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Receiving of remote sensed data's signals in urban space information reception centers is usually difficult, because of complex electromagnetic situation in cities and insufficient EMC. Traditional methods for digital... more
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      ElectromagnetismRemote SensingElectromagnetic CompatibilityOptical Communication
In this paper, we combine the well-established technique of Wiener filtering with an efficient method for robust smoothing: channel smoothing. The main parameters to choose in channel smoothing are the number of channels and the averaging... more
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      Pattern RecognitionSmoothingWiener filterLower Bound
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to systematically investigate equilibrium conditions and seasonal variations of the Benguela system at a resolution of 9 km, including both the large-scale offshore flow regime and the... more
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      OceanographyModelingPhysical OceanographyDynamics
In order to measure the D structure of a number of objects a comparably new technique in computer vision exists, namely time of flight (TOF) cameras. The overall principle is rather easy and has been applied using sound or light for a... more
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      EngineeringGeographyComputer ScienceComputer Vision
The problem of predicting a future value of a time series is considered in this paper. If the series follows a stationary Markov process, this can be done by nonparametric estimation of the autoregression function. Two forecasting... more
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      Data AnalysisTime SeriesPredictionComparative Study
University of California, Davis This paper provides a data analysis and some methodological ad-vances which contribute to an ongoing scientific debate about the patterns of aging. One of the problems we address is how to estimate a hazard... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsData Analysis
The present article discusses various preprocessing techniques suitable for dealing with time series data for environmental science-related studies. The errors or noises due to electronic sensor fault, fault in the communication channel,... more
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      Environmental ScienceData ScienceMissing DataOutlier detection
Conflict cannot be avoided since it is an inevitable aspect of work teams. Conflict may be defined as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals. Conflict on teams is inevitable; however,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementLeadershipStrategic Management
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      Time SeriesSplinesSingular Spectrum AnalysisSmoothing
We present in this paper recent achievements realised on the application of strain smoothing in finite elements and propose suitable extensions to problems with discontinuities and singularities. The numerical results indicate that for 2D... more
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      EngineeringModelingLinear ElasticityMesh generation
Statistical analysis of relationships between time series of data exhibiting seasonal variation is often of great interest in environmental monitoring and assessment. The present study focused on regression models with timevarying... more
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      EnvironmetricsEnvironmental SciencesMathematical SciencesRegression
—We present a continuous time state estimation framework that unifies traditionally individual tasks of smoothing , tracking, and forecasting (STF), for a class of targets subject to smooth motion processes, e.g., the target moves with... more
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      ForecastingTarget TrackingSmoothingData Fitting
The Canny edge detector is a very popular and effective edge feature detector that is used as a pre-processing step in many computer vision algorithms. It is a multi-step detector which performs smoothing and filtering, non-maxima... more
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      Computer VisionComputational ModelingOpen SourceEdge Detection
A fingerprint classification procedure using a computer is described. It classifies the prints into one of ten defined types. The procedure is implemented using PICAP (picture array processor). The picture processing system includes a TV... more
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      Information SystemsImage ProcessingPattern RecognitionTV
A novel color image histogram equalization approach is proposed that exploits the correlation between color components and it is enhanced by a multi-level smoothing technique borrowed from statistical language engineering. Multi-level... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionStatistical AnalysisImage Quality
This study describes a methodology of recovery of the Earth's gravity field from CHAMP and GRACE satellites data in Pakistan using least squares collocation (LSC) based downward continuation technique. The CHAMP height anomalies and GRACE... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringSpaceModels
Smoothing algorithms for maneuvering target tracking with nonlinear target dynamic and measurement equations are described and investigated. Target motion is represented using a multiple model approach. Techniques based on the interacting... more
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      Motion estimationSmoothingMaximum Likelihood EstimationMap
Overcoming the resolution-LER-sensitivity trade-off is a key challenge for the development of novel resists and processes that are able to achieve the ITRS targets for future lithography nodes. Here, we describe a process that treats... more
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      Block CopolymerLithographyPolymersomesSmoothing
In spite of extensive research on fitting parametric surfaces, the published 'standard' solutions often fail, when data points are irregularly distributed over topologically irregular domains, high accuracy is required and the free... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceComputer Aided Design
We propose a new sketch parsing and beautification method that converts digitally created design sketches into beautified line drawings. Our system uses a trainable, sequential bottom-up and top-down stroke clustering method that learns... more
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      Computer GraphicsArtificial Neural NetworksGeometric modelConceptual Design
The frequency of a sinusoidal signal is a well defined quantity. However, often in practice, signals are not truly sinusoidal, or even aggregates of sinusoidal components. Nonstationary signals in particular do not lend themselves well to... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSignal AnalysisCramer Rao Lower Bound
This paper examines the use of two kinds of context to improve the results of content-based music taggers: the relationships between tags and between the clips of songs that are tagged. We show that users agree more on tags applied to... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingSupport Vector MachinesComputer Software
