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A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept of "propellantless propulsion" or "field propulsion." One version of this concept involves the projected... more
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      Science FictionQuantum VacuumSpace flightZero Point Energy
For most of the last century, condensed matter physics has been dominated by band theory and Landau's symmetry breaking theory. In the last twenty years, however, there has been an emergence of a new paradigm associated with... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryMathematical SciencesGauge theoryPhysical sciences
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      Climate ChangeAir pollutionNumerical Weather PredictionMediterranean Sea
The long-range and molecular orders and dynamics in codispersions of egg sphingomyelin-cholesterol have been investigated by synchrotron x-ray diffraction and electron spin resonance using phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled at several... more
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      BiophysicsElectron Spin ResonanceBiophysical ChemistryBiological Sciences
Proposed ship-based long-range electromagnetic guns require input energies greater then 100 MJ, at peak powers in excess of 50 GW, and at average power in the tens of megawatts. This paper describes a conceptual pulsed-power system for... more
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      EngineeringNaval EngineeringComputer SciencePower System
In this paper multivariate spontaneous EEG signals from three broad groups of human subjects--control, seizure, and mania--were studied with the aim of investigating the possible effect of these pathologies on the degree of phase... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBipolar DisorderEpilepsy
Abstract. Planetary exploration mission requirements are becoming more demanding. Due to the increasing cost, the missions that provide mobile platforms that can acquire data at multiple locations are becoming more attractive. Wheeled... more
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      Planetary explorationAtmospheric PressureLong Range
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      Sol Gel ProcessOptical fiber sensorLong RangeEVANESCENT WAVE
The homogeneous precipitation kinetics of the ordered phases Al 3 Zr and Al 3 Sc in Al solid solutions has been simulated at the mesoscopic scale by the cluster dynamics method. The polyatomic clusters, embedded in the solid solution,... more
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      Materials ScienceMonte Carlo SimulationKineticsLong Range
A nonlinear statistical method for the inversion of ocean color spectra is used to determine three inherent optical properties (IOPs), the absorption coefficients for phytoplankton and dissolved and detrital materials, and the... more
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      Remote SensingBiogeochemistryTime SeriesSensitivity Analysis
Robotic unmanned aerial vehicles have great potential as surveying and instrument deployment platforms in the exploration of planets and moons with an atmosphere. Among the various types of planetary aerovehicles proposed,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCognitive SciencePlanetary explorationAutonomous Robots
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      MathematicsBiomolecular NMRNMR SpectroscopyMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
A pair of cyanide-bridged iron-copper molecular assemblies relevant to cyanide-inhibited heme-copper oxidases has been studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at both Fe and Cu K-edges. These two complexes, [(py)(OEP)Fe-CN-Cu(Me 6 tren)]... more
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      X ray absorption spectroscopyX RaysOld Copper ComplexCopper
A long-term, multiarea, and multistage model for the supply/interconnections expansion planning of integrated electricity and natural gas (NG) is presented in this paper. The proposed Gas Electricity Planning (GEP) model considers the NG... more
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      Value ChainNatural GasPower GenerationCase Study
Global mean land and sea surface temperature (LSST) anomalies were analysed statistically with detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), for the period from January 1850 to August 2008, for both hemispheres, individually. Persistent... more
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      Remote SensingTime SeriesClimate variabilitySea surface temperature
This study concerned an experimental truffle bed of downy oaks infected by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum and planted in 1983. The presence of T. melanosporum creates rounded areas with little herbaceous cover, termed... more
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      Biological SciencesLinear ModelEnvironmental SciencesLong Range
A composite map of 177 locI has been constructed in two steps. The first combined pairwise logarithmof-odds scores on 127 loci Into a comprehensive genetic map. Then this map was projected onto the physical map through cytogenetic... more
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      MultidisciplinaryGene MappingMiceGenetic Map
A common joining method in microelectronics is thermosonic bonding of gold wires to aluminium pads deposited on the integrated circuit. In the interface between the wire and the pad a number of intermetallic compounds Al x Au y can... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermodynamicsKinetics
