy and... more
Applications of Moiré patterns have been reported in stereo matching (disparity measurement) and in developing a binary similarity measure. Matching based on Moiré patterns requires that the images be converted to pseudo random dot... more
We have analysed the requirements for a robust stereo vision algorithm for use in typical industrial applications. For such applications the views obtained in the two cameras have large differences in visual appearance due to the... more
we have obtained using synthetic stereo images to illustrate the fonctionnality of this setup.
ABSTACT: The generation of a digital surface model (DSM) from remotely sensed images is an important task for various applications such as telecommunications, cell planning, the environment monitoring... In general, extracting DSMs... more