We are concerned with the initial-boundary problem associated to the Korteweg de Vries Kawahara perturbed by a dispersive term which appears in several fluids dynamics problems. We obtain local smoothing effects that are uniform with... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisFluid DynamicsNumerical Methods
In this paper we investigate the commonly used autoregressive filter method of adjusting appraisal-based real estate returns to correct for the perceived biases induced in the appraisal process. Since the early work by Geltner (1989),... more
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      Real EstateSmoothingIndexation
Income smoothing has become a phenomenon. It when companies report large profits, people become asked whether this is really real profit or profit that is intentionally made for a particular purpose. Departing from this, we made a study... more
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This paper promotes a novel numerical approach to static, free vibration and buckling analyses of laminated composite plates by an edge-based smoothed finite method (ES-FEM). In the present ES-FEM formulation, the system stiffness matrix... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAcoustics
The PROMETHEUS model is a spatially explicit, deterministic fire growth model, praised for being beneficial in various aspects of fire management. Our goal is to build on this success, applying statistical smoothing to alleviate some... more
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      EnvironmetricsBootstrappingEnvironmental SciencesMathematical Sciences
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-based fiber tractography holds great promise in delineating neuronal fiber tracts and, hence, providing connectivity maps of the neural networks in the human brain. An array of image-processing techniques... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical Engineering
This paper presents analyses of different methods of postprocessing lines that have resulted from the raster-to-vector conversion of black and white line drawing. Special attention was paid to the borders of connected components of maps.... more
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      Computer ScienceDrawingMethod of LinesGraphics Recognition
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      Nonparametric RegressionSmoothingKernel Regression
The problem of evaluating an averaged functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) response for repeated block design experiments was considered within a semiparametric regression model with autocorrelated residuals. We applied functional... more
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      StatisticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRITikhonov Regularization
We consider nonlinear coupled system of evolution equations, the simplest of which models a thermoelastic plate. Smoothing and decay properties of solutions are investigated as well as the local well-posedness and the global existence of... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsSmoothingGlobal existence
The Canny edge detector is a very popular and effective edge feature detector that is used as a pre-processing step in many computer vision algorithms. It is a multi-step detector which performs smoothing and filtering, non-maxima... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionComputational ModelingOpen Source
Curve-skeleton is a very useful 1D structure to abstract the geometry and topology of a 3D object. Extraction of curve-skeletons is a fundamental problem in computer graphics, visualization, image processing and computer vision.
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionComputer AnimationSegmentation
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      Kernel Density EstimationSmoothing
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      EconometricsExtreme Value TheoryEconomic analysisSpectral analysis
We study energy minimizing properties of the function u=limλj→1+uλju=limλj→1+uλj, where uλjuλj is the solution to the pλj(⋅)pλj(⋅)-Laplacian Dirichlet problem with prescribed boundary values. Here p:Ω→[1,∞) is a variable exponent and... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsEnergyPure Mathematics
Abstraet--'Endpoint error' describes the erratic behavior at the beginning and end of the computed acceleration data which is commonly observed after smoothing and differentiating raw displacement data. To evaluate endpoint error produced... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanics
Minerals have unique spectral signatures that can be used for their identification similar to a fingerprint. Although some minerals have extremely similar compositions thus comparable signatures, they can be differentiated through remote... more
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      Remote SensingGeomatic EngineeringSmoothingApplied remote sensing
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The use of principal component methods to analyze functional data is appropriate in a wide range of different settings. In studies of "functional data analysis," it has often been assumed that a sample of random functions is observed... more
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      MathematicsOperator TheoryEconometricsData Analysis
Kernel density estimation for multivariate, circular data has been formulated only when the sample space is the sphere, but theory for the torus would also be useful. For data lying on a d-dimensional torus (d ≥ 1), we discuss kernel... more
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      StatisticsBiasDecision TheoryMultivariate Analysis
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A very important aspect of virtually any kind of systematic investigation is to be able to identify whether two entities are different, and, almost equivalently, whether they are the same. We need to be sure that measurements made at... more
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There is a pressing need to develop effective techniques for structural health monitoring, so that the safety and integrity of the composite structures can be improved. The main objective of this study is to evaluate dynamics-based damage... more
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      EngineeringModelingFinite element methodStructural Health Monitoring
The Cox proportional hazards (PH) model usually assumes linearity of the covariates on the log hazard function, which may be violated because linearity cannot always be guaranteed. We propose a partially linear single-index proportional... more
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      Approximation TheoryEconometricsStatisticsData Analysis
This paper examines the use of two kinds of context to improve the results of content-based music taggers: the relationships between tags and between the clips of songs that are tagged. We show that users agree more on tags applied to... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingSupport Vector MachinesComputer Software
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsSystem Identification
We present a new class of methods for high-dimensional nonparametric regression and classification called sparse additive models (SpAM). Our methods combine ideas from sparse linear modeling and additive nonparametric regression. We... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsAlgorithmMultivariate Analysis