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El artículo pone de relieve cómo el sufrimiento social, concebido como manifestación de la opresión social y la injusticia incorporada en el individuo, posee atributos que atraviesan las distintas etapas del retorno migratorio, etapas que... more
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      TransnationalismTransnational migrationReturn MigrationMigration Theory
The purpose of this paper is to expose, and provide a possible solution to, an internal inconsistency in Axel Honneth’s critical theory of recognition. Honneth requires a way of making his claim that misrecognition causes subjective... more
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      Critical TheoryMedical SociologyIdeologyPolitics of Recognition
El mercado global farmacéutico ha provocado en la actualidad una actitud distinta frente a la enfermedad. Médicos, enfermeros y terapeutas alópatas son hoy “ofertantes”, mientras sus pacientes se han convertido en “usuarios”, consumidores... more
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      AutoethnographySociology of Mental Health & IllnessAnthropology of CapitalismMental Illness
This paper recapitulates two influential JRAI articles to discuss comparison in anthropology. Charles Lindholm's 1995 article criticized the then new, now well-established, trend in Middle East ethnography for its radical emphasis on... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyDrugs And AddictionChronic Pain
王思萌, 伊莎贝尔.顾丹 (主编), 蒙田(译) : 精神健康与心理苦痛. 社会科学的研究对象. 2021. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。ISBN 978-7-5201-8613-1.
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      PsychiatrySocial SciencesMental HealthSocial Suffering
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      AnthropologyEthnographyMigration StudiesVirtual Worlds
Annak ellenére, hogy a kritikai elméletek célja a társadalmi okokra visszavezethető szenvedés feltárása, annak határállapotai sokáig nem váltak önálló elemzés tárgyává. A társadalmi szenvedés mibenlétének és hatásának jellemzése ugyanis... more
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      Critical TheorySocial SufferingMental Disorders
Muitos trabalhos recentes acerca da violência sugerem que, quando se contempla a violência, atinge-se uma espécie de limite da capacidade de representar. Em geral apresentados sob o signo do “horror”, eles nos fazem pensar como seres... more
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      WittgensteinSocial SufferingAnthropology of Violence
This paper explores the production process behind charity appeals in the context of developing Philippines. INGO appeals have traditionally been studied through textual analyses that expose their use of shock effect techniques and... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsSocial WorkDevelopment Studies
A look on how the 2019 movie gives a wider social commentary on modern civilization, mainly through the lenses of Gnosticism and postmodernism.
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      ChristianityGnosticismHumorJacques Lacan
This article identifies that the current literature on ‘distant suffering’ lacks a nuanced account of the relationship between televised representations of suffering and the audiences that encounter these in their everyday lives.... more
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      EthicsMedia StudiesGlobalizationAudience Studies
In Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften wird oft ein Zusammenhang zwischen der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaftsform und psychischen Krankheiten postuliert. Zwar ist es epidemiologisch umstritten, ob diesem als »Burnout« oder... more
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      PsychiatryPsychotherapyPhenomenologySocial Suffering
À une époque où le bien-être constitue un enjeu central dans nos différentes sphères de vie, le travail est pourtant régulièrement présenté comme source de stress, de risques psychosociaux voire de burn-out. En prenant appui sur le... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Voluntary AssociationsFrustrationExpatriation
Résumé Menée dans les quartiers les plus défavorisés de la capitale de Zanzibar, cette recherche porte sur le compagnonnage de leurs habitants avec les esprits, ces instances aux multiples visages qui partagent les vies des humains dans... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyRitualSwahiliSpirit Possession (Anthropology)
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      Medical SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
Over the last five decades, social suffering has commanded increasing public attention in the wake of several historical processes that have changed the ways victims are perceived. The suffering exceeds individual experience. Its... more
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      ViolenceJacques LacanJusticeCompassion
This studio/seminar is an arts and art history collaboration, combining theory and praxis by integrating creative work with art theory, criticism and history. Representation of pain and human suffering has always been a vibrant subject of... more
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      EthicsVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt Theory
How can we ensure that these important voices testifying to the memory of comfort women do not remain solely figments of local history, fixed within a certain time, to be gradually forgotten with each passing generation? In reflecting on... more
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      Japanese ColonialismEast Asian StudiesCultural MemoryPolitical Theology
The rise of global health as a field of study and site of intervention has animated significant critical social science engagements. Of these, medical anthropology has arguably emerged as the ascendant in the field with its growing corpus... more
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      Medical SociologyGeographyGlobal HealthCritical Public Health
En esta investigación, analizo las retóricas y las prácticas del exceso y la moderación en el proceso de patologización de la adicción —un fenómeno que, en antropología, suele atribuirse a la medicalización/psicologización de la vida... more
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"Researchers have tried to determine and verify the effects of violent conflicts on the men- tal health of those affected by focusing on war trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other trauma-related disorders. This, in turn,... more
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      PsychiatryMedical AnthropologyMental HealthWar Studies
Esta tese reconstrói a obra de Axel Honneth desde os estudos preparatórios para a teoria da luta por reconhecimento até os desenvolvimentos mais recentes, vinculados à ideia de liberdade social. A partir da análise das insuficiências... more
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      Critical TheoryRecognitionResistance (Social)Recognition - Social Pathologies
Durante los últimos años se ha instalado en Chile un diagnóstico de malestar social que es paralelo a la utilización del lenguaje de la salud mental para expresar conflictos sociales. En este contexto, el sufrimiento psíquico (depresión,... more
