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The first and only publication on Armenian film poster art, this catalogue presents all of the surviving and known examples and includes an extensive essay about the subject by curator and art historian Vigen Galstyan. The publication... more
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      Armenian StudiesGraphic DesignPoster ArtArmenian Art
Esta investigación tiene como propósito analizar la potencialidad revolucionaria que José Carlos Mariátegui reconoció en el cine realista vanguardista de la Rusia Soviética y en el cine realista de Charles Chaplin entre 1919 y 1929, al... more
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      Cultural StudiesPost-MarxismMarxism (Political Science)Literatura Latinoamericana
Mexico (University of Chicago Press, 2008). She is currently working on a new project, an international history of political modernism and film theory. Abstract: This essay considers the history of Soviet Indian coproductions focusing on... more
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      Indian CinemaTransnational Film/mediaSoviet CinemaFilm Coproductions
The essay tries to identify the changing socio-cultural paradigms and political imperatives in Soviet Armenia, through the examination of the new modernist aesthetic language, which emerged in Armenian cinema during the 1960s.
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      Late ModernityPoetics of CinemaArmenian CinemaSoviet Cinema
Comentario de la película soviética para el número 91-92 de la revista Ábaco, consagrado al aniversario de la Revolución de octubre
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      Soviet HistoryMarxismSoviet Cinema
First interview with Andrei Tarkovsky on July 10, 1984, in Milan, a few hours after his press conference at which he announced that he would never return to the USSR. In the interview he talks inter alia about his relationship with... more
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      CinemaTarkovskyAndrei TarkovskyCinema of the Soviet Union
Nacido en Tiblisi (Georgia) en 1925 y diplomado en el VGIK de Moscú, Marlén Jutsiev es director de cine, guionista, actor, profesor y protagonista destacado de la Nueva Ola Soviética de los años cincuenta y sesenta. Su película La puerta... more
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    • Soviet Cinema
The paper researches the contribution of the first women working in the cinema of the Central Asian region in the late 1920-1930s, to trace their interpretation of the problem of the emancipation of the... more
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      Film StudiesCentral Asia (History)Central Eurasian StudiesCinema
Кристина Танис, Европейский Университет в Санкт-Петербурге Послевоенная система кинопроката, трофейное кино и «советская общественность» В 1948 году в СССР вышел трофейный фильм «Жизнь Рембрандта» («Rembrandt», Hans Steinhoff, 1942) 1 . В... more
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      Modes of PerceptionSoviet CinemaTrophy Films
Colección Signo e imagen/Cineastas. Ed. Cátedra, Madrid, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-376-2666-6 408 páginas. · Ficha de la editorial: Quizá Andrei Tarkovski haya sido uno de los últimos... more
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      Andrei TarkovskyRussian CinemaSolarisAndrei Tarkovski
This essay outlines the development of technological and material base that stimulated and shaped the development of Soviet amateur film culture, and highlights the impact of planned economy on this process. It focuses on two periods: the... more
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      Amateur FilmHistory of Russian and Soviet CinemaMedia InfrastructureNontheatrical Film
This chapter examines how the Arctic was figured as a porous sheet of ice separating the East and West Blocs during the Cold War and held a privileged position in Hollywood and Soviet filmmaking from the 1950s to the 1980s. Stenport’s... more
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      Cold War and CultureCold WarScience Fiction FilmDocumentary Film
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      Cold WarTarkovskyKubrickRussian Cosmism
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      Film StudiesFilm Music And SoundJapanese CinemaFilm History
Brutalist architecture prevailed in post-war England in the 1950s and spread, during the 1960s and 1970s, to Asia, North America and the Soviet bloc. This radical architectural style - predominantly made of concrete - soon reshaped... more
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      Cinema of the Soviet UnionBrutalismSoviet CinemaSoviet Architecture
The aim of the article is to establish the meaning-making function of signs that refer to the work and biography of Vladimir Vysotsky in building axiological and aesthetic conflict, which is the axis of the plot of Alexander Stefanovich’s... more
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      AestheticsRussian cultureRussian CinemaRussian Bard Poetry
The paper is based on the visual and sociological interpretation of the specific element of the Soviet everyday life within the period from 1950s till 1980s. From the very beginning, clothing styles and images were used by Communist... more
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      Popular CultureCinemaDress and identitySocial Inequality
The Georgian legend about a youth bricked up alive in the wall of Suram Fortress inspired many writers and film makers before Sergei Parajanov. In his cinematic rendering of this legend, Parajanov uses the camera as a paintbrush. The... more
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    • Soviet Cinema
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      Nazi CinemaCinema of the Soviet UnionRussian and Soviet filmStalinist Cinema, Great Terror, Soviet Ideology
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      Sound studiesCulture in the Soviet UnionSoviet Cinema
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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Walter Benjamin
