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      Critical TheoryBuckminster FullerEcocriticismFrankfurt School
Terminological preamble regarding tone-of-voice Recognized importance of tone-of-voice in a variety of contexts Recognition of the variety of tones-of-voice Confrontation of human values and checklists of tones-of-voice Tone-of-voice... more
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      MusicologyHuman ValuesConceptual MetaphorSymbolism
Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeMiddle East StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Richard Buckminster Fuller, Manuale Operativo per Nave Spaziale Terra, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2018-ISBN 9788842824725 R. Buckminster Fuller, eclettico genio statunitense, affda a questo Manuale operativo per Nave Spaziale Terra decenni di... more
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      Earth SciencesDesignSocial SciencesClimate Change
The last frontiers of the natural world are gone while species of plants and animals are disappearing. Our civilisation has been growing exponentially over the last century. The most visible side effect of that is the creation of a... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSustainable DevelopmentEcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Speculative LiteratureContemporary ArtScience FictionExperimental Design
This paper examines emerging artistic engagements with scientific research on space, cultures of exploration and life in extreme environments, with a focus on Antarctica. Beginning with a case study of the first Antarctic Biennale (March... more
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      Visual ArtsSpaceship EarthExtreme EnvironmentsTransdisciplinary Methods
Paper given at the 8th Biennial EASLCE Conference, University of Würzburg, 2018
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesEarth Sciences
Kark, R. (2016). Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Mars: Gender Dynamics at the Mars One Project. In K. Norbert, J. R. Kass, & R. Kass (Eds.). Mars One: Humanity's Next Great Adventure: Inside the First Human Settlement on Mars, pp.... more
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      Space SciencesSex and GenderLeadershipGender
Aidan Power I Delia Gonzalez de Reufels I Rasmus Greinerl Winfried Pauleit I Kommunalkino Bremen e.V. (Hg.) Die Zukunft ist jetzt Science-Fiction-Kino als audio-visueller Entwurf von Geschichte(n), Räumen und Klängen CITY.46 /... more
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      Climate ChangeFilm StudiesScience FictionSpaceship Earth
Abbattuta l’ultima frontiera, quella del cielo, il colonialismo spaziale in letteratura si carica di aspettative, di dubbi e di speranze. Da Tommaso Landolfi (Cancroregina, 1950) passando per Primo Levi (La terra vista da lontano) e... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterature And ScienceContemporary LiteraturePhenomenology of Space and Place