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With high speed of technology development, Plasma CNC machine plays an important role in industry, as it can cut any metal using only compressed air ignited at high voltage and high frequency. The cut is fast, clean and highly accurate.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPlasma EngineeringMetal CuttingMechatronics & Robotics
Here in this paper a tilting mechanism is carried out for a normal fuel run track car to give it the flexibility of a motor cycle. This feature enables the car to tilt in to the curve while negotiating it. Our analysis shows that to... more
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      Tilting theoryStepper Motors
Simple course made by me during my study.
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      Motor LearningElectrical MotorsStepper MotorStepper Motors
Resumen Este documento reporta los procesos que se desarrollaron para la creación de un registrador concéntrico. La práctica incluye el uso de motores a pasos como los actuadores principales, así como el empleamiento de la tarjeta de... more
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      ArduinoStepper MotorsInstrumentacion Y Control
All about stepper motor
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      Electrical EngineeringStepper Motors
This research paper describes the automated toll collection system for toll gate based on RFID technology. Most of the toll collection systems commonly used in Myanmar is manual transaction. Nowadays, streams of traffic are... more
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      RFIDStepper MotorRFID TechnologyStepper Motors
The need for a robotic arm is increasing in areas such as food industries, consumer goods manufacturing industries, plastic goods manufacturing industries and electronics industries. However, it is still more concentrated in automotive... more
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      Lightweight Concrete3d PrinterPortableRobotic Arm
—In this paper we present a new family of overhead travelling cranes based on variable radius drums, called Cable-Based Robotic Cranes (CBRCs). A Variable Radius Drum (VRD) is characterized by the variation of the spool radius along its... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsMechatronics & RoboticsMathematical Modelling
Este trabajo presenta los resultados de reparar un equipo didáctico CNC obsoleto e inoperante, bajo la idea de utilizar materiales de bajo costo y un software actual, ofreciendo la opción de comunicarse a través de un puerto que sea de... more
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    • Stepper Motors
Mathematical models for step motors have been in existence for several years. In this paper, a technique for modeling the effects of the drive circuit is presented. The Kuo-Singh model for the permanent magnet step motor, with flux... more
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      Modeling and SimulationStepper MotorsDriver Circuit
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      Computer Control SystemStepper MotorsAcceleration/Deceleration
This study deals with mid-frequency resonance (MFR) in the variable-reluctance (VR) step motor. If an incremental position encoder is used to provide feedback to control the switch angle of the motor, MFR is eliminated. The present study... more
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      StabilityStepper Motors
This paper presents MOSFET based analog to digital converter which is simple in design, has high resolution, and conversion rate better than dual slope ADC. It has no DAC which will limit the performance, no error in conversion, can... more
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      Electrical EngineeringActuatorsStepper Motors