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Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg, 1971) is a film about transitions: movement between childhood and adulthood, country and city, pre-modernity and modernity. My analysis of Roeg’s classic is part of a study of the genre of environmental film:... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMedia Studies
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      Multidisciplinary ResearchSocial and nature relationship
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      Environmental SociologyEnvironmental GeographyCyborg TheoryEnvironmental Education
La forma en la que se problematiza el mundo real, se ve reflejada en los discursos sociales que existen en una sociedad. Este trabajo estudia los discursos sobre la naturaleza, el territorio y lo rural en Cuenca, Ecuador. Cuenca es la... more
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      Political EcologyEcological EconomicsSocial Construction of NatureEconomia Ecológica
Verkefnið sem hér er kynnt er hluti af forvinnu fyrir verkefnið Náttúruvernd í norðri, sem unnið er á vettvangi Samtaka sveitarfélaga og atvinnuþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra sem felur í sér að greina tækifæri og ávinning af frekari... more
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      Nature ConservationNatural and Social SciencesSocial and nature relationship
Jana Flemming arbeitet unterschiedliche Sichtweisen zwischen Gewerkschaftsakteuren beziehungsweise den von ihnen repräsentierten Beschäftigten und der Degrowth-Szene heraus und sucht nach Berührungspunkten zwischen ihnen, auch um... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of WorkEnvironmental StudiesQuality of life
This article focuses on the central part of Western Caspian territory including Southern Dagestan and a 150 kilometre coastline of the neighbouring country Azerbaijan. The main interest is given to particular ethnic groups such as... more
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      EthnolinguisticsEthnologyIslamic StudiesInternational Migration
El objetivo de este trabajo es dar cuenta de la estrategia analítica diseñada y puesta en operación en una investigación centrada en la pregunta por las transformaciones en los discursos sobre la relación sociedad-naturaleza, en el... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDispositif (Apparatus-Theory)World’s Fairs and Other ExpositionsSocial and nature relationship
Der neoliberalen Globalisierung liegen Rationalitätsmuster zugrunde, die weder neu noch liberal sind. Dies gilt für herrschaftliches Denken über Natur (als Ressource) ebenso wie für den sich verstärkenden Zugriff auf Naturgüter und die... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical ScienceSocial and nature relationship
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
The global economic crisis has profoundly changed academic institutionalized reflection upon society and economy. In this, the hegemonial neoclassical framework has come under attack by heterodox approaches. While challenges have been... more
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      MarxismEconomic CrisisWertkritikSocial and nature relationship