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Este ensaio debruça-se em volta das experiências e das lições aprendidas no e com o processo da organização e realização de oficinas da Universidade Popular de Movimentos Sociais, UPMS, em Moçambique e Zimbábue em 2013, 2014 e 2016... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceEmancipationSocial Protest
El texto presenta un recorrido histórico por la evolución de los conceptos de "sociedad" y "política". Desde la antigua Grecia, donde ambos términos estaban estrechamente vinculados en la polis, hasta la modernidad, donde se ha producido... more
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      Constitutional LawSocial Protest
Ana María Matute (1925-2014) es una clara representante de la literatura infantil y juvenil española. Marcada por la infancia en la casa familiar de Mansilla de la Sierra y luego por el estallido de la guerra civil española, sus primeras... more
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      HumanitiesArtAna Maria MatuteRealism
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    • Political Science
The text is an analysis of the socio-political situation in Western Pomerania during the political crisis in the Polish People's Republic at the turn of 1971. Szczecin lay in the heart of the workers' protests, however, it was the events... more
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      Political SciencePolandSocial protestsSocial Protest
Middle-class Rebellions? Precarious Employment and Social Movements in Portugal and Brazil (2011-2013) * This text centers on the demonstrations and protest movements that have emerged over the past three years, with a particular focus on... more
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      Social MovementsSocial MovementPolitical ScienceSociology of the Middle Classes
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should go to Mr H.M.L Lentsoane whose willingness to borrow me texts written before 1950, and the support he gave me is here acknowledged. Thanks should go to Prof Adrian Roscoe and Len V ewrey who edited this work. Professor Roscoe's... more
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      SociologyAutobiographyBiographyMusic and identity
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A discussion about the role of urban surfaces in developing public cultures and equitable cities
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      GraffitiSpatial JusticeUrban DesignVisual Sociology, Urban Studies, Urban Design
US student Gaza protests: five things that have been missed
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      Palestine GazaStudent Protest
Straipsnyje siekiama parodyti, kad norint suprasti bei paaiškinti dabartinius visuomeninius protestus bei judėjimus Pietų Amerikoje, būtinas naujas socialinių mokslų požiūris į juos. Taip pat norima pademonstruoti geopolitiškai įtakoto... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyMethodologySocial Movement
El ejercicio de la protesta social en Colombia no está taxativamente señalado en la Carta Política en 1991. Su utilización está protegida por los artículos constitucionales 37, 38, 39 y 56 los cuales consagran el derecho de reunión y... more
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A description of the protest by Black activist Jackie Smith over the gentrification of the Martin Luther King memorial site in Memphis, Tennessee.
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    • Social Protest
La acción callejera Un violador en tu camino (2019) impulsada por el colectivo artístico chileno LasTesis posee y despliega un potencial poético/político que radica en generar, a través de esta performance, una nueva forma de conocer para... more
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      HumanitiesPerformance ArtWomenPerformance
This study compared male adolescents in an orphanage with adolescents raised by their families in terms of psychiatric symptoms, using the Brief Symptom Inventory. Anxiety, depression, negative self, hostility, and Global Severity Index... more
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Las plataformas digitales han adquirido una enorme importancia, creando mercados y transformando formas establecidas de coordinación económica y social. Su presencia e importancia global contrasta con las limitadas capacidades de agencias... more
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Professor Qiana Whitted, Professor at the University of South Carolina, authored the book EC Comics: Race, Shock & Social Protest. New Brunswick, Camden, Newark, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 2019. It addresses what are called EC... more
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      Race and RacismComics StudiesSocial JusticeComics
Interview with Joe Kennedy, author of Summer of '77: The Last Hurrah of the Gay Activists Alliance
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      Gay and Lesbian HistoryLGBTq ActivismsLGBT HistorySocial Protest
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      Social MovementsGovernmentalityPolitical ScienceCollective Action
clave de vida, de lo que Juliana llama la vida buena? ¿Cómo no seguir planteando esas llamadas grandes preguntas, esas interrogantes mostradas a lo largo de la historia como permanentes y que se niegan a una respuesta? Esta y no otra es... more
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      SociologySocial MemoryImageImagen
Since the 1990s, Latin America has undergone important economic, social, political, and cultural transformations marked by the consolidation of neoliberal policies that swept through the region and helped define its contemporary... more
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      SociologySpanish LiteratureNarrativePolitics
To man, death has remained a timeless enemy and mystery. Through myths, cultural and religious beliefs, men ascribe the phenomenon as much conclusive postulations as possible. One of such postulations is the archetype of the... more
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      ArchetypesScapegoat TheoryIgbo CultureFranz Fanon
El derecho a la protesta social y la crítica de la violencia Ganon, Gabriel Elías I. Introducción: Entre el ejercicio de un "derecho" o la comisión de un delito Mucho se ha dicho y escrito en términos jurídicos penales y/o sociológicos... more