We study the directional-growth patterns of the transparent nonfaceted alloy succinonitrile-(D)camphor (SCN-DC) at eutectic concentration in thin and bulk samples using real-time observation methods. We measure in situ the... more
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      Materials ScienceCrystal GrowthLong RangeReal Time
An important aspect of particle trajectory modeling in the ocean is the assessment of the uncertainty in the final particle position. Monte Carlo particle trajectory simulations using surface currents derived from standard-range and... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationModelingMonte CarloBias
Three semi-empirical force field FeCr potentials, two within the formalism of the two-band model and one within the formalism of the concentration dependent model, have been benchmarked against a wide variety of density functional theory... more
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      Materials EngineeringRADIATION DAMAGEDensity-functional theoryDensity Functional Theory
We study the formation and growth of equilibrium clusters in a suspension of weakly-charged colloidal particles and small non-adsorbing polymers. The effective potential is characterised by a short-range attraction and a long-range... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsKineticsNanotechnology
Despite the recent research interest in integrating land use and transportation models inspired by federal legislation, no product had met the data, budget, and personnel constraints faced by the metropolitan planning organizations in... more
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      Land UseLong RangeSoftware Package
The MutT enzyme (129 residues) catalyzes the hydrolysis of normal and mutagenic nucleoside triphosphates, such as 8-oxo-dGTP, by substitution at the rarely attacked P-P, to yield NMP and pyrophosphate. Previous heteronuclear NMR studies... more
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      BiochemistryElectrochemistrySimulated AnnealingMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
On November 13 th 2002 the tanker Prestige was off the coast of Galicia, Spain, when it suffered severe structural failure of the starboard cargo tanks. The ship was tugged away from the coast. On November 19 th , the vessel broke into... more
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      Oil SpillLong RangeDiffuse pollutionMarine Environment
We report the structural and magnetic properties of the La1−xTbxMn1/2Sc1/2O3 series. LaMn1/2Sc1/2O3 shows a long range ferromagnetic ordering in agreement with a fully polarized Mn-sublattice. The substitution of La with Tb produces... more
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      Materials EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsNanotechnology
Page 1. Advanced pixel design for infrared 3D LADAR imaging Fabrice Guellec, Michaël Tchagaspanian Eric de Borniol, Pierre Castelein, André Perez, Johan Rothman CEA Leti – MINATEC, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France... more
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      EngineeringLiDARStereoscopyOptical Imaging
A hybrid method, coupling a ray tracing method and a finite difference approach, is proposed for modelling T-wave propagation from an underwater source to an on-land seismic station. The long-range hydroacoustic wavefield, estimated in... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsNumerical ModellingNumerical Simulation
Creative Commons Legal Code AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International Official translations of this license are available in other languages. Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not... more
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      MarketingPhilosophy of ScienceBusiness and ManagementBusiness Model
Atomic short-range order is commonly observed in CuMn alloys via a diffuse (1 1 2 0) peak in neutron diffraction patterns. There has been speculation for many years on the existence and nature of any corresponding long-range order. A... more
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      Neutron DiffractionSample PreparationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We nd that intervals between successive drops from a leaky faucet display scale-invariant, longrange anticorrelations characterized by the same exponents of heart beat-to-beat intervals of healthy subjects. This behavior is also con rmed... more
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      ElectrocardiographyHeart FailureHemodynamicsPhysical sciences
In this article we discuss the realization of antenna gate structures for inductively coupled passive HF RFID systems. Antenna gates are currently used in several applications, from industrial tracking to access control: in these... more
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      Access ControlLong RangeElectromagnetic FieldTransponders
Having explored mechanical activation for synthesis and fabrication of Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics, we observed several unique phenomena in association with mechanical activation of these electroceramic materials, including the unique... more
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationPhysical sciencesPhase Stability
Low gradient optics have been proposed for an upgrade of the LHC interaction region. Using lower gradient, larger aperture and longer NbTi quadrupoles with respect to the nominal layout, it is possible to achieve = 25cm with additional... more