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      Cultural StudiesSoviet Visual CultureCulture in the Soviet UnionStalinist Cinema, Great Terror, Soviet Ideology
A version of my essay for the East European Film Bulletin. The published article can be found under this link:
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      History of Russian and Soviet CinemaSoviet and Post Soviet CinemaSoviet CinemaKira Muratova
Stalin's commonly known taste for Grigori Aleksandrov’s film „Volga-Volga”(1938) provides one with the ability to consider the movie as a very special unit of Stalinist cultural discourse since it had the highest possible informal... more
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      Cultural SemioticsSoviet Visual CultureSocialist RealismGrigorii Aleksandrov
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      Cultural HistoryVisual propagandaArtSwiss History
uc qul pur ere recupere se partage actuellement entre: -un fonds Ehrler aux Archives d;Etat de Genève. constitué d,une partie des archives évoquées supra, il concerne aussi bien les domaines politiques, artistiques que scolaires. ce fonds... more
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      Cultural HistoryVisual propagandaSwiss HistoryCensorship (History)
*Junior Yr Undergrad* The issue of “fatherlessness” has been a legitimate epidemic in Europe after the massive loss of male lives in World War II. The impact of this ‘fatherlessness’ on the family unit has been a recurring theme in many... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheorySigmund FreudFilm History
The Soviet cinematographic culture of perestroika refl ected the social and political processes of the time, as well as the Russian culture of 1986-1990 period. The movies of the time showed journalistic qualities, in particular in the... more
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      Russian cultureRussian CinemaPerestroikaPerestroika Film
[Language: Italian]
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      DesireStalin and StalinismObjectsCinema of the Soviet Union
1932 kam es um einen der letzten sowjetischen Filme, die in Österreich noch ins Kino kamen, zu einem Eklat mit gerichtlichen Folgen: Der Film, Dziga Vertovs spektakulärer erster Tonfilm ENTUZIAZM (SIMFONIJA DONBASSA), war nur einen Tag... more
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      Dziga VertovAustrofaschismusSowjetunionSoviet Cinema
AK-47: Kalashnikov (2020) is a biographical film about Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov (1919–2013), the inventor and designer of the AK-47 automatic rifle. This Russian film, released in February of last year, follows the young... more
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      Post-Soviet StudiesSoviet Union (History)Anti-Colonial MovementsGunpowder Artillery History and Development
Saggio sul cinema di Dziga Vertov e la sua fecondità teorica e filosofica.
An essay on Dziga Vertov's cinema and its theoretical and philosophical fertility.
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      Film StudiesCinema of the Soviet UnionHistory of Russian and Soviet CinemaHistory of Cinema
Between the 1930s and the 1960s, much emphasis was put in the Soviet Union on the technological development of the country. One of the latest wonders of technology was the tractor, which harvested crops efficiently and rapidly. This... more
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      MasculinityEroticismCinema of the Soviet Unionмаскулинность
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      Theatre StudiesTheatreAndrei TarkovskiKatie Mitchell
“Eisenstein: A Short Biography,” in The Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism: An Introductory Reader. Edited by Dennis G. Ioffe and Frederick H. White. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012: 408-20.
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      Film StudiesSilent FilmRussian Film20th century Avant-Garde
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      Thaw-era Soviet UnionAffect (Cultural Theory)HeteronormativityHaptic Visuality
What is freedom of speech for a man who does not know how to write, who does not know how to read? why Africans studied cinema not in Western countries, but in Soviet Moscow? the present study is -in connection to the Soviets- the story... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesLatin American StudiesComparative Literature
Published in Sight & Sound, vol. 31, issue 1, winter 2020-21, p. 153.
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      CinemaFolk and Fairy TalesCinema of the Soviet UnionFairy tales
in: taz – Die Tageszeitung 9.5.2019
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      Cinema of the Soviet UnionSoviet Cinema
in: taz – Die Tageszeitung 17.1.2018
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      Cinema of the Soviet UnionSoviet and Post Soviet CinemaSoviet Cinema
in: taz - Die Tageszeitung, 16.11.2017
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      Cinema of the Soviet UnionSoviet Cinema
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-9028-732-3. Tesis doctoral (edición digital). Disponible en:
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      Spanish LiteratureTranslation StudiesSpanish Civil WarSpanish Republican Exile
This issue contains reviews of Who Killed Jessie, World Traveler, and The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
Julian Graffy, Chapaev, I.B. Tauris: London, 2009; x + 134 pp., 15 illus.; 9781850439875, £12.99 (pbk) The mandate of the KINOfiles Film Companion series released by I.B. Tauris is to provide authoritative, approachable studies of the... more
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      Soviet FilmCinema of the Soviet UnionHistory of Russian and Soviet CinemaSoviet Cinema
First interview with Andrei Tarkovsky on July 10, 1984, in Milan, a few hours after his press conference at which he announced that he would never return to the USSR. In the interview he talks inter alia about his relationship with... more
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      CinemaTarkovskyAndrei TarkovskyCinema of the Soviet Union