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Projeto sobre "Ser Proativo", abordado no livro "Os 7 hábitos das pessoas altamente eficazes", de Stephen Covey. No artigo é detalhado as definições e conceitos de uma pessoa proativa, tanto na vida pessoal quanto profissional, seus... more
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      ProactivityProactive BehaviorsProactiveStephen Covey
Wars are fought by people against other people at multiple levels from the airman, soldier, sailor, and marine, to the ambassador, to the political leaders executing the instruments of power. As such, interpersonal relations needs to be... more
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      WarfareStephen Covey
Projeto sobre o hábito 2 "Comece com um objetivo em mente", abordado no livro "Os 7 hábitos das pessoas altamente eficazes", de Stephen Covey. Na apresentação é detalhado as definições e conceitos de uma pessoa estratégica, tanto na... more
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      Proactive BehaviorsThe 7 Habits of Highely Effective PeopleStephen Covey
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      Romanian LiteratureRomanian LanguageRomanianStephen Covey
In an attempt to give treatment advice to codependent adult children (CACs), terms, academic literature, collective thoughts, and the relationship with narcissistic parents are explored. It appears that controlling and manipulative... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingCarl RogersHikikomoriAdult Children of Narcissists
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      Recursos HumanosNegocios InternacionalesAdministracionHábitos
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      The 7 Habits of Highely Effective PeopleStephen Covey
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    • Stephen Covey
Projeto sobre o hábito 3 "Primeiro o mais importante", abordado no livro "Os 7 hábitos das pessoas altamente eficazes", de Stephen Covey. Na apresentação conheceremos a história do Jarro de Vidro e seus conceitos adotados na nossa vida,... more
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      GoalsPriorityStephen Covey
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    • Stephen Covey
The 8th habit by stephen r covey melampau efektivitas menggapai keagungan-bag2 kulakukan sendiri, engkau hanya menambah rasa takut dan perasaan ketidakmampuanku. Tapi, jika engkau menerima kenyataan bahwa aku merasakan apa yang aku... more
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    • Stephen Covey
The 8th habit by stephen r covey
melampau efektivitas menggapai keagungan-bag1
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      EffectivenessHabitsStephen Covey
How I deal with my self-denial!
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      PsychologyPersonal DevelopmentStephen Covey
La Fundación LiderInnova ha servido a más de 20.000 líderes de habla hispana en doce países desde su fundación en Julio del 2005 en San José, Costa Rica. Su visión ha sido consistentemente la misma "Equipar y brindar coaching para... more
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      Costa RicaInnovaciónEvangelism and Church GrowthDesarrollo Personal
manusia produktif
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    • Stephen Covey
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      The 7 Habits of Highely Effective PeopleLos 7 Habitos De La Gente Altamente EfectivaStephen Covey