Recent papers in Caregiving
Numerose ambivalenze, conflitti interpretativi e problemi di traduzione culturale sorgono quando si usa il concetto di care. Per l’antropologia medica, esso ha offerto la possibilità di criticare forme di riduzionismo bio-medico della... more
Resilience as a Protective Factor Against Compassion Fatigue in Trauma Therapists by Daniel P. David MSW, New York State University at Stony Brook, 2002 Abstract Many adults in the United States experience posttraumatic stress disorder... more
This article provides information on the care provided by caregivers to seniors with a long-term health condition, a disability or problems related to aging. It focuses on how the intensity and nature of the care vary depending on... more
Philosopher Nancy Fraser thinks much of the disadvantage women face in employment has to do with gender norms that structure the labor market. Also important is that many employers reward workers who relegate their care responsibilities... more
Formelartade och mer schematiska konstruktioner hos personer med demens. I: Bianchi, Marco, Håkansson, David, Melander, Björn, Pfister, Linda, Westman, Maria & Östman, Carin (red.), Svenskans beskrivning 36. Förhandlingar vid... more
This chapter looks at how attachment procedures can illuminate the hidden experience of children in high risk families, as well as the interpersonal processes of the agencies working with them.
In seeking ground-up understandings of heart health disparities facing low-income Malay women in Singapore, this paper locates their meanings of heart health. Their health narratives reveal the insidious communicative and structural... more
This study explored differential symptom endorsement on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), associated item severity ratings, and assessed the impact of item complexity on caregiver responses between two samples of family dementia... more
A family caregiver provides unpaid assistance to a family member/friend with a chronic disease, illness or disability. The caregiving process can affect a caregiver's quality of life by reducing time for themselves, for other family... more
The current state of art report aims to enquire on the actual situation in Italy by combining a literature, policy and procedure review on the following topics: migrants and refugees’ employment & unemployment rates, as well as their... more
Reder and Duncan’s well-known studies of the 1990s on fatal child abuse drew attention to how parental scripts regarding their children could dangerously distort relationships in ways that were sometimes fatal to children. This article... more
This article develops the concept of the “social body” as a metaphorical representation of hierarchical relationships in Thailand, as well as the physical embodiment of social, religious, and political structures. To do so, I trace the... more
Training courses and workshops: 1. Training courses for elderly caregivers. 2. Intensive training courses in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (for physicians and for workers in the field of caring of the elderly). 3. Geriatric training... more
Grandparents are often a key source of care provision for their grandchildren, yet they are sidelined in caregiving research and policy decisions. We conducted a global, systematic review of the literature to examine the scope and quality... more
This article describes caregivers’ perceptions of communication strategies that are useful in their care practice when assisting individuals with moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) during the completion of activities of daily... more
In this article, I examine the various meanings of Mexican and Central American migrant women's utilization of private food assistance programs. I present findings from 20 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2008 and 2011... more
Theoretically, people who have the benefits of secure social attachments should find it easier to perceive and respond to other people's suffering, compared with those who have insecure attachments. This is because compassionate reactions... more
Manuscripts on topics related to immigration, settlement, and cultural diversity in urban centres are welcome. Preference may be given to the publication of manuscripts that are the result of research projects funded through CERIS -The... more
Caregiving is usually associated with adults’ responsibilities. Official statistics and research have demonstrated, however, that many children and young people in the global North and South have substantial, regular caring... more
This article explores the significance of disability for social justice, using Nancy Fraser’s theory of justice as a guideline. The article argues that the disability perspective is essential for understanding and promoting social... more
This cross-sectional study explored associations between attachment style and caregiving patterns in 125 couples with children in the United Kingdom. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was used to model for both actor (own) and... more
Native American children have frequently been overlooked in early childhood development and education literature, though they are part of demographic with some of the highest levels of documented educational and health disparities. The... more
Empathy reflects an innate ability to perceive and be sensitive to the emotional states of others coupled with a motivation to care for their wellbeing. It has evolved in the context of parental care for offspring as well as within... more
Attachment with parents is central to a child's development. It is well established that the quality of this attachment in early childhood is a strong predictor of developmental and psychological functioning throughout the life span. One... more
An introduction to the bioarchaeology of care approach in non-specialist language.
Discusión y Conclusiones En los dos estudios de validación del cuestionario realizados en población española (De la Revilla, et al., 1991; Bellón et al., 1996) existe una total concordancia respecto a su asignación en los ítems 1, 6, 7, 8... more
Background: Although many persons with severe dementia (PWSDs) are cared for at home by their family caregivers, few studies have assessed end of life (EOL) care experiences of PWSDs. Objective: We present the protocol for the PISCES... more
This phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of 7 women caregivers, who were between the ages of 45 and 75. The research question was, “What is the lived experience of women between age 45 and 75 who feel eudaimonic purpose... more
This study examines the lived reality of women caregivers of older adults. Using a microethnographic approach and videographic data collection in the homes of five caregiver - care receiver dyads, the research provides a n ew account of... more
With the growing life expectancy for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, siblings will increasingly assume responsibility for the care of their brother or sister with intellectual and developmental disabilities.... more
First used to describe the weariness the public felt toward media portrayals of societal crises, the term compassion fatigue has been taken up by health professionals to name—along with burnout, vicarious traumatization, compassion... more
Following the seminal publications of The Weight of the World (1999) by Pierre Bourdieu and colleagues along with the edited collection of essays published under the title of Social Suffering , the concept of "social suffering" has... more