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This talk takes as its point of departure the first moments when photographs began to replace engravings as a means of reproducing art. The site of this transition was the Florentine print shop of Luigi Bardi, who encouraged and... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryHistory of Art
Based on a ten-year examination of evidence gleaned from a hundred years of written and photographic material in the Italian state archive relating to the dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922), this talk explores the world of art forgery. We... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
Realizzato in occasione del centenario della morte di Stefano Bardini (1922-2022), il volume prende spunto dalle numerose iniziative organizzate per celebrare la figura del grande antiquario, approfondendo i poliedrici tratti della sua... more
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      History of MuseumsHistory of FlorenceHistory of CollectingStefano Bardini
Women Art Dealers brings together fascinating case studies of galleries run by women between the 1940s and 1980s. It marks a departure from other work in the field of art markets, challenging male-dominated histories by analyzing the work... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesArt Market Studies
By the time the firm erected a purpose-built structure in New York in the second decade of the twentieth century, elite art dealers had recognized that the location and design of their premises could be carefully calibrated to achieve... more
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    • Engineering
Drawing upon the one hundred years’ worth of written and photographic archival material in the Archivio Storico Eredità Bardini in Florence, this talk discusses Bardini’s strategies for branding, marketing and transacting hundreds of... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century ArtHistory of Florence
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of CollectionsArt Market
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageNineteenth Century StudiesConservation
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      Medieval StudiesArt MarketHistory of CollectingMetropolitan Museum of Art
The lecture will present a summary of mostly unpublished archival research focussing on Stefano Bardini’s network in Rome between 1880 and 1905. An analytical interpretation of more than 3000 documents including letters, invoices, address... more
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      Art HistoryArt MarketHistory of CollectingHistory of Taste
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      Art HistoryHistory of FlorenceHistory of ArtHistory of Collections
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century ArtHistory of Florence
This essay of this volume addresses the probably all-too-common circumstances in which several copies or versions of a work exist that all purport to be authentic—raising the question of which, if any, is indeed the original, “authentic”... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Italian Renaissance art, objects, and even the idea of Italy itself figured heavily in the increasingly dynamic international art market as well as in the eyes of the general... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
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The lecture will present a summary of mostly unpublished archival research focussing on Stefano Bardini’s network in Rome between 1880 and 1905. An analytical interpretation of more than 3000 documents including letters, invoices, address... more
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      Art MarketHistory of CollectingGlobal Art HistoryStefano Bardini
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Art
A query for « Donatello » using Frits Lugt’s comprehensive "Répertoire des catalogues de ventes publiques intéressant l’art ou la curiosité," for the years 1860 until 1900 yields more than one hundred works at auction, in various media,... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of SculptureNineteenth-century Art
Antiquario, uomo di potere e, soprattutto, imprenditore, Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) ha avuto un ruolo pionieristico nella diffusione del buon gusto italiano all'estero. In occasione del centenario dalla sua scomparsa questo... more
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      Art Market19th century Italian artHistory of CollectingHIstory of the Made in Italy
Before becoming the famous antiquarian of Renaissance Art, Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) was a painter. He moved to Florence from Pieve di Santo Stefano (Arezzo) in 1853 to study at the Accademy of Fine Arts with Giuseppe Bezzuoli,... more
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      AntiquarianismHistory of CollectingStefano Bardini
The journal MDCCC 1800, founded by Martina Frank, Elena Catra, Isabella Collavizza, Myriam Pilutti Namer and Letizia Tasso, originates from the desire to create a place for international debate capable of responding to the renewed... more
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      History PaintingCeramicsTravel DiariesEngraving
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksHistory of CollectionsItalian Renaissance Art
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      Art MarketHistory of CollectingGilded AgeTransatlantic art dealerships
Albert E. Harnisch (1843 - after 1918), the sculptor and painter born and trained in Philadelphia, relocated in 1869 to Rome. There he enjoyed success, including commissions from America for public monuments. His legacy includes many... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century ArtHistory of Florence
The professional network of the Florentine dealer Stefano Bardini (1834-1922) was every bit as intricate as it was vast. Taking much impetus from the four Expositions Universelle in Paris (1867, 1878, 1889, 1900), Bardini effectively... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
