Enrico Landoni
Enrico Landoni is Full Professor of Contemporary History at eCampus University, Novedrate (CO) - Italy. His research topics are Italian Political History, Sports History, Sports and Politics, Italian Foreign Policy, History of Milan and Local Government.
Address: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Address: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
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Papers by Enrico Landoni
scale by the Trilateral Commission during the
1970s, the debate on the health and efficiency
of democratic institutions was one of the main
topics on the Italian political agenda during
the long period between 1975 and 1988. This
article aims at retracing its most significant
stages, focusing on the different proposals put
forward both by important sectors of the academic community and by the political parties,
at that time linked by a happy relationship of
contamination, to enhance the role of government. The final goal of this reconstruction,
which culminates in an analysis of the political conditions that led to the enactment of the
organic law on the organization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, is to offer
a new key to interpreting the 1980s, dwelling
on the cultural code expressed by the political
leadership of the time.
scale by the Trilateral Commission during the
1970s, the debate on the health and efficiency
of democratic institutions was one of the main
topics on the Italian political agenda during
the long period between 1975 and 1988. This
article aims at retracing its most significant
stages, focusing on the different proposals put
forward both by important sectors of the academic community and by the political parties,
at that time linked by a happy relationship of
contamination, to enhance the role of government. The final goal of this reconstruction,
which culminates in an analysis of the political conditions that led to the enactment of the
organic law on the organization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, is to offer
a new key to interpreting the 1980s, dwelling
on the cultural code expressed by the political
leadership of the time.
Proprio alla Consulta cioè, dove per la prima volta, dopo la Liberazione, vennero affrontate questioni nodali definite e risolte poi alla Costituente, sono maturati i presupposti politico-cultural-istituzionali della nuova Italia repubblicana. Ripercorrerne in modo puntuale l’esperienza, finora poco considerata, risponde così non solo all’esigenza di colmare una lacuna storiografica ma anche al bisogno di gettare nuova luce su alcuni passaggi fondamentali della transizione costituzionale italiana.
– I primi anni dopo la Marcia su Roma: la transizione dallo sport liberale allo sport fascista;
– Il ruolo delle istituzioni: elaborazione teorica e attuazione pratica;
– Organizzazioni del PNF e società sportive;
– Lo sport nelle relazioni internazionali del fascismo;
– Il gap territoriale e la «questione meridionale»: impianti, organizzazione, pratica;
– La questione femminile: tra intransigenza e pragmatismo;
– Scienziati e intellettuali di fronte al fenomeno sportivo;
– La narrazione dello sport: tra carta stampata e audiovisivi;
– I giovani: educazione, inquadramento, ruolo.
Scadenza: 15 luglio 2021