Recent papers in Stemmer
Arabic Morphological Analyzer (Including Stemming and Root Extraction) and Part-Of-Speech Tagger Qutuf (قُطُوْف): An Arabic Morphological analyzer and Part-Of-Speech tagger as an Expert System. Qutuf is aimed to be the Core of a... more
In this paper an attempt is made to study and analyze the prototype model for developing a WordNet for Dogri language, and describes its specific characteristics and properties to develop WordNet. In terms of morphological and syntactic... more
Stemming is the process of removing the affixes from inflected words, without doing complete morphological analysis. A stemming Algorithm is a procedure to reduce all words with the same stem to a common form [20]. The purpose of stemming... more
Abstract: Gujarati is a resource poor language with almost no language processing tools being available. In this paper we have shown an implementation of a rule based stemmer of Gujarati. We have shown the creation of rules for stemming... more
many researches and inventions have been made in the field of linguistics and technology. Even so, the integration between linguistics and technology is not always reliable to all language. Every language is unique in its linguistic... more
Language is not only a powerful tool to communicate and convey information but is also a means to express emotion. Emotions are the important factors while interacting socially as emotion can easily connect people and improve health and... more
The process of assigning morpho-syntactic categories of each morpheme including punctuation marks in a given text document according to the context is called Part of Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper we represent the rule-based Part of... more
The main goal of this article is to describe and evaluate various indexing and search strategies for the Hindi, Bengali, and Marathi languages. These three languages are ranked among the world’s 20 most spoken languages and they share... more
Stemming usually be used to remove suffixes from given word(s). In this paper, we used stemming algorithm to remove suffixes from word in " basa Sunda", the second biggest local language in Indonesia. Although the "basa... more
Abstract The main goal of this paper is to describe and evaluate different indexing and stemming strategies for the Farsi (Persian) language. For this Indo-European language we have suggested a stopword list and a light stemmer. We have... more