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      Sculptural StudiesGreek SculptureMichelangelo BuonarrotiAncient Rome
Since its discovery in Rome in 1506, the Laocoön has been the most famous of all statues from antiquity. We would not have known who its creators were, however, if Pliny had not given us their names: they were the same three artists from... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureHellenistic Literature
Eleanor Antin's complex and extravagant photographies merge archaeology with modern western history of art in a unique and fascinating way.
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      ArchaeologyPhotographyDigital PhotographyPompeii (Archaeology)
We exploit a very accurate electronic solar compass used for the first time in archaeology, to measure the orientation of structures at the Tiberius' Cave, which is adjacent to the Villa of the Roman emperor Tiberius located nearby the... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistory of AstronomyAlignment
In September 2014 the University of Milan, under the direction of Prof. Fabrizio Slavazzi and in collaboration with the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage of Lazio, conducted new excavations on the site of Sperlonga (LT). The... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaRoman domestic spaceSigillata Africana
Each year over seven billion people across the world are drawn to see the latest feature films at the cinema. This episode reveals how the most powerful storytelling medium ever created exploits visual techniques invented by artists in... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
This article suggests an alternative to the common formal approach to Roman gardens. Traditional research has considered how the gardens were laid out and how they were planted, more important than which functions they filled. Here... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
The marble statuette NM 3913 of unknown provenance is the well known sea monster Skylla, as she is represented in ancient Greek art from the late 5th century BC to the Roman Imperial period. The statuette is a mixed creature part-woman... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythologyHomer
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient ArtAncient Greek and Roman ArtHellenistic Greece
Ancient Roman triclinium grottoes and nymphaea can be found within residences from large scale villas to moderately sized urban houses. Though the viewer's experience varied depending on the setting, the goal was always the same: to... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Virtual Art & Virtual RealityPompeiiVirtual Reality
Una ricostruzione storica nelle terre del basso Lazio, che ricostruisce gli avvicendamenti storici dall'età Preistorica fino all'avvento dei Longobardi. Uno studio completo che trova molti approfondimenti nei miti di tradizione classica e... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryArcheologiaPreistoria e protostoria
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      Roman SculptureHellenistic SculptureLaocoonSperlonga
Photos and figures to supplement the paper “High-accuracy orientation survey in the Tiberius’ Cave near Sperlonga” published in the Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 55 (2022)
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      ArchaeoastronomyArchitecture and power, Roman imperial villas, Hadrianic architectureRoman SculptureArcheoastronomy
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyRoman ArchitectureVillae Maritimae
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      Maritime ArchaeologyRoman VillaeVillae MaritimaeSperlonga
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionArchaeology3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Roman
The roman emperor villas hide special, spectacular – and now almost lost – spaces dedicated to the presentation of epical and legendary events. The whole research is based on accurate digital survey of the architectures and of the... more
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      ArchaeologyTiberius (Emperor)Sperlonga
In occasione dei 60 anni dal rinvenimento delle sculture di soggetto omerico nella grotta di Tiberio a Sperlonga  un articolo pubblicato nella Rivista della FAO
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaScillaTiberius (Emperor)