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    • Long Range
We present a nonlinear dynamical model of the human gait control system in a variety of gait regimes. The stride-interval time series in normal human gait is characterized by slightly multifractal fluctuations. The fractal nature of the... more
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      EngineeringBiophysicsTime SeriesNonlinear dynamics
Multilayered BaTi 1-x Sn x O 3 (BTS) ceramics with different Ti/Sn ratios were produced by pressing and sintering at 1420 o C for 2 hours. X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy were used for... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCondensed Matter Physics
The problem of the observable equilibrium domain structure (DS) in pure antiferromagnets is investigated with the use of continuous elasticity theory. It is shown that the difference between the bulk and surface magnetoelastic strains... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsNanotechnologyMagnetic field
Structural models of martensitic interfaces are those where the habit plane (HP) is comprised of coherent terraces reticulated by arrays of interfacial defects. Such interfaces are shown explicitly to exhibit no long-range displacements... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringLong RangeMartensitic Transformation
The present paper is aimed at providing a survey of investigations undertaken regarding the preparation and characterization of helical supramolecular architectures using a strategy based on two concepts: coordination chemistry and... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInorganic ChemistryCircular DichroismLong Range
We describe the process of Förster transfer between semiconductor nanoparticles in the presence of a metal subsystem (metal nanocrystals).
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      Physical sciencesLong RangeTime ResolvedEnergy Dissipation
The electronic structure and size scaling of spectroscopic observables in conjugated polymers are investigated using time-dependent density functional theory. We show that local density approximations and gradientcorrected functionals do... more
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      Density-functional theoryTime-dependent density functional theoryConducting PolymerPhysical sciences
Image and video quality in Long Range Observation Systems (LOROS) suffer from atmospheric turbulence that causes small neighbourhoods in image frames to chaotically move in different directions and substantially hampers visual analysis of... more
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      Visual AnalysisAtmospheric TurbulenceVideo QualityLong Range
With this review, the decision process necessary to finalize and prioritize the initial science program for the 12 GeV Upgrade is formally underway.
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsQuantum MechanicsAccess To InformationWeak interaction
Abstract- Application of guided waves for rail inspection in railroad industry is considered in the paper. They are particularly sensitive to vertical defects and they are used at relatively low frequency so they are not significantly... more
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      Finite ElementLow FrequencyGuided WavesLong Range
The Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) occupies the sage brush habitats of Western North America. Large population declines in the last several decades have made it a candidate for possible listing under the Endangered... more
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      Ecological EconomicsLand managementSystem DynamicsEndangered Species
We report cloning and sequencing of gene ps1 encoding a versatile peroxidase combining catalytic properties of lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) isolated from lignocellulose cultures of the white-rot fungus Pleurotus... more
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      FungiCelluloseBiological SciencesPeroxidase
Seismologists, and more recently computational and condensed-matter physicists, have made extensive use of computer modeling to investigate the physics of earthquakes. Here, the authors describe a simple cellular automaton model that... more
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      Distributed ComputingScienceCritical phenomenaComputer Model
The accurate long-range forecast of southwest rainfall can have manifold benefits for the country, from disaster mitigation and town planning to crop planning and power generation. In this paper, the rainfall has been modeled using... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeural NetworkPower GenerationLong Range
The alleged problems associated with self-control, hyperbolic discounting and other examples of seemingly irrational intertemporal choice are examined in the context of an evolution-based neurobiological model that emphasizes the role of... more
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      BioeconomicsDecision MakingCultural EvolutionSelf Control
We present for the first time, a fully integrated battery powered RFID integrated circuit (IC) for operation at ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and microwave bands. The battery powered RFID IC can also work as a passive RFID tag without a... more
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      RFIDMicrowaveLiquid State MachineLong Range