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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Cultural History of the First World WarCalcutta \ Kolkata
On 26th September 1914, Dunshee de Abranches addressed a controversial speech at Brazilian Parliament. As he said at the occasion, he intended to ‘study the dramatic historical situation from a truly Brazilian perspective, trying to... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American StudiesContemporary HistoryBrazilian History
Borracce, gavette, panni di lana e carne in scatola, munizioni, automezzi, vanghe e piccozze. La prima guerra mondiale è stata anche uno straordinario sforzo tecnico e produttivo che ha visto impegnate officine, manifatture, grandi e... more
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Storia economicaPrima Guerra Mondiale
Given the plethora of work in the field of nationalism and ethnic conflict since 1990, a review such as this can do little more than sketch some of the scholarly juggernaut’s main lines of advance and try to provide a reasonably concise... more
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      Political TheoryNationalismPolitical ViolenceIntellectuals
E ntre 1914 y 1918 los dos presidentes que gobernaron la Argentina -el conservador Victorino de la Plaza y el radical Hipólito Yrigoyen-adoptaron la neutralidad frente a una guerra que, iniciada en territorio europeo, pronto iba a... more
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Cultural History of the First World War
Tesi di laurea che segue due direttrici, a partire dall'attentato a Francesco Ferdinando sino ad arrivare alla dichiarazione di guerra del Regno d'Italia. Nella prima parte viene seguito il ritorno nel Friuli italiano dei lavoratori... more
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      Italian StudiesContemporary HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)
Le donne italiane nella Grande Guerra. Un bilancio storiografico (1990)(1991)(1992)(1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) Matteo Ermacora  1. Introduzione. p.13 Lo studio della componente... more
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      Women's HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Women's and gender history
ABSTRACT (English) In 1919 the story of Maria Botchkareva “Yashka”, a peasant woman who grew up in the world of the Siberian frontier was published in the USA. At the outbreak of the Great War Yashka asked and obtained to join the Russian... more
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      Women's StudiesExperience of WW1 for artists and intellectualsFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)
This is a draft paper of work in progress on Jean Delville's life and work in exile in London during the Great War. Delville focussed his considerable talents in support of the War effort through his paintings, poetry and public... more
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      Art HistoryExperience of WW1 for artists and intellectualsHistory of ArtFirst World War
The reputation of John Redmond in Wexford before the Great War.
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      Irish StudiesGreat WarIrish HistoryFirst World War
Abstract: The objective of this article is to determine the effect that the First World War (1914-1918) had on the political, social and cultural spheres of Costa Rican women at the beginning of the 20th century. For this, three types of... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesLatin American StudiesGender Studies
As World War I ravaged Europe and the Ottoman military mobilized, Ottoman society sought to make sense of its involvement in the war. Officials, intellectuals, and everyday citizens struggled both to legitimize Ottoman participation and... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPropagandaOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Con l'inizio delle ostilità nel maggio del 1915 le province italiane nordorientali, teatro delle operazioni militari, furono dichiarate «zona di guerra»; questo territorio, gestito dall'autorità militare, era suddiviso in una ristretta «... more
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Trench Warfare (First World War)Cultural History of the First World War
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Italian emigration
The article outlines the history of the building which once housed the German General Command of the 5th Army Corps (German: General-Kommando des V Armee-Korps) covering the time from its erection in 1889 to the outbreak of the... more
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)History of architecturePrussian History
Esta pesquisa procura traçar um caminho para a discussão da competência crítica em informação voltada ao projeto de uma cidadania ampliada na ágora digital, percorrendo os conceitos envolvidos neste assunto. Para atingir os aspectos... more
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      Social Mobilizations (First World War)RedesRedes socialesCidadania
Organiser: Institute of History, Jagiellonian University; ZRC SAZU, Milko Kos Historical Institute Venue: Jagiellonian University, Kraków; field trip to historical sites throughout Małopolska Date: June 29 – July 1, 2022... more
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      Refugee StudiesRefugee ResettlementForced MigrationMigration Studies
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      ReligionHistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
Usually overlooked by Argentine historiography, the First World War nevertheless had a deep impact on its local contemporaries: it put foreign policy on the agenda of public discussion; polarized society; encouraged the citizens’... more
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      War StudiesFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Historia Social
The Vestry of Madona Dudu Church was an influential and rich entity that played a key role in helping and sustaining war efforts in the First World War struggle. Thanks to the founders, the vestry had a consistent wealth, including... more
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      EducationRomanian HistoryChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismSocial Activism
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageWar TheoryWar Studies
Research workshop at Institute of History, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, October 23rd–25th, 2014
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      Experience of WW1 for artists and intellectualsFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)WW1 War artists
Marginal urban areas already subject to unequal distribution of welfare facilities and socioeconomic opportunities were badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking from a spatial justice perspective, this paper looks at Milan and Rio de... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Bottom UpSpacial Justice
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryOttoman Studies
La Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo una resonancia notable en la sociedad argentina, a raíz de los arraigados vínculos históricos, culturales, económicos y demográficos que la ligaban a Europa. Los efectos de la conflagración internacional se... more
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      NationalismArgentina HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)
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      Intellectual HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Benedetto Croce
The outbreak of the First World War in August 1914 brought ethnic, cultural and political identities into conflict on the battlefields of Europe, but on the city streets of New York and Buenos Aires, despite the neutrality of the United... more
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      New York historyFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Buenos Aires
Questo non è un libro sull'Italia alla vigilia della Prima guerra mondiale, ma un'indagine su cosa la gente comune ha fatto per rimanerne fuori. Attraverso le vicende, spesso violente, occorse dall'agosto 1914 al maggio 1915 in oltre... more
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian StudiesFirst World War
Durante la Gran Guerra la neutralidad diplomática declarada por el gobierno argentino contrastó marcadamente con la aguda polarización de la sociedad en torno de los dos bandos en lucha. «Aliadófilos» y «germanófilos», como dieron en... more
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      NationalismFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Historia Argentina
In een vorig artikel belichtte ik de specifieke omstandigheden waarin jongemannen uit Groot-Beveren in het najaar van 1916 onder dwang van de Duitse militaire en burgerlijke autoriteiten werden opgevorderd om te gaan werden in... more
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      World War ISocial HistorySocial Mobilizations (First World War)Political History of Belgium
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Italian emigration
La Primera Guerra Mundial suscitó un intenso interés y un extendido activismo en la sociedad argentina, ligada a Europa por lazos históricos, económicos, demográficos y culturales. Este trabajo se propone trazar un mapeo de las... more
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      First World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)20th century Argentina
This article analyzes the role played by the images during the beginning of the Great War in one of the most modern and innovative newspaper of Buenos Aires: Crítica. The article argues that the First World War was a central topic in the... more
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      Cultural HistoryVisual propagandaCaricature (Visual Studies)Media Studies
A tanulmány megjelenési helye: Tavaszi Szél (III. kötet). Budapest, 2017. 516-527 pp. ( online elérhetőség: ) "Az elmúlt fél évtized során, nem függetlenül a 2014-ben... more
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      HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)
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      Great WarWorld War IFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)
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      Urban HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Cultural History of the First World War
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      Labour historySocial Mobilizations (First World War)Trench Warfare (First World War)
Allo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale, la mobilitazione delle masse rappresentò un compito a cui, seppur per ragioni differenti, né le forze imperiali, né le élite intellettuali nazionali dell'Impero zarista poterono sottrarsi. Simboli... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesSocial and Collective Memory
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      PropagandaPublic RelationsCultural MemoryFirst World War
Осенью 1912 г. началась Первая балканская война, в которой Сербия стремилась получить выход к Адриатическому морю. Однако притязания Белграда натолкнулись на жесткую позицию Вены, выступавшей за создание Албании в границах, ставящих крест... more
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      Serbian historyFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)Balkan Wars 1912-1913
W polskiej tradycji świątecznej można wyróżnić dwa podstawowe nurty -chłopski i szlachecki.
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      Sports HistoryGreat WarWorld War IFirst World War
In the aftermath of the First World War, violent social conflicts arose throughout Italy and caused deep fears and anxieties among wide sections of the economic and social élites. The paper aims to analyse these conflicts from the point... more
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      Italian (European History)Italian StudiesHistory Of EmotionsPolitical Violence
Kdor je obiskal prestolnico zvezne države Viktorije in drugo največje avstralsko mesto Melbourne, se gotovo spominja spo menika oziroma svetišča spomina (Shrine of Remembrance). Skozi odprtino v stro pu v tradiciji »astronomsko«... more
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      Eastern European StudiesFascismHistory of the USSRWorld War I
A 2,500-word review for H-France.
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      20th century FranceWorld War IFirst World WarSocial History
The First World War significantly impacted Latin American intellectuals’ view on the subcontinent’s role in the world. The Great War and its repercussions divided society, reinforcing and shaping a renewed nationalism and a growing... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American StudiesGreat WarLatin American History
Massive Online Open Course available on on March 16th 2015
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryGender StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Urban HistoryFirst World WarSocial Mobilizations (First World War)France
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesUrban HistoryFirst World War
( Art of Devastation is a new catalogue and research tool designed to help in the identification, cataloguing, and contextualization of the abundant and varied types of non-monetary numismatic items issued during... more
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      NumismaticsWorld War I WritingWorld War IFirst World War