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Este artículo pretende demostrar que los proyectos de ley en materia de orden público que se encuentran en la Comisión de Seguridad Ciudadana y Drogas reflejan una tendencia legislativa expansionista del derecho penal en la política... more
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      Political ScienceRevista de ciencias sociales
This is a literary study which analyses poetic works produced by Zimbabwe Women Writers. It seeks to establish the position of women as far as articulation of their emancipation and empowerment is concerned. This is done in the light of... more
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Framing theory in social movements is an analytical tool for examining the symbols, slogans, and underlying messages that provide the public with a way to interpret, or frame, a movement resonant with the host culture. The questions I... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial MovementsSocial Statistics
¿Cómo se planean las políticas de Estado en México? La mayoría son creaciones instantáneas destinadas a servir las necesidades inmediatas del poder. Otras, como Economía y salud..., de Julio Frenk y colaboradores, se gestan fuera del... more
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical ScienceCentro Paraguayo de Estudios Sociologicos
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    • Art
Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı; Türkiye'nin bir batı ili örneğinde, göçün nedenlerini ve zoraki göç eden kadınların akıl sağlığını değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma, kesitsel türde olup, 1 Eylül-31 Ekim 2012 tarihleri arasında... more
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    • Medicine
Depuis la fin des années 1990, l’Afrique du Sud est le théâtre régulier de protestations, qui basculent parfois dans la violence. Elles viennent rappeler les manquements à la « vie meilleure pour tous » pourtant promise par l’African... more
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      Social MovementsPauvretéRace and identity in post-apartheid South AfricaSocial Protest
The study aims to classify port cities in Poland in terms of the development of their industrial functions and those in their immediate surroundings. Industrial plants currently operating in the vicinity of seaports were identified in the... more
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El libro coordinado por María Luisa Tarrés constituye un trabajo colectivo que integra tanto reflexiones teóncas como estudios de caso, los cuales cubren un amplio espectro regional, problemático, social y cronoló Está organizado en... more
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      HumanitiesMéxicoReseñasEstado De México
En las últimas décadas, los pueblos indígenas han ido adquiriendo mayor notoriedad en los espacios públicos por demandas que abarcan aspectos estructurales hasta otros de carácter político y/o administrativo. En el caso de Chile, estas... more
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      Political SciencePueblo mapucheCriminalizationSocial Protest
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      SociologyHumanitiesPolitical Science
Resumen Las investigaciones sobre el texto se centran en sus aspectos intrínsecos (su fonua, su contenido, etc.), olvidando que estos aspectos "intrínsecos" no aparecen hasta que algún ser humano se enfrenta con ese objeto-texto de una... more
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Este artigo examina a relação entre Estados e movimentos sociais, com o foco na criminalização dos protestos no Brasil e no México. A criminalização dos protestos é um processo polissêmico, que pode ser observado nos últimos anos nos dois... more
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      Social MovementPolitical ScienceAnthropology of Police & PolicingMovimentos sociais
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Despite high levels of disengagement in urban literacy classrooms, few teachers have seen fit to explore spoken word-the performance of poetry-as a tool to engage students in literacy. Spoken word poetry serves as a powerful means of... more
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      SociologyLiteracyPraxisCritical Pedagogy
Ficha tecnica: Director: Dra. Ruth Breeze Lugar y fecha de lectura: Universidad de Navarra, 22 junio 2017 Tribunal: Presidente: Dr. Manuel Casado-Velarde (Universidad de Navarra); Dr. Diego Contreras (Universita Pontificia de la Santa... more
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В статье рассматривается явление протеста как форма жизнедеятельности крестьян в докапиталистических классовых обществах, не находящая адекватного истолкования в популярных подходах, где делается упор на антагонистичной природе этих... more
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      Peasants' WarRussian RevolutionRebellionSocial Protest
Una tentación totalitaria revela los presupuestos ideológicos que concurren en la implantación española de las asignaturas englobadas bajo el área de Educación para la Ciudadanía. Su lectura pone de manifiesto que, lejos de constituir una... more
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      Political ScienceCentro Paraguayo de Estudios Sociologicos
Este artículo trata sobre los esfuerzos de algunos gobiernos militares por construir un Estado que responda a los intereses de la nación y no a los intereses privados de una minoría, esfuerzos que han encontrado límites en los enraizados... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesArtPolitical Science
In this essay, we explore the symbiotic relationship between literature and revolution, focusing on the dramatic gene. We have established that as two phenomena in a symbiotic relationship each one of them has the capacity to inspire, or... more
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The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent a U.S. newcomer school for adolescent English language learners lacked adequate mental health services for immigrant students. School counseling professionals at this school sought... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthImmigrationAcculturation
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      SociologyCollective MemorySocial MemoryOrality