The lucrative career of the Florentine dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922), the development of the medium of photography as a technology, and the global expansion of the art market out of Italy were cotemporaneous. From the 1860s until... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArt Economics and MarketsNineteenth Century Studies
By the time the firm erected a purpose-built structure in New York in the second decade of the twentieth century, elite art dealers had recognized that the location and design of their premises could be carefully calibrated to achieve... more
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      Renaissance ArtItalian artItalian Renaissance ArtTerracotta (Art History)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Administrasi dan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Desa di Desa Manunggal Jaya sesuai dengan Peraturan Urusan No. 113 tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif komparatif. Subjek... more
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Wilhelm von Bode’s spirit of acquisition in turn-of-the-century Berlin would result in forming a significant and comprehensive collection of Donatelloesque plaquettes, here explored for their function and influence in the genesis of... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance Sculpture
In recent years, studies in the history of collecting have seen a shift away from the monographic towards an investigation of social and professional networks. Born from a double session at the 2018 College Art Association conference,... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksNineteenth Century StudiesArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
Fused pyridine derivatives R 0450 On the Reactivity of Isoxazoles with Mo(CO) 6 .-The reaction of various isoxazoles with Mo(CO)6 is studied. Isoxazolopyridines (I) and (V) yield (II) and (VIII), respectively, whereas (XIV) gives (XV).... more
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      Organic ChemistryHeterocyclic chemistry
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      PhotographyAristocracy19th Century PhotographyLiechtenstein
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      Aristocracy19th Century PhotographyLiechtensteinPhotographic Collections
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      Bernardino ZaganelliStefano Bardini
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      Biography of ObjectsSanta Maria del FioreMuseum DisplayMarble sculpture
The history of the Mediterranean area through prehistoric activities and later developed by the Etruscans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Arabs, Normans, Chinese and a myriad of diverse cultures have generated not merely clashes, but, most... more
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    • Origins of the Etruscans
Stefano Bardini, "il principe degli antiquari", fine conoscitore degli interessi dei maggiori collezionisti dell'epoca, costruì un vero impero sulla vendita di rilievi mariani in marmo, terracotta, stucco e cartapesta, in un momento in... more
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      Cultural HeritageCollecting and CollectionsRenaissance antiquarianismHistory of Collecting
The article presents the police in one of the smallest countries in the world - Liechtenstein. Despite the small size, the Principal National Police performs tasks that go beyond the stand-ard scope of police services. Fully among others... more
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      PoliceLiechtensteinInternal Security
In November 1888, writing to the German museum official, Wilhelm Bode (1845-1929), the dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) stated that he was certain that “eight marbles and 12 terracottas” in South Kensington (V&A) were fake, and that... more
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
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      Early Modern HistoryAristocracyLiechtensteinEarly Modern Bohemian Lands
11/12/2020 please consider that erroneous keyword Micheli is present, instead of correct "Danieli" - Inside PICTRIX research, some attention is devoted also to artists not related to Bologna; the present essay is the 14th in this current.... more
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      Bernardino ZaganelliStefano BardiniDosso DossiLudovico Mazzolino
The richly illustrated essays in Turcologica Upsaliensia tell the stories of scholars, travellers, diplomats and collectors who made discoveries in the Turkic-speaking world while affiliated with Sweden’s oldest university, at... more
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      TurkologyHistory of SwedenUppsala UniversityTurkic languages
Albert E. Harnisch (1843 - 1918), the sculptor and painter born and trained in Philadelphia, relocated in 1869 to Rome. There he enjoyed no small success, including commissions from America, among them the first bronze monument to the... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksNineteenth Century StudiesSocial Networking
Il saggio è contenuto nel volume Stefano Bardini "estrattista". Affreschi staccati nell'Italia Unita fra antiquariato, collezionismo e musei, atti delle giornate di studio (Firenze, Palazzo Fenzi e Museo
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      Interior Design HistoryInterior DecorationStefano BardiniAffreschi strappati
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      Polish HistoryPortraitureHistory of Art18th Century Art
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    • History of Florence
Nel crescente dibattito sul restauro delle pitture murali che vide protagonista Firenze a metà del XIX secolo, Stefano Bardini, il "principe" degli antiquari italiani, maturò le sue conoscenze in materia di "stacchi" e "strappi" in veste... more
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      Federico ZeriStoria Di FirenzeStefano BardiniMelozzo Da Forlì