Spiral Dynamics
Recent papers in Spiral Dynamics
Este es realmente un libro fascinante una vez que se han leído las primeras páginas y entendido el esquema del código de colores, nos presenta, en increíble detalle un modelo de desarrollo espiral que nos ayuda a ver al mundo de una forma... more
We are in the middle of a perfect storm that has brought together the chaos and disruption of the Digital Age, the final stages of the Only Money Matters Cycle, and all three variations of Spiral Dynamics' Large-Scale change. This paper... more
This book explores the impact on business leadership by the changes in the new world of work and the implications of the new sciences on the way in which social systems adapt and the rising levels of awareness. Adaptive intelligence in... more
This paper explores various integrative frameworks that are contributing to anemerging transdisciplinary meta-perspective on sustainable development. It proposes a holistic/integral strategy based on scale-linking design for human and... more
The book presents a framework for defining the natural evolution of economic systems based on the application of the value system framework. Borrowing from the extensive works of Dr. Clare W. Graves and the theory of Spiral Dynamics, the... more
Résumé Tant au niveau planétaire qu’en Suisse, le Mouvement évangélique intrigue par sa croissance rapide. Selon Fath (chiffre de 2020), plus d’un chrétien sur quatre est protestant évangélique, ce qui représente environ 660 millions de... more
This essay explores some of the issues around the notion of “teal” and “turquoise” organizations from the perspective of Ken Wilber’s AQAL Integral Theory as these ideas are applied to a Russian context.
Since the beginning of human history people have always wondered about the cosmos however limited the educational horizons of a generation might be. People also have always wondered about space and time and the relation they bear to the... more
For nearly two decades, the theory of Spiral Dynamics has been used to dynamically model human evolution and information systems. In that time, however, many different versions and applications of the model have emerged. This article will... more
This study had two major purposes: to explore how transcendent individuals experience meaning in work and to gain deeper understanding of transcendence (Spiral Dynamics integral theory, second tier). The research process included in-depth... more
This article explores the limitations of Newtonian physics to explain spirituality and suggests that quantum physics provides a more holistic understanding within the framework of Spiral Dynamics.
Coverage of the first Hoplological Expedition in a generation.
This has now been updated and published as a book - available most places! Just called Volution. Everything that is part of life is created out of a tension between a current and potential reality that represents a vacant niche in the... more
How does Deleuze and Guattaris rhizome benefit education and society?
This book is an ambitious assertion of the inadequacy of trying to describe the forces of this world without reference to God. McFadyen's method is to seek to rehabilitate the language of sin-'sin-talk'-for public discourse. He argues... more
Africa is the home of many peoples, many tribes and many beliefs. The decolonisation of Africa, of which the dismantling of apartheid is a significant, recent example, contributed to the awareness of the diversity of cultures on the... more
This article conceptualises the first code of spiral dynamics in more depth, Internationally the trend between leaders that knows spiral is to aspire to have a YELLOW centre of gravity. This means that a fictional, flow and flex worldview... more
in reviewing my own work in comparison to the work of earthartists and healing , I explore the work of some of modern arts more esoteric practices in regard to my own interdisciplinary practiceenergies
Globalization, consumerism, legislation and human rights issues impact on workplace demographics, changing the very nature thereof. It is of strategic importance to ensure that the benefits of diverse viewpoints and stakeholders are... more
The academic legitimatization of Futures Studies has often been publicly defined by reference to popular film imagery and problem-oriented cycles. This essay explores the depth perspective offered by combining the Spiral Dynamics® model... more
An Expanded Bibliography created for Dr Don Edward Beck and the late Christoper C. Cowan in 2001 as a personal research tool. It was previously hosted on the SpiralDynamics.org website from 4th June 2001. This is now an archival document... more
Sustainability is rapidly becoming an issue of critical importance for designers and society as a whole. A complexity of dynamically interrelated ecological, social, cultural, economic, and psychologi- cal (awareness) problems... more
On the eve of the third millennium racism is still one of the most pervasive social evils in the world. Part of the problem is that attempts to eliminate racism have focused on surface differences of race, color, and biological supremacy.... more
Those who are familiar with Clare W. Graves’ work, know him as the academic behind a more popular conception known as Spiral Dynamics. The theory and the book with the same name were introduced to the world by Don E. Beck, PhD and... more
We investigate and describe the application of action logics, and through this integral theory, to help understand sustainability challenges. Transformational global sustainability shifts are in our individual and collective self-interest... more
Resumo do livro Dinâmica da Espiral
Spiral Dynamics opened new perspectives in both theoretical psychology and applied fields like industrial psychology and psychology of peace. However there are some deficiencies in the approach that demand to be addressed for further... more
This work consists of a preliminary look at the relationship between Phi and the spiral scaling structures that that can be seen in DNA and the cosmos. It is pointed out that fractals have a built in structural self similarity as part of... more
Building on a discourse-theoretical reading of securitization theory, this article theorizes and examines how two political entities can become locked in a negative spiral of identification that may lead to a violent confrontation.... more
Do you hear the words of T.S. Elliot echoing? Is humanity reaching another full circle and can we say … in the end, we arrive back at the beginning, and know the place for the first time ? Cheryl Hunt (1999:229) also refers to the need to... more
Varieties of conspiracy theory -- identifying the blameworthy? Recognition of prospiracy or inspiracy theory Varieties of inspiracy theory -- identifying the praiseworthy? Tolerance and freedom of opinion: the unrealistic nature of human... more
This paper explores the role of worldview, consciousness, and epistemology as it relates to significant aspects of Christian faith. This will be done through the lens of different models and theories; namely, the model of Spiral Dynamics... more
In his contribution to the book: «Innovative Development: Emerging Worldviews and Systems Change.» (Tom Christensen, Editor) the author focuses on field-tested applications and tools based on Graves Value System/Spiraldynamics in the... more
Narcissism is of such epidemic proportions that it was actually considered (http://www.npr.org/2010/12/11/131991083/it-s-all-about-me-but-is-narcissism-a-disorder) for elimination as a diagnostic category in the DSM V. [1] Simply put,... more
Building on a discourse-theoretical reading of securitization theory, this article theorizes and examines how two political entities can become locked in a negative spiral of identification that may lead to a violent confrontation.... more
Truly progressive thinking is not some particular set of sociopolitical beliefs-however benevolent and avantgarde they may seem-limited to a specific locality and temporality, a particular party of thought. Truly progressive mind is... more
How can Spiral Dynamics practitioners, consultants and facilitators of societal change work best to bring into being the organisations of the future? What is called for by the times we are in and the conditions that we and our... more
The Meshworking approach is designed to develop effective multi-stakeholder cooperation, in which systemic solutions are created to complex issues. Meshworking is a relatively new methodology. It is robust but also a work in progress and... more
In this paper we have tried to deduce the possible origin of particle and evolution of their intrinsic properties through spiral dynamics. We consider some of the observations which include exponential mass function of particles... more
As a relat ive newcomer t o t he world of int egral, t his was my f irst IT C. It was wit h bot h excit ement and ret icence t hat I vent ured int o t he dense int egral sea in Burlingame. Sessions led by seasoned t hought leaders, as... more
psychology Since the appearance of Abraham Maslow’s needs hierarchy in the 1950s, devel-opmental theories have played an important role in understanding the forms and directions of human growth and development. The applications of such... more