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      SociologyDepressionChileMental Illness
Dans les sociétés occidentales modernes, les personnes exclues du logement de droit commun sont très minoritaires mais leur nombre a augmenté ces dernières années. Elles se retrouvent dans diverses situations d’habitat : hébergements chez... more
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      SociologyStatisticsSocial Research Methods and MethodologyPoverty
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      Critical TheoryCritical TheorySocial TheoryPierre Bourdieu
Bringing together contributions from anthropology, sociology, religious studies, and philosophy, along with ethnographic case studies from diverse settings, this volume explores how different disciplinary perspectives on the good might... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryEthicsPhilosophical Anthropology
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      Quantum TeleportationCritical ThinkingSubconscious ProcessingDesign thinking
Trauma is often seen as an event that blocks the victim's expressive capacities. It leaves people speechless, manifesting itself in various symptoms and post-traumatic disorders. Yet, it also generates a stream of narratives-textual,... more
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      TestimonySoviet HistoryTrauma StudiesMourning
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      Pauline LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalyptic EschatologyApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
United Methodist pastors often serve under attacks from bullying congregations that affect their health, performance, and confidence in their calling. It is important to explore the phenomenon of pastor bullying in comparison with and in... more
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      Human RightsResilienceWorkplace BullyingChristian Ethics
This article explores the concept of 'social suffering' and how it has been adopted within contemporary sociology as a means to profile the harms done to people in situations of adversity. A focus is brought Pierre Bourdieu's account of... more
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      Pierre BourdieuBourdieuSocial SufferingThe Weight of the World : Social Suffering In Contemporary Society
L iterary practice relates not only to the aesthetic and ideological themes of literature, but also to the production and management of emotional states that have ritual or political consequences in lived experience. One thinks of the way... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative LiteratureAnthropology
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical Sociology
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyEmotion
In recent years an extensive social gradient in cancer outcome has attracted much attention, with late diagnosis proposed as one important reason for this. Whereas earlier research has investigated health care seeking among cancer... more
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      Social Inequality (Anthropology)Social SufferingHealth Care-seeking Behaviour
O conceito de sofrimento social emergiu nas últimas décadas como um novo paradigma das ciências sociais e como lente particularmente apropriada para olhar as relações profundas entre a experiência subjetiva do mal-estar e os pro-cessos... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMigration StudiesStructural ViolenceSocial Suffering
Dialogues with the Informal City Latin America and the Caribbean. The Center for Latin American Studies y la School of Architecture. University of Miami. 2014.
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      Environmental StudiesHeavy Metal PollutionSocial Suffering
This is a draft of an article that will appear with some further revisions in American Ethnologist. Please seek permission before citing or distributing this draft, as there may be a more updated version to share.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of CultureSociology of Religion
This review traces anthropological studies of humanitarianism starting in the late 1980s, when humanitarianism began to take shape as a particular moral and political project through the formation of transnational nongovernmental... more
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      HumanitarianismRefugeesAnthropology of ethics and moralityImmigrants
The new  softcover edition is out (Jan. 2022!). See the attached flier for a discount code, 30% off till May and 50% for the rest of this month when you order directly from the publisher!
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      ReligionJewish StudiesHistory of ReligionJewish Mysticism
RESUMO A teoria crítica adorniana é seguidamente acusada de possuir um déficit normativo, isto é, de não conseguir prestar contas acerca dos critérios que utiliza para criticar a sociedade. O presente artigo busca mostrar, sobretudo por... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoTheodor W. AdornoTeoría Crítica
In this seminar, we explore children and youth as figures who can guide us into elusive dimensions of experience and knowledge. Moving beyond liberal preconceptions of childhood, we will consider children/youth as beings with access to... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophySociology of Children and ChildhoodPhilosophical Anthropology
El «sufrimiento social» y «victimación» poseen una relevancia incuestionable en el discurso público. A ello han contribuido procesos y hechos sociales de enorme impacto, desde el genocidio nazi a las violencias de Estado, las innumerables... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsSocial PsychologyVictimology
Souffrir. Endurer, supporter une chose pénible, éprouvante, un mal : Souffrir la torture, la faim.
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      Latin American StudiesNarrativeCollective ActionProtest
Violence has been shown to be a global challenge resulting in long-lasting social, medical, and mental health sequelae. In this article, we focus on massive social violence, such as war and civil war. Social suffering and mental health... more
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      PsychiatryViolenceHumanitarianismMental Health
Suffering has always posed the biggest riddle to humankind. Easy answers abound, both inside and outside humankind’s spiritual and ideological traditions, but they rather hurt than help. Perhaps suffering can be seen as a symptom of a... more
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      Philosophy of Human SufferingTheology of Suffering and EvilSocial SufferingSuffering
""In recent decades, human experience has become focus or frame for a wide variety of projects in psychological anthropology and beyond. Like 'culture,' which it arguably seeks to either qualify or displace, the concept of 'experience'... more
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      AnthropologyPsychological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyEthnography
Radical democrats highlight dramatic moments of political action that disrupt everyday habits of perception, which sustain unequal social relations. In doing so, however, we sometimes neglect how social conditions, such as precarious... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryViolenceRefugee Studies