Social Construction of Sex and Gender
Recent papers in Social Construction of Sex and Gender
The present article argues that despite growing rates of single living worldwide, alternative representations of the single women who do not necessarily spend their life 'waiting for the one' are regularly absent from public view. By... more
The purpose of this study is to reveal the opinions of educational administrators about the factors that arise from the glass ceiling syndrome which prevents women from becoming senior managers in educational organizations. In addition,... more
Abstract: By appropriating both medical and communication technologies, the gender- reveal party has recently emerged as a ritual performance centered on a dramatically staged disclosure of the sex of a gestating fetus. The... more
Study of the construct of masculinity has undergone substantial change since the feminist critique of gender in the 1960–70s. This review focuses on constancies and changes within empirical psychological theories and measurement because... more
Everyone is indebted to those who help them along the way, and so am I. I have had people guiding and helping me with this dissertation to whom I would like to express my deepest gratitude. First of all I would like to thank my supervisor... more
Looking over the historical emergence of the concept of “race,” critical race theorists remind us that this concept arose concurrently with the advent of European exploration as a justification and rationale for conquest and domination of... more
In my attempt to come to an understanding why so many people oppose and resist common sense firearms safety regulations, I have developed a proposition that regulations on firearms challenge the promises of a patriarchal system based on... more
Queer Archives By the nineteenth century a vast array of ethnographies such as racialization, class, sexuality, gender and criminology had become the cornerstone to the social sciences. The body became a site of social... more
"Confessions of a Frigid Man: A Philosopher’s Journey into the Hidden Layers of Men’s Sexuality" is the translation of a Japanese 2005 bestseller, "Kanjinai Otoko." Soon after the publication, this book stirred controversy over the nature... more
There is no specific trans perspective on romantic love. Trans people love and do not love, fall in love and fall out of love, just like everyone else. Trans people inhabit different sexual identities, different relationship types, and... more
This dissertation proposes to explore the ways in which the literary device of genderfuck is used to deconstruct gender and associated concepts. Particularly focusing on the limiting effects of gender on persons, real and not, who happen... more
Psychological essentialism suggests that categories are stable, fixed at birth, and based on biological factors. The present paper examined some factors that encourage gender essentialism among US college students. In two studies (Study... more
This paper aims to challenge the assumption of the law's impartiality to gender. Gendered identity is constructed and confined by social discourse, and is expressed through homogenizing binary gender norms which prescribe the... more
In this course, we survey recent work in social metaphysics within the analytic tradition, with the goal of gaining deeper insight into the ontology of the social world – conceived broadly to include facts about social objects (United... more
Bikini Beach Zombie Massacre was designed as a critique of the tensions between sex and violence in digital games. It was created as a part of the Critical Gameplay project. The project is an ongoing effort to create alternate play... more
Bikini Beach Zombie Massacre was designed as a critique of the tensions between sex and violence in digital games. It was created as a part of the Critical Gameplay project. The project is an ongoing effort to create alternate play... more
Using cases and legal precedent on transgender employment discrimination in the US-American context, this article investigates the epistemological consequences of creating a gendered legal subject. It interrogates the ways that courts... more
Heteronormativity denotes a state whereby the hetero, i.e. an individual being 'straight', is the socially accepted being - and those who display any other means of sexual attraction are seen as deviant. This essay explores the ideas of... more
Bikini Beach Zombie Massacre was designed as a critique of the tensions between sex and violence in digital games. It was created as a part of the Critical Gameplay project. The project is an ongoing effort to create alternate play... more
Contextualized studies of gender have been published, but these studies typically compare men and women in a single context. In this study, we examined men’s expectations for women across two interpersonal contexts, dating and the... more
Brenda Hernandez Rhet 250 Proff. Hille Construct of Gender Roles Men and Women or Women and Men? Which comes first? Two types of human beings or a single one? Throughout history there has been a well defined line between the two sexes,... more
This study evaluated pre-and postadjudication behavior of 220 male defendants convicted of a domestic violence-related offense using court records and police department data. Our goal was the identification of possible pre-dictors for... more
Humanist conceptions of the person evolve across history. Whereas humanism has served a pivotal role in the caregiving professions, its individualist emphasis now stands as an impediment to its future. Proposed is a relational... more
Imagine the following scenario: You are a man walking down the street wearing lipstick, heels and a skirt. People look at you -- some casting sidelong glances, others openly staring -- attempting to make sense of the “social aberration”... more
The relationship between masculinity and migration is attracting growing academic attention. However, the scope for investigation is vast, given the fact that in the existing research the gender–migration nexus has to date been largely... more
Brief Essay on Comparative Religious Gender Norms
ENGLISH tries to demonstrated , that advertisements are not only a way of selling products but they also helps construct ubiquitous models and patterns of behaviour. Until very recently, research had mainly concentrated on general issues... more
These are some un-academic, abbreviated reflections on a unique individual.
This paper explores the internet community 'The Red Pill' on the platform 'Reddit'. The Red Pill is a self-described counter movement to feminism. I want to analyze the way in which this community thinks about gender in this paper and... more
This article foregrounds Judy Grahn's commitment to social justice and chiefly considers her nine-part poems: “A Woman is Talking to Death” and “Mental.” These poems illuminate the socially constructed nature of mental illness and... more
This article describes the construction of the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI), which was designed to assess women's conformity to an array of feminine norms found in the dominant culture in the United States. In addition,... more
The present essay sets out to investigate the convoluted societal processes to which the individual is exposed from an early age in order to form and acquire their sense of identity and aims at dismantling these very processes by... more
Sex shops in England have traditionally been perceived as masculinised consumption spaces, located at the margins of both the city and the clock (in decaying urban zones, hidden from view and frequented under the cover of darkness).... more
The theory of feminism is translated into an ideological phenomenon that begins with women's demand for equal rights with men and defines women's individuality. Like any grand theory (all social theories in macro level), it exhibits... more
In Song Dynasty Figures of Longing and Desire, Lara Blanchard analyzes images of women in painting and poetry of China’s middle imperial period, focusing on works that represent female figures as preoccupied with romance. She discusses... more
(Sorry for the poor English editing - A/N) In what sense has “Gender studies” as an academic field changed since the 1970s? Starting from the influence of three critiques - namely Postmodernism, Post-structuralism and... more Obviously, I had by now known and accepted the premise that... more
In this paper we suggest that older adults undergo a misalignment between societal age norms and personal lived experience, and attempt reconciliation through discursive strategies: They rewrite how they frame chronological age as well as... more
This interdisciplinary collection crosses a variety of boundaries (social, cultural, and political) in examining a range of topics and issues, including women in the workplace and the push toward wage equity; support for working